Minutes - 11-08-2016 MINUTES WELLNESS COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 9,2016 (8:00-9:00 AM) PUBLIC WORKS—10 MIL CONFERENCE ROOM In Attendance: Sherrie,Doreen,Brady, Sandra,Jennifer Absent: Liz,Nancy,Louis, Shelly NEW MEMBER INTRODUCTION Sandra Hughes from Library replaces Alison Brady Bullinger replaces Adam from Public Works WELLNESS PROGRAM FOR 2017 • ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION OF TOPICS AND/OR PROGRAM FORMAT Review led by Sherrie of the quarterly plan. It's not too early to get things planned. Sherrie is already starting to work on items for the Wellness Fair in May. Remember that the whole team can help the planners of events & training; the planners should feel free to ask the committee or other co-workers for assistance. It continues to be important to figure out how to get training and event access to employee groups where it's harder to attend middle of the day things. That might mean training and events in different buildings at different times, or recordings of training in some way, or modified training that is held when employees are available (like the 10 min. shift change in PD, or at monthly Safety Mtgs in PW). • FINALIZE CALENDAR(BY ) Needs to be completed by the end of NOVEMBER in order to get the print work done. 1St quarter event is moving to the same day as the Groundhog Day celebration with CD (February 71h). Doreen & Louis had suggested combining with CD on that day for both the event and training. Discussion amongst the committee members present at the meeting resulted in a consensus that the training and events need to be in separate months. So the training will occur the week of January 23rd. Sandra will double check the calendar for Library& Brady will for PW. Otherwise we'll go with the last mailed out dates since there was no other feedback on that. UPDATE FROM COMMUNICATIONS TEAM Brady&Jennifer have met with Karen in communications/design. She is working on some draft logos for the group to look at that will work with both print & email communications. When they get those ready Brady&Jennifer will share the mock-ups with the committee and have a vote. One of the issues in reaching Public Works is minimal access to computers. That means we need to communicate more directly through fliers/print. Sandra confirmed this would be good with the Library as well. To get communications out in advance of the quarter, we need to have the quarter's event and activity planned before the last month of the previous quarter. So by the end of: • November for first quarter • February for 2nd quarter • May for 3rd quarter • August for 4ffi quarter Communications will talk with Nancy about getting committee dates on the citywide calendar. Sherrie brought up that she & Louis need the logo so they can get the Well Works for You site set up as well. ACTIVITIES FOR REMAINDER OF 2016 • Ideas on how to conclude the year? (I don't really recall that we came to any conclusion on this. If anyone else recalls, please comment.JC) We are going to meet in December. We talked about how frequently we need to meet. Agreed we need to meet more than once a quarter, but maybe not every month. Discussion about the Well Works for You website. We'll be able to link to it from our Inside Tigard site. RECURRING WELLNESS COMMITTEE MEETINGS • CHANGE DAY OF WEEK/WEEK OF MONTH/TIME? O DAY OF WEEK o HOUR OF DAY OTHER TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION? We had a lot of absent committee members and feel like we aren't able to make decisions well without input from everyone. We need to figure out how we keep moving forward when we can't always all make meetings. NEXT MEETING 0 WEDNESDAY,DECEMBER 7TH 8:00 PW 10MIL CONFERENCE ROOM