Minutes - 01-09-2020 Minutes Wellness Committee 1/9/2020 In attendance: Dana,Jennifer,Tina,Shasta, Meagan, Ken, Mary(HR) Missing: Brian, Kathleen Introduction of Mary Ayala (HR) Update on Wellness Safety Cooperative Project Tina reports there is an approval for baskets for PD & PW. Discussion of the items,and the groups to include. Shasta will help with ordering. Dana will get some information from Lisa Shaw about Saturday Delivery& relay to Shasta &Tina. Winter weather may be coming,so would be good to get for early next week! Recommendations for Quarterly Themes& Leads Q1: Eat Well (Ken) Chilli Cookoff(healthy chilli) February Groundhog day Healthy baskets-March Article-Dana Q2:Wellness Workshops(Tina/Getter, Meagan) Send Dana ideas for quarter titles Before end of January,think of workshops we are interested in &send to Jennifer. Gardening idea-Getter,Janet Webber is a master gardener and does presentations. Q3: Find Your Reset(Brian,Shasta) Discussed some of the prior ideas of hikes/walks,etc. Also getting inside and having some reset options in the office like chair pushups, etc. Q4: Spread Wellness(Kathleen & new hire?)There were a lot of ideas for this quarter that will need some clarifying and buffing out. Communications Prize wrap&article Q4 Jennifer will send Quarterly Topics-Dana will talk with design &communication about their workload and likelihood for quarterly/yearly flier. Issues: Vending machine doesn't have healthy options (Dana will investigate the vending machine setup) Refrigerator in city hall is full and not enough room for people to bring lunches. Dana will share the "rules"from Permit Center with leadership in City Hall.