Gaarde Street Phase I/Walnut - Geotechnical Investigation W F-3035.01 FHA FUJITANI HILTS & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS ,wr August 30, 1999 w Century West Engineering Corporation Attn: Mr. Ron Weigel 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 400 Portland, Oregon 97232 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION GAARDE STREET—PHASE I/WALNUT TIGARD, OREGON Dear Ron: In accordance with the Subconsultant Agreement between Century West Engineering rr Corporation and Fujitani Hilts & Associates, Inc. dated June 2, 1999, we have completed a geotechnical investigation for the construction of the above referenced project. The purposes of this study were to evaluate subgrade characteristics beneath the proposed and existing roadways and to assist with the design of the project as it relates to pavement sections, foundations, and related earthwork. �r This report was prepared for your use in the design of the subject facility and should be made available to potential contractors and/or the Contractor for information on factual data only, i.e., field boring logs and samples. This report should not be used for contractual purposes as ++� a warranty of interpreted subsurface conditions such as those indicated by the formal boring logs and/or discussion of subsurface conditions contained herein. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND SITE DESCRIPTION Project Understanding - The purpose of the SW Gaarde Street improvements is to provide improved access between SW Walnut Street in the vicinity of SW 13151 Avenue and Pacific Highway to the south and east. The general location of the site is shown on the Vicinity 2255 S.W. Canyon Rd. •Portland. OR 97201 •503/223-6147•FAX 503/223-6140•E-mail FHA@digiwest.com Aw Wr Century West Engineering Corporation F-3035.01 August 30, 1999 Page 2 Map, Figure 1. Phase I of the proposed project consists of the construction of a southward extension of SW Gaarde Street from Walnut Street approximately 680 feet to the northern boundary of the Quail Hollow subdivision. Phase I also includes the reconstruction of Walnut Street adjacent to the proposed extension. Reconstruction of Walnut Street will consist of a general flattening of the roadway alignment to improve sight distance. We understand that cuts and fills will be less than 3 feet, and that retaining walls or other +� structures are not included in this project. Traffic data was provided by DKS Associates. Two intersections were studied, the first on SW Gaarde Street and SW 121" Avenue, and the other on SW Walnut Street and SW Gaarde Street. The traffic volume collected at these two intersections was during peak hour. Two-Way Average Daily Traffic (ADT) was estimated for the year 2001 for the two roads giving an ADT of 5,000 and 8,500 for SW Walnut Street and SW Gaarde Street, respectively. Site Description - SW Walnut Street runs generally east and west between SW 131" and SW .. 129`x' Avenues at an approximate elevation of 260 to 270 feet. It is our understanding that the hillcrest on Walnut Street will be cut approximately 3 feet to improve sight distance at the proposed new intersection. A driveway to a private dwelling currently exists at the approximate location of the segment between Walnut Street and the Quail Hollow subdivision. This driveway was tree-lined at the time of field explorations and slopes generally to the south at approximately 1 foot vertical per 20 feet horizontal. FIELD INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING wr Field Explorations - Explorations for this project consisted of four borings drilled at the locations shown on the Plan of Explorations, Figure 2. The borings, designated B-1 through B-4, were drilled on July 22, 1999, using a Simco 2400 solid stem auger provided by Greg VanDeHey Soil Sampling of Forest Grove, Oregon. A Fujitani Hilts & Associates, Inc., Professional Geologist was present throughout the subsurface work to collect samples and log the soil from the samples. The borings varied in depth from approximately 7 to 8 feet below the ground surface. Samples consisting of auger cuttings from the borings were also obtained for use in compaction and CBR testing, and to evaluate the uniformity of the subgrade within the project area. an Century West Engineering Corporation F-3035.01 August 30, 1999 Page 3 Samples were obtained continuously from at, or slightly below, the ground surface to the bottoms of the borings using either a standard 2-inch O.D. split-spoon sampler or a 3-inch O.D. thin-walled Shelby tube sampler. Standard Penetration testing was performed in accordance with ASTM D 1586 in conjunction with the disturbed split-spoon sampling to measure in-situ relative density and consistency. To obtain undisturbed samples, Shelby tubes were pushed in some of the borings to better define the characteristics of the in-place subgrade soils. To retain moisture, all disturbed samples were placed in airtight jars or plastic bags, and Shelby tubes were sealed at both ends. The samples were then returned to our laboratory for additional examination and testing. Summary boring logs are presented in Figures 3 through 6. Soil descriptions and interfaces on the logs are interpretive, and actual changes may be gradual. Locations of the borings as shown on Plan of Explorations, Figure 2, were determined using a cloth tape from nearby reference points. Definition of the terms used to describe the soils is presented in Table 1. Boring elevations were determined from a site survey provided by Century West Engineering Corporation. Laboratory Testing - All samples were visually examined in our laboratory to refine the field classifications, and water contents (ASTM D 2216) were determined for all applicable samples. Shelby tube samples were examined, and in-place densities (ASTM D 2937) were determined. The results of the water content and density determinations are shown on the Boring Logs, Figures 3 through 6. In addition, a Standard Proctor compaction curve (ASTM D 698) was generated and a CBR (ASTM D 1883) test performed on a combined sample considered representative of the immediate subgrade. The results of the compaction and ++■ CBR tests are presented on Figure 7. SUBSURFACE INTERPRETATION General - The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and assume the borings are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site. If, during construction, subsurface conditions different from those encountered in the exploratory borings are observed or appear to be present beneath excavation, we should be advise at once so that we may review these .. conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary. .r Century West Engineering Corporation F-3035.01 August 30, 1999 Page 4 Regional Geology - Geologic literature Madin' classifies the site area as fine-grained r. Missoula Flood deposits. The Missoula Floods were a series of catastrophic floods near the end of the last Ice Age which inundated the northern Willamette Valley, depositing sediments ranging from house-size boulders near the west end of the Columbia Gorge to clay deposits south of Salem. In the vicinity of the project area these deposits consist mainly of silt and clay. Subsurface Interpretation - In general, the borings encountered medium dense to loose brown silt classified as fine-grained Missoula Flood deposits. Boring B-1, drilled in the drainage ditch on the north side of Walnut Street approximately 200 feet east of 131" Avenue, encountered approximately 3.6 feet of loose silt fill, probably resulting from grading of that intersection, overlying native loose silt to a bottom depth of 8 feet. Boring B-2, approximately 300 feet east of the proposed intersection on the south side of the Walnut Street right-of-way, encountered medium dense silt grading loose at a depth of 6.5 feet, with a thin gravel layer slightly below 5 feet in depth, and bottomed at 8 feet. Boring B- 3, approximately 55 feet south of Walnut, encountered medium dense silt to a bottom depth of 7.1 feet. Boring B-4, approximately 400 feet south of Walnut Street, encountered medium dense silt to a bottom depth of 7.5 feet with a thin layer of gravel at 3 feet depth. The soil formations along the site are relatively uniform, but can vary locally as a result of construction and erosion. In general, the borings and bag samples show the subgrade to be silts representing flood deposits and fill derived from such deposits and having similar engineering characteristics. They are generally brown, loose to medium dense, and of ww medium to low plasticity. From the samples of subgrade soil tested in the laboratory, moisture contents varied from 7 to 37 percent, with an average of 25 percent The borings and bag samples obtained for this project indicate that the subgrade soil is relatively uniform throughout the site. For this reason a combined sample of the subgrade material was used for the CBR determination. I Madin, I.P., 1990, Earthquake-hazard Geology Maps of the Portland Metropolitan Area, Oregon, DOGAMI Open-File Report 0-90-2, 21 p., 8 maps, 1:24,000 Century West Engineering Corporation F-3035.01 August 30, 1999 Page 5 Groundwater - Groundwater was not observed in the borings. However, shallow perched groundwater or ponded surface water can occur seasonally in the fine-grained Missoula Flood deposits. GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Earthwork Operations Subgrade Preparation - Subgrade preparation prior to any filling or new pavement construction should include the stripping of sod, organic topsoil and, all existing pavement sections. For planning purposes, assume an average stripping depth of 6 inches, greater amounts of stripping may be required locally to remove tree stumps. In our opinion, the loose, organic surface soils should be removed from the site or stockpiled on-site for use in any landscape areas. We recommend that the foundations of the existing buildings be removed a minimum of 2 feet below the subgrade elevation and backfilled with structural fill as described below. We recommend that the specifications include a unit cost bid item for any over excavation. It has been our experience that the subgrade under pavements becomes saturated over time, and as a result, soft subgrade conditions should be anticipated under the paved areas even during the warm summer months of the year. The borings revealed that the subgrade material consists of loose to medium dense silt. Our recommended pavement section, presented in a following section, is based on a CBR value of 9.3 on a specimen compacted to 98.7% of the Standard Proctor Compaction Test. For this reason, we recommend that following stripping, the top 12 inches of the subgrade material be scarified, moisture conditioned (wetted or aerated) and recompacted to a minimum of 98% of the Standard Proctor Compaction test. An alternative to scarifying the top 12 inches of the subgrade is to place a woven geotextile fabric such as Amoco 2006 or equivalent and an additional 4 inches of rock to the section presented below. am Century West Engineering Corporation F-3035.01 August 30, 1999 Page 6 go Past experience has indicated that the silt that mantles the site is sensitive to moisture content. Typically, when the soils are 4 to 5% in excess of their optimum moisture content, they become weak and unstable when disturbed and remolded by construction traffic. The results of the moisture contents indicate that the average moisture was about 25%. The optimum moisture content from the Standard Proctor Compaction test was determined to be 20.7%. For this reason, we recommend that this work occur during the dry summer months. If the work is accomplished during the wet, winter months, we recommend that all construction traffic be limited to movement on granular work pads with a minimum thickness of 18 inches. We recommend that any excavation made in the fine-grained soils be performed using large hydraulic excavator (backhoes) with a smooth edged bucket in lieu of scrapers or bulldozers, to prevent softening of the subgrade soils. Also, the contractor should plan the earthwork operations such that no construction equipment, i.e., bulldozers, dump trucks, etc. traffic the fine-grained soils. This will require the placement of a granular working pad as the excavation progresses. If the subgrade is disturbed during construction, soft, disturbed soils should be overexcavated to firm soil and backfilled with granular materials. All granular fill should be placed and compacted in accordance with the Structural Fill section of this report. Excavations - Excavations, in our opinion, can be accomplished with conventional excavation equipment. Because of safety considerations and the nature of temporary excavations, the Contractor should be made responsible for maintaining safe temporary cut slopes and supports for utility trenches, etc. We recommend that the Contractor incorporate all pertinent safety codes during construction including the latest OR-OSHA revised excavation rules adopted April 9, 1990 and effective September 1, 1990. Structural Fill - On-site excavated soils that are free of organic or other deleterious material will be suitable to construct structural fills. All structural fills should extend a minimum of 2 feet beyond the pavement limits. However, fine grained soils are sensitive to moisture content and should be placed only during the dry summer months if they are properly moisture-conditioned (i.e. aerated to lower the moisture content or moistened to raise the moisture content) before or during placement. Fills should be placed in thin lifts and compacted to the required density. The thickness of the lifts will need to be determined in the field, but generally for self-propelled compactors, the lifts should not exceed about 9-inch-thick lifts as measured in a loose condition. For Century West Engineering Corporation F-3035.01 August 30, 1999 Page 7 small hand compactors, the lifts may need to be reduced to about 4-inch-thick lifts, loose measure. The size of the lifts and the number of passes of the compactor may need to be modified by the Contractor to achieve the desired results using the equipment that he has selected. All fill material should be compacted to a minimum of 98% of the Standard Proctor Compaction tests as determined by ASTM D 698. Slopes - Based on our experience, we recommend a slope of 1 vertical on 2 horizontal for both cut and fill slopes. Flatter slopes may be necessary for typical ground cover and maintenance purposes. PAVEMENT DESIGN Pavement Design Criterion The design of pavement sections were based upon average daily traffic data supplied by DKS do Associates. The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) was estimated for the year 2001. A CBR test was performed in the laboratory assigning a value of 9.3% to the subgrade soil. This value was directly converted to the Resilient Modulus (Mr) using the relationship supplied by Heukelom and Klomp (AASHTO guide, 1993) where Mr (psi) = 1,500 x CBR. This relationship gives a Resilient Modulus of 13,950 psi. Pavement sections were determined using the AASHTO 86 design which requires traffic .■ input in the form of the total number of 18-kip equivalent single axle loads (ESALs) over the design life of the pavement. The design life was assumed to be 20 years. Pavement Sections The sections resulting from our analyses are summarized in the table below. The following thickness in the tabled data for the new pavements are based on the assumption that the structure of the pavement section is similar in character to the pavement sections observed in borings B-1 through B-4. All units are English. AN aw Century West Engineering Corporation F-3035.01 August 30, 1999 Page 8 ow FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT MODULE SW GAARDE SW WALNUT MW STREET STREET Flexible Structural Design 18-kip ESALs over initial performance period 5,269,255 2,620,074 Initial Serviceability 4.2 4.2 Terminal Serviceability 2.2 2.2 Reliability Level 90% 90% Overall Standard Deviation 0.45 0.45 Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus 13,950 13,950 Calculated Design Structural Number (in) 3.49 3.13 Recommended Layers (in) Asphalt Concrete Surface, Class A 4 4 ' Aggregate Base, Crushed Stone 15 12 QUALITY CONTROL We recommend that close quality control be exercised during the preparation and construction of the subgrade, embankments and pavement surface and base sections. Fills, pavement surface and base sections should be monitored and tested by the Owner's representative. In addition, we recommend that a geotechnical engineer observe subgrade �.+ preparation. LIMITATIONS OF REPORT The analyses, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and assume the exploratory borings are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site. If, during construction, subsurface conditions different from those encountered in the exploratory borings are observed or appear to be present beneath excavations, we should be advised at once so that we may review these Am conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary. .r If there is a substantial lapse of time between the submission of this report and the start of work at the site, if conditions have changed due to natural causes of construction operations at or adjacent to the site, or if the basic project scheme is significantly modified from that a. .w Im .. Century West Engineering Corporation F-3035.01 August 30, 1999 Page 9 MW assumed, we recommend that this report be reviewed to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations considering the changed conditions and lapsed time. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered during construction and cannot be fully determined by merely taking soil samples or drilling test borings. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to attain a properly r constructed project. Therefore, some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra cost. Sincerely, FUJITANI HILTS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1'40 PApEE�,� G1 if io Aw /., By 41ARIE sG Liane M. Scull, P.E. .r Project Geotechnical Engineer EXPIRES: OD P9': ds C By l �- K. Frank Fujitani, P.E. �r. President i 0?EGON IVA Attachments: Figures 1 - 7 FhamaiI\\I project\3000'30350I\rcwe.doc wr ailll err AW Table 1. Key to Exploration Logs. Classifications of soil used in this report are based on visual-manual methods as described in ASTM D «. 2488-93. Soil descriptions will include density/consistency, moisture condition, grain size, plasticity estimates, and other details as appropriate. Soil classifications and descriptive data should not be construed to imply laboratory testing unless presented herein. dw Consistency of Fine-Grained Soils go SPT Pocket Description Blows/Ft Torvane(tsf) Penetrometer Criteria (tsf) go Very Soft <2 <0.13 <0.25 Thumb will penetrate soil more than I in.(25 mm) Soft 2 - 4 0.13 -0.25 0.25-0.50 Thumb will penetrate soil about 1 in.(25 mm) Medium Stiff 5 - 8 0.25-0.50 0.50- 1.00 l Stiff 9 - 15 0.50- 1.00 1.00-2.00 } Thumb will indent soil about 1/4 in.(6 mm) Aw VeryStiff 16 -30 1.00-2.00 2.00-4.00 Thumb will not indent soil but readily y indented with thumbnail Hard >30 >2.00 >4.00 Thumbnail will not indent soil W Relative Density of Moisture Condition Adjectives Coarse-Grained Soils Description Criteria Percent Description SPT Description tion err Blows/Ft Dry Absence of moisture,dusty, <5% Trace dry to the touch. 0 - 4 Very Loose 5- 10% Few 4 - 10 Loose Moist Damp,but no visible water. No 10 -30 Medium Dense 15-25% Little 30 -50 Dense Wet Visible free water,usually >50 Very Dense soil is below the water 30-45% Some AWtable. 50- 100% Mostly aw Plasticity Grain Size Description Criteria Description Criteria urr Non-plastic A 1/8"(3mm)thread cannot be rolled at any moisture. Fines <#200 sieve size(0.08 mm) The thread can barely be rolled and the lump cannot be Sand Fine:#200-#40 sieve size(0.4 mm) Low formed when drier than the plastic limit(PL). Medium:#40-#10 sieve size(2mm) AW Coarse:#10-#4 sieve size(5mm) Thread is easy to roll,tittle time is required to reach the Medium PL. It cannot be re-rolled after reaching the PL,and Gravel Fine:94-0;75 inch crumbles when drier than the PL. Coarse:0.75 inch-3 inches wo Takes considerable time rolling and kneading to reach PL; Cobbles 3 inches to 12 inches High can be rerolled several times after reaching PL,and can be formed w/o crumbling when drier than PL. Boulders > 12 inches rrt Dilatancy FHADescription Criteria None No change Slow Water appears slowly during shaking, Fujitani Hilts &Associates, Inc. disappears slowly or not at all when squeezed. Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Am Water appears quickly during shaking, Portland, Oregon Rapid disappears quickly when squeezed. arr pI•A6pp-I(L J! ` ( i ..r1p SIXIARt 9 W - 1 •- SN _ i�T- `e.Y. VI - rtI �1 14f, rNTrP J �I f z � AY 28 o,fQ� E\w^q1 `9rps yy � // ■ � `�y,4� � 1 N6 1 .E,�0 MINILLI r a 4 .te �In ul,y lr,rru 1 gyp' I `�� 1 ^_J'd 215 4 " PORU R B�` x w •Al 1.1 �i �CRESLEN, Sy -r y r-_. 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IT Y �`'r1'rr'm dl d ` �; g Lrxx sr~ - - sY .iGU WON D MINHIO 6 ar nT n 'Q ulx sr \ s cLrDEsw,LE \PK sp 4. r� "� sv uAE.r 9r.., r 1 _ '� xcg,_u s,��' JACK=- x I cr d,�R r r M�,L�1 T S -4 5c °tiNs / \... ♦ o su KNa �10 �y. � `� •. g' S��r�s pR; lye sw H a L r i i' A '� Iyl 0 Jl rwZ PS SN 9Ei A \ S I V r Tr L] WALNUT t aErf a l'r I ,"3 4'�° x � �a N ,p �W :� ?I •a""_` Ety *tiF r sEE Tn�H3 r. �r �rS SN WTK r P r SI 4 60ix CIR . ; yr INS Pl u ��e` % �,: f5 t Sv Srrx ela x^ 4 J SITE cr'" xL k� 9y °P FS ■ N -_Sv a V, �^ LOCATION ��5,_;' \_ q .s a �' s `d" b e _reg v run`s c s 6 C �e CRESrvl � 'QI r c `. �s=/i f .� � �\,,_ _� AR Sw_E low S�?�c41 a pQp. EDG uhclw. - *' Su CHERk astw r' HI�L+LVIY NI EIRNN R ti'S`ik TECH CENg SW GAAR9r D g Su ELROSE rx 5 g- r e, S Lirt F i `a r rux n CT l TY i r f 4 r I L mx a3 0 _I Y xA ' da n me U� �cp�e wi-/�t 1 S ale Y 'E qy $N IMEZ 5T m SY I ,t 9300 ay B" BOH I7n 1 UI.PIJ` NTAI sv PEHB K s WD �f �l`crE B00° — -' W o� aootK� sr 3s d� d "a ST xu Fly - r�Ewa r d 09uC 3r' 110000 D 11 d S4 PI B K O w iuwr m al �1 �fC}'j�/ 1 gsprx RI fie" dl t`n rar R ) 1 A 54f/ J r�l— T'/_l A 191 ca0w cr SY DEL F l rx cr Irl --I 31 G --I '�S T { ` �? U 1 Y ,l 1� \ ��.n�� Sy SY LFS'•ti v s SY, UDr tip Sr�O,aEL CL A 1 ! `IS* p,Kn. CE ; 1 \ .giwI 1-f1/l I/IA��T 1r y„9 SN HDODVIEw Sw SATTLER 'a'Y'yi ig S SW ROSS ,'k�.fV V 1 Y1 J/ F� s� Sy �l> s .R :a000 d a d slop a c b v I$!Po z ` $ SM KABLE ST '"Jx[s1 DET Gds$ v su«ERnELn J 8 a .�v If WE' gi a J Si FENIox' Dy 4 '�N jq .f`b $dr 4b YF T # 30500 SUfrERi' 0IZ LF 6 L RY HSS .�1 i2 = 'W'2p0 d Sr d yDR "p,cr dw ` r^ /',ni 6`�V '4y Y $ >�c BRE•hy,,, d H�`,8: •r�T �� Si DURHAM AsT$ a y RD SW i n; , DURHAM"!RD ;I —0 I CT •Ili i I YIYM 1 Inch - 2400 feet Gaarde St Phase iNValnut 1 Tigard. Oregon VICINITY MAP From 1998 Portland Metro am Area Thomas Guide N Au us. 1999 _- F-3035 07 j f U. SNI r 1 i> 1SJJ, . , �_ :_ I FIG 1 Ow ar WALNUT STREET ow .r. - . B-2 B-3 4' o I x air 11J ( I cn I I M M f aw a I �i I • $ � I o Am III �IB 1❑ ! \ i dW I I i I A i I I I r01 1 � 1 inch - 100 feet Gaarde St. - Phase 1/Walnut 7 Boring Number and Location Tigard, Oregon B-1 PLAN OF EXPLORATIONS Map from Century West w' arr 1 V August 1999 F-3035.01 FUJITANI HILTS&ASSOCIATES Geotechnical Consultants FIG. 2 Portland,Oregon Elev. o m Remarks Depth Depth SPT N Value .. 3 Feet Log In Samples CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIAL Feet 0 Moisture, % 263.6 0 25 50 SILT FILL, loose, mottled brown,dry grading 0 moist, medium plasticity,slow dilation, micaceous,trace fine-grained sand, 3-inch gravelly/sandy surface layer,trace roots. (Fill, probably on-site material) S-1 irr ' Q) N a 0 Dry DensityThin ASPHALT layer. - -• - S-2 = 104.0 260.0 tlrr z pcf 3.6 SILT as above, native, 1.5-inch root and increased moisture at 3.5 feet. (Missoula Flood Deposits) S-3 arr 5 Dry Density S-4 = 93.5 pcf _ _..... _ :. an S-5 255.6 8.0 Bottom of Boring, Cc repleted 7/22199 r+rr arr arlr I iMlr f ali LEGEND E Imprevious Seal (Bentonite) 0 50 100 ars _ Cement Grout ❑ Recovery, % El RQD, %= 2.0" O.D. Split Spoon Sample Random Backfill IT = 3.0" U.D. Thin-Walled Sample - Granular Backfill = Sample Not Recovered Ground Water Level on Date Shown Gaarde St - Phase //Walnut Piezometer/Inclinometer Tubing Tigard Oregon r1Ml = Grab Sample: Drill Cuttings Perforated Zone m I = Core Rock Sample ATTERBERG LIMITS LOG OF BORING B-1 2 NOTE: fes——1� Liquid Limit page 1 of 1 Q Lines between soil/rock units "-"— Natural Water Content August 1999 F-3035.D 1 Plastic Limit FUJITANI HILTS&ASSOCIATES are approximate and transition Geotechnical Consultants FIG. 3 may be gradual. -RA— Portland,Oregon l' Elev. Depth A SPT N-Value 0 CO Remarks Depth Log In Samples Fee3 264.0 CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIAL Feet 0 • Mois25e % 50 SILT, medium dense, mottled brown, dry grading 0 moist, medium plasticity, slow dilation, micaceous,trace fine-grained sand,trace roots, turf zone 4-5 inches. (Missoula Flood Deposits) - � • 1 O Dry Density S-2 _. c = 87.3 pcf 0 rr Z S-3 5 2-inch layer coarse to fine, subangular to subrounded gravel. S 4 Slightly decreased plasticity. � : err Loose, grading to low-medium plasticity by 8 feet. S-5 256.0 1 err _. .. .. 8.0 Bottom of Boring, Completed 7/22/99 err I LEGEND E Imprevious Seal (Bentonite) 0 50 100 r _ = 2.0" O.D. Split Spoon Sample Cement Grout [l Recovery, % ® RQD, % Random Backfill II = 3.0" O.D. Thin-Walled Sample Granular Backfill = Sample Not Recovered - Ground Water Leve;on Date Shown Gaarde St - Phase //Walnut Piezometer/Inclinometer Tubing Tigard, Oregon Grab Sample: Drill Cuttings ±L Perforated Zone w I = Core Rock Sample ATTERBERG LIMITS LOG OF BORING B-2 NOTE: Liquid Limit page 1 of 1 Q Lines between soil/rock units \— Natural Water Content August 1999 F-3035.01 Plastic Limit FUJITANI HILTS&ASSOCIATES are approximate and transition 3 may be gradual. �Tr/ Geotechnical PortlandFIG. 4 rrll �j�j C .5 Elev. Depth A SPT N-Value o m Remarks Depth Log In Samples .r 269.4 CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIAL Feet 0 • Mois25eFee % 50 SILT, medium dense, mottled brown,dry grading 0 moist, low-medium plasticity, quick to slightly s slow dilation, micaceous,trace fine-grained S 1 _.:...:...:...:... .:...:......:...:...:...:.. .:...:...:...:...:... sand,trace roots,turf zone 2 to 3 inches. (Missoula Flood Deposits) Ilr a`� S-2 N Grading slightly more plastic. __. c MW Z S3 do Dry Density 5 S-4 = 96.1 pcf ally S-5 262.3 7.1 Bottom of Boring, Completed 7/22/99 rru rrr rw err nrr aril I gre LEGEND E Imprevious Seal (Bentonite) 0 50 100 Z = 2.0" O.D. Split Spoon Sample Cement Grout El Recovery, % ® RQD, % Random Backfill a = 3.0" O.D. Thin-Walled Sample E Granular Backfill ■ = Sample Not Recovered - Ground Water Level on Date Shown Gaarde St - Phase //Walnut Piezometer/Inclinometer Tubing Tigard, Oregon = Grab Sample: Drill Cuttings Perforated Zone I = Core Rock Sample ATTERBERG LIMITS LOG OF BORING B-3 ° NOTE: -1-4" Liquid Limit page 1 of 1 c Lines between soil/rock units Natural Water Content August 1999 F-3035.01 Plastic Limit FUJITANI HILTS&ASSOCIATES are approximate and transition r Geotechnical Consultants F I G 5 3 may be gradual. rjJ� Portland,Oregon arm l'11 Elev. Depth Depth SPT N Value 0 o Remarks Log In Samples a.. 3 Feet CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIAL Feet • Moisture, 262.2 0 25 50 SILT, medium dense, mottled brown, dry grading 0 moist, low plasticity, quick to slightly slow dilation, micaceous, trace fine-grained sand, 0. trace roots, turf zone 2 to 4 inches. (Missoula S-1 Flood Deposits) a� `m S-2 ! n 2 to 3-inch layer of fine gravel/coarse sand. c Irl ° Z S-3 . .. _. arr 5 S-4 S-5 254.7 7.5 Bottom of Boring, Completed 7/22/99 do No arr +rr LEGEND E Imprevious Seal (Bentonite) 0 50 100 Cement Grout ❑ Recovery, % ® ROD, % Z = 2.0" O.D. Split Spoon Sample Random Backfill ]Z = 3.0" O.D. Thin-Walled Sample Granular Backfill = Sample Not Recovered - Ground Water Level on Date Shown Gaarde St - Phase //Walnut _ Piezometer/Inclinometer Tubing Tigard, Oregon silt m� = Grab Sample: Drill Cuttings Perforated Zone — — w = = Core Rock Sample ATTERBERG LIMITS LOG OF BORING B-4 ° NOTE: 1-0 ♦ice Liquid Limit page 1 of 1 Natural Water Content August 1999 F-3035.01 Lines between soil/rock units �- Plastic Limit FUJITANI prY Geotechnical HILTS s ASSOCIATES � are approximate and transition Geotechnical Consultants F�G. 6 3 may be gradual. _H_ Portland,Oregon a`r r�j 140 TEST METHOD 0 STANDARD METHOD A -4-Inch Mold ASTM D 698) Material Passing No. 4 Sieve 135 AASHTO T 99 El METHOD B- 6-Inch Mold MODIFIED Material Passing No. 4 Sieve ASTM D 1557 METHOD C -4-Inch Mold 130 AASHTO T 180 X Material Passing 3/4-Inch Sieve METHOD D - 6-Inch Mold 125 Material Passing 3/4-Inch Sieve 120 SAMPLE CLASSIFICATION SILT, brown, 13% fine- to coarse-grained sand o - 0 44- E 115 X11, U i NN CL NOTES 1 1 o Combination of auger cuttings from a B-2, B-3, and B-4 � 105 LU LEGEND Z 100 CBR= 9.3 at 98.7 % Comp. �- CBR= at % Comp. Av- CBR= at % Comp. 95 iX90 - 100% Saturation 85 @ Sp. Gr. _ - 2.80 �r 2.70 80 2.60 ar 75 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 arr WATER CONTENT- Percent Dry Weight ,. TEST RESULTS Gaarde St - Phase /i Walnut 95 Maximum Dry Density 102.5 pcf Tigard, Oregon do _ Optimum Water Content 20.7 % COMPACTION TEST Natural Water Content 15.9 % Pavement Subgrade m August 1999 F-3035.01 allrl a FUJITANI HILTS&ASSOCIATES Geotechnical Consultants FIG 7 � � Portland,Oregon go