11/17/2021 - Minutes City of Tigard Committee for Community Engagement Minutes MEETING DATE/TIME: Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 7:00 — 8:30 p.m. MEETING LOCATION: Virtual meeting held via MS Teams Present Not Present Dave Hanna, Chair Kristi Allen Dolly Specht,Vice-Chair Basil Christopher Ambre Nielsen John Chung Christine Rehse Bhushan Gupta Dacia Grayber Connie Raemaekers Shaila Kotadia Taylor Sarman Lauren Rowles Councilor Newton, Council Liaison Norma Trujillo City Team Present Nicole Hendrix, Team Liaison Kent Wyatt, Communications Manager Eduardo Ramos, Management Analyst Meeting start: 7:06 pm Welcome Dave welcomed the committee members in attendance and Nicole Hendrix as the new city team liaison. CCE members shared their favorite part of the holidays in one word. Round Room Updates Nicole shared the following updates: • An online communications platform for CCE use is possible. Microsoft Office Teams would be the only option. The city's legal team recommends adjusting bylaws to allow for this change. Nicole will follow up with Bylaws ad hoc group to review and propose changes. • January meeting will elect new chair and vice chair. If interested, email Nicole. • January hybrid meeting option will be available. No pressure to be in person. More details to come prior to meeting. If you want to be in person show your vaccination card to Nicole. 1 • The CCE Annual Report is due next month, Dec 31 2021. Nicole will send draft to Dave and Dolly for review and then to the full group for vote. Dave clarified that there will be an electronic vote to approve that. Dacia shared that this will be her last CCE meeting as she is very limited on time. She said it has been a pleasure to be on this team and will continue this connection moving forward. Dave suggested that CCE have Dacia in an ad hoc capacity on occasion when the group is action oriented. No other member updates. Subcommittee Reports Dave reminded that subcommittee themes were developed out of a brainstorming activity that Nicole facilitated in the summer,which was further discussed by CCE in September. Dave noted an inconsistency in the list of subcommittees on the agenda versus the working document. Dave asked that everyone add their name to the subcommittee document, so folks know what is expected. Nicole clarified that the agenda is incorrect, and Bylaws should be listed as Communications/Digital Engagement. Dave suggested making Bylaws an ad hoc group rather than a subcommittee. Dave listed who is currently signed up for each subcommittee and asked if anyone had a subcommittee report to give at this time. There were no updates. Dave reiterated that the subcommittees do not have a set structure by design. Each subcommittee will have a spokesperson to report back to the full committee. Online Platforms: Website, Engage Tigard, and Total Tyler 311 Dave introduced Kent Wyatt and Nicole to give an update on the website and noted the pre- meeting form that was sent out to the Committee. Kent thanked those who took time to give feedback on the new website. Kent shared his screen to show the website and highlighted some key pieces of feedback incorporated which included: • "Utility Billing" meaning is unclear, so it has been changed to "Utility Bill Pay". Kent noted this is still a work in progress as there are some nuances (for example,water and sewer make up most of a utility bill). • The most popular website feature is the Service Finder, a one-stop shop to find what you need. These are the most frequent things people are searching for. This is a good starting place to find what you need. • The Parks Finder allows people to search by park amenities, for example, parks that have horseshoe pits, the map will show which parks have that amenity. This tool is helpful to introduce people to various parks and amenities. 2 • The My Property feature is very popular. The communications team thinks this is popular because people are curious about their own property and others. This will show services provided. The team will continue to build this out. • Engage Tigard! Platform is the online engagement platform that has been refreshed. This is where folks can go to get involved in a specific project. • The mapping feature now includes items like bike maps. • Search function will recommend items to search for. Items listed are the most searched for and the team can change to help people find key items. • This Week in Tigard recaps what happens in the City each day during the week to make it easy to find information. • Calendar feature is one stop shop for all events and activities. • By the Numbers feature can summarize key information and recap some of the outreach. This will be built out over time. Kent noted the site is live. If the committee has more feedback, the team can refine. Nicole added that the team heard there is difficulty finding and navigating the various forms. The City is working on a 311 system to making forms and service request easier to find. 311 is a one-stop shop for any type of service request such as for reporting a pothole or overgrown landscaping and includes a mapping component. The system will connect with the website. Nicole suggested the committee look at their meeting packet example of a 311 system and associated request types. Nicole welcomed suggestions for request types and said there is more to come as the city is very early on in the process. Basil asked about two-way communication options for Tigard and local governments in general. Kent shared that Tigard provides a specific staff contact on our city webpages. Kent also noted that the city phone system needs improvement and there are conversations about making the system easier to navigate. Basil gave a shout out to the library for being accessible by phone. Councilor Newton gave the city communications group kudos. She referred to the communications dashboard that is sent through Council email which shows the level and types of communications the city receives. Dave recommended the By the Numbers section include context so that the numbers displayed have meaning. Kent shared that the By the Numbers is connected to our City Report Card and will provide more information. Dolly noted that the current set up does link to further information. Community Resiliency Plan — Eduardo Ramos Eduardo shared his screen showing the PowerPoint that is also attached in CCE's meeting packet. 3 Eduardo is assigned to the development of the Community Resiliency Plan which was established as a priority of City Council in April. City Council set a goal by 2035 to be carbon neutral. This will include actions like electrifying fleets and households, reviewing our energy use, and more. Throughout this process, the city will work with partners such as Portland General Electric and Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO). Eduardo shared guiding principles for the plan including centering equity and environmental justice. This will include developing a racial equity toolkit to evaluate decisions the city makes to reduce negative impacts and unintended consequences on disproportionally impacted communities. Eduardo shared a timeline for plan development with several opportunities for engagement. There will be an advisory group, community conversations, and a webinar. Schedule indicates plan is to be adopted in 2022. A member from CCE is welcomed and encouraged to be part of the advisory group. Climate Champions are middle and high school students that met to involve youth in climate work and events. Bhushan liked the timeline. Dolly thanked the group and will reach out to Eduardo about DEI and mentioned she is involved with APANO. Eduardo shared his screen to show the webpage for the Community Resiliency Plan for additional information and resources. Councilor Newton mentioned she heard a lot of folks mentioned the need for this kind of resource during her campaigning. She recommended communications share this webpage to get the word out. Eduardo asked the committee what community leaders should be involved in the advisory group or throughout the process. Basil asked what strategy we have and who should be contacted. Eduardo would be the point person. Basil mentioned the bottle drop machine at Fred Meyer and suggested that every store should have a bottle drop return station if they sell bottles. Eduardo responded that we've heard a lot about the need for recycling and composting options. Shaila suggested a climate justice group at the high school. Dacia agreed with Shaila. Dacia also mentioned Unite Oregon and Sunrise Beaverton has a dedicated staff person for climate justice work. Dacia offered her platform to reach out to these folks. Basil mentioned Natural Grocers in Tigard has a presentation and practices to share about environmentally sustainable practices. Eduardo asked what the most effective tools to engage community are. Bhushan mentioned newsletter and newspaper such as Tigard Life. Bhushan mentioned Homeowners Associations are a great resource and we need to connect with them more. Dolly seconded that HOA's are effective. She suggested Next Door or social media platforms. Dolly also mentioned county Community Planning Organizations (CPOs), DEI groups, and efforts in surrounding cities. 4 Shaila mentioned a basic need event to connect with those need. Dave mentioned "science is sound" doesn't personally contest but from third party view, maybe we should assume people feel that way. You want engagement from community but not debating climate science. Need to be careful navigate. Don't make broad assumption. Dave also noted the Community Resiliency Plan doesn't speak clearly to what we are talking about. People who would want to be involved might miss it because of the current name. Suggested billing statements to spread the word. Recommended including someone in the Advisory Group who can represent the opposition in a respectful way, so the city is prepared for taking this to the public. Eduardo asked what key messages will help us further our goals. Eduardo mentioned that a unifying message is key and create the most community support. Eduardo mentioned the current name of the plan was determined by Council. Councilor Newton isn't wedded to the name and Dave raised a good point. Councilor Newton said Council may be open to change. Dave suggested we move on to housekeeping items due to time. September minutes: Nicole confirmed quorum. Bhushan moved to approve minutes, Basil seconded the motion. No objections. Minutes are approved. Action Item Recap Dave recapped that Nicole would send out subcommittee signup sheet for committee members to add their name even if they aren't going to be on a subcommittee. Members can send Kent any website feedback and Eduardo will take additional comments on the Community Resiliency Plan. Nicole added if CCE has any 311 system feedback they can email her. She also reminded that if a committee member is interested in being Chair and Vice Chair please email her. Dave added that Nicole will send a draft of the annual report for the committee to vote on. Open Agenda Dolly asked for committee members to turn their cameras so she can see who everyone is and because we have some new members. Meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m. A few CCE members stayed on the virtual meeting to show their vaccination card to Nicole to be in person for future meetings. 5