ZIL2020-00012 ■
City o,f Tigard
April 28, 2020
The Planning& Zoning Resource Company
Attn: Kelli Ratcliff
1300 South Meridian Avenue
Suite 400
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
Re: Zoning Inquiry Letter—ZIL2020-00012
16250 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road
Tigard, OR 97224
WCTM 2S113AB01201
Dear Ms. Ratcliff,
This property is in the Industrial Professional Zone (IP),which is an industrial zone.The surrounding
properties to the north, east, south, and west are all zoned IP.
The property is developed with one office building,with the following addresses:
16250, 16252, 16260, 16280, and 16290 Upper Boones Ferry Road.
To the best of our knowledge, there are no variances associated with this property.
The property does not have a Planned Development overlay and is not located in a Plan District.
Our records do not show any open or outstanding code violations related to this property.
Without further analysis, it is uncertain whether the site is in compliance with the current
Development Code or whether any legal nonconforming issues exist.
Monica Bilodeau
Associate Planner
13125 SW Hall Blvd. 9 Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.639.4171
TTY Relay: 503.684.2772 0 www.tigard-or.gov