ZIL2022-00009 M City of Tigard May 25, 2022 Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. Attn: Lauren Mayer 1141 W. Sheridan Ave., 15C Floor, Ste.A, Oklahoma City, OK 97106 Re: Zoning Inquiry Letter—ZIL2022-00009 10777 SW Cascade Ave.; 1S135BC00600 10575 SW Cascade Ave.; 1S135BB00501 Dear Lauren Mayer, These properties are in the Mixed-Use Commercial(MUC)zone.The MUC zone includes land around the Washington Square Mall and land immediately west of Highway 217.Primary uses allowed include office buildings, retail, and service uses. Also allowed are mixed-use developments and housing at densities of 50 units per acre.Larger buildings are encouraged in this area with parking under,behind, or to the sides of buildings. Adjacent properties to the north, east, and south are located within the Mixed-Use Commercial (MUC) zone and properties to the west are located within the Mixed-Use Employment-2 (MUE) zone. For more information on setbacks and development standards,please refer to Tigard Municipal Code Chapter 18.320 Industrial Zone Development Standards of the Tigard Community Development Code. For information on off-street parking regulations, refer to Tigard Municipal Code Chapter 18.410 Off-Street Parking and Loading. Additionally, attached to this letter is a zoning map that illustrates the zoning designations for the subject properties and adjacent properties. The properties do not have a Planned Development Overlay. The properties are located within the Washington Square Regional Center Plan District and are subject to the standards in Chapter 18.670. Copies of records (which may include approved plans) and a Certificate of Occupancy may be requested online at https://www.tiV-ard-or.gov/community-support/Public-records/Public-records- req,uest-form. I have attached a list of past permits in our records. Please contact Code Enforcement at (503)-718- 2581 to determine in any code violations associated with these properties need to be closed out. Without further analysis, it is uncertain whether the development complies with the current Development Code, any legal nonconforming issues exist, or whether the development has any variances, special permits/exemptions, ordinances, or conditions. Sincerely, Oj" Sean Vermilya Associate Planner 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 9 Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.639.4171 TTY Relay: 503.684.2772 0 www.tigard-or.gov