2.D.ii. Issue Paper City Facilities Modernization Project ask
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gCity Facilities Modernization Project
Tigard Forward 2050: The City Facilities Modernization Project(CFMP) is a key citywide initiative.
Project Description: The Need for More Modern City
The CFMP is a key initiative of the City of Tigard.The project Facilities: Crowding, Safety, and Cost
would provide services to the community with resilient,cost- to Tigard Taxpayers:
effective, and modern buildings in place of our existing aging, The City Hall complex was built in the mid-1980s,were
expensive and unsafe facilities that are stretched beyond their designed to last for 30 years, and are beyond their useful
capacity.The City has the opportunity to make responsible, and financially viable life. Over time,the City's facility staff
long-term investments that improve Tigard's long-term fiscal has seen an increase in the number of service requests and
health and develop new, modern buildings as part of our the amount of time spent maintaining the buildings. Costly
Tigard Forward 2050 plan.We're currently engaging with the maintenance, repairs,and replacement are required to keep
community about the best path for achieving those goals. them functioning.
Crowding:The City Hall is stretched beyond its capacity.
Background: When the City Hall complex was constructed in the 1980s,
In 2018,a seismic assessment was performed and City Hall, Tigard's population was 20,000 and there were 86 city
the Permit Center,and the Public Works facility were found employees.Today,Tigard's population is over 54,000 and
there are over 358 City of Tigard employees.As Tigard has
to be non-compliant with current building codes. In the event grown,the number of team members needed to provide
of an earthquake,these facilities are expected to experience services has grown significantly.While some departments
moderate to substantial damage,which would have the result gained additional space when the library moved from the
of suspending or delaying government services,including Permit Center to its current building in 2004,that move
public works response.. didn't address crowding issues for Public Works operations
In 2020,City Council received a proposal about the feasibility or the Police Department. By 2006, both departments began
of modernizing the City's facilities and gave direction to working with consultants to determine their space needs and
engage in further exploration to move the project forward. potential paths to accommodate growth. In 2018,additional
The city retained Johnson Economics to conduct an evaluation civic center planning and programming was completed for
of the business case for a facilities modernization project. most departments in the city.
Assessments have shown a need for additional space, In addition,Tigard's police station is nearly four decades old
modern,and compliant facilities.With City facilities beyond and is so severely overcrowded that it's actively impacting
capacity,and a possible funding strategy available to move our police force's ability to recruit the high quality and diverse
the planning forward, it is imperative the City act. personnel we need to keep our neighborhoods safe,and its
wiring and technology infrastructure is so out-of-date that
the department cannot reliably store large amounts of data,
like body-worn video. Due to lack of space, police officers
must conduct interviews of crime victims in public spaces,
potentially placing suspects in the vicinity of their victims.
City Facilities Modernization Project CITY OF TIGARD
The Need for More Modern City Facilities:
Crowding, Safety, and Cost to Tigard Taxpayers: (continued)
Safety:There are concerns about how well city facilities will basic maintenance, like roof repairs,for the aging facilities.
fare in a seismic event,and whether it will impact the ability of Additionally, needed system replacements,such as the Police
EMS personnel to serve the public.Tigard's police and public Department roof, HVAC systems and main sewer lines are
works personnel will be first responders in the case of an extremely expensive.
earthquake, but the buildings where they are located do not
meet state requirements for"critical and essential buildings" A Facilities Condition Assessment(FCA), completed in 2016,
that can help ensure first responders can deploy right away. identified the extent of the maintenance, repairs and system
Tigard's emergency operations center, as well as its warming replacements needed and provided an estimate of the cost
and cooling centers and summer wildfire smoke shelters,are for the work.As those cost estimates were getting outdated,
housed in a building that does not meet current earthquake a consultant was retained to update the estimates.After
safety standards. making needed adjustments,the consultant estimated it will
cost$15.6M to complete the ten-year repair and maintenance
Cost: Each year,Tigard must fund more operational and repair plan for the existing facilities(2016-26)outlined in the FCA.
costs in its budget-funds that could be invested in community These projections are especially important as we our budget
priorities like public safety,and building and maintaining forecasts show a lean revenue in the short and medium terms
city roads, parks,and sidewalks. For example, in the Fiscal that will require us to align our expenditures for the coming
Year 2023 budget,we expect to invest over$500,000 in fiscal year.
Connection to the Strategic Plan: Community Engagement
and Communications:
Tigard's strategic plan, downtown plans, and staff's review
of public benefits all support the modernization of City The city is refining a communications and public
facilities for four key reasons: engagement plan to increase the community's awareness
of the modernization project, including the need and
1. Over the long term, modernizing our facilities offers the potential solutions. It will also identify opportunities for the
lowest cost option for Tigard taxpayers and rate payers, community to shape aspects of the future project, create
and the best strategy for Tigard's long-term fiscal ways for residents to see the link between this project and
health. the City's overall goals, and to demonstrate its benefits
2. Modernization increases the likelihood that essential delivering a functional and accessible City facility for all.
and nonessential government services will be able The city will be focused on outreach and engagement to the
to continue operating through seismic and other following internal and external stakeholders:
emergency events with minimal delays and decreased
risk to the health and safety of the people working ► Incoming Mayor:Tour late November, early December
within these buildings.
► Incoming City Council:Tour late November,early
3. Modernization could free up land that Tigard taxpayers December
have already acquired, the redevelopment of which
allows for higher tax receipts, more economic stimulus ► Team members
and increases much-needed market-rate and affordable
housing in the downtown area. OP. Boards and Committees
4. Modernization could enable the city to more effectively ► Downtown stakeholders
minimize its carbon footprint most effectively. ► The broader Tigard public
This recognizes climate responsibility and energy
conservation through intentional building and site
design, as well as transportation demand management.
City Facilities Modernization Project CITY OF TIGARD
Next Steps:
The city is currently pursuing two tracks to move forward:
1. The city is exploring a range of potential sites for our
facilities, including suitability,availability,and financial
models that compare various options, including:
► Option A: Consolidate Tigard's Existing Aging Facilities
Into A New Single, Modern Building: Building a
new modern facility could more cost effective than
repairing and upgrading our current multiple buildings
through stopgap measures in our annual budget.
► Option B: Build Multiple New Modern Facilities for the
Police Department, Permit Center, City Hall, Public
Works,and our Emergency Operating Center(EOC):
The City could also build new,separate facilities for
the City departments currently housed in our single
facility downtown. However,a lack of available land in
Tigard and escalating costs could be barriers.
► Option C: Fully Modernize and Update the Existing
Building:A third option is to fully rehab and update
the existing building.
2. The city is raising awareness with the community about the
challenge and garnering input on these potential solutions.
In 2022, the city updated the current page on the City
of Tigard site that focuses on the need for a facilities
modernization project. This page will be updated regularly
as part of our broader public engagement efforts: