PFI2022-00034 CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PERMIT s COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit#: PF12022-00034 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard OR 97223 503.718.2421 Date Issued: 02/08/2022Parcel: SEG811 Jurisdiction: Tigard Site address: Subdivision: Lot: Project: Ziply Fiber#5511935 Project Description: Ziply Fiber pole relocation western oaks subdivision; SEG 811 Class of Work: FEES Type 1 -Utilities(gas, electric,data) Description Date Amount Owner: Total REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Call 503-639-4175 for the IVR inspection request line or visit the City of PHONE: Tigard website at www.tigard-or.gov to schedule inspections online. Contractor: PHONE: Applicant: RUSSELL WELLS 4155 SW CEDAR HILLS BLVD BEAVERTON, OR 97005 PHONE: 5033127330 Please sign below to indicate acceptance of conditions and return a copy with the proposed work schedule along with names and contact information of responsible parties before beginning work. Permittee/Applicant Signature: See appimcafion 29 p Issued By: I&WL UMA41b Special Conditions(See Attached) Note:THIS PERMIT DOES NOT COVER WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Conditions for PF12022-00034 Type: Condition Name: Status: Severity: PFI_Utilities 01 -WORK SITE REQUIREMENTS Applied Notice Applicant must comply with all applicable provisions of federal and state law,the Tigard Municipal Code, and the terms of any agreement with the City of Tigard regarding work to be done pursuant to this permit. PFI_Utilities 02-WORK SITE AREA Applied Notice The work area and approach roads shall be maintained in a clean condition,free from obstructions and hazards. The spreading of mud or debris or storage of materials or equipment of any kind upon any public roadway is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of the permit. The City may at any time order immediate clean-up and suspension of work to accomplish clean-up. PFI_Utilities 03-WORK SITE EROSION CONTROL Applied Notice Prior to starting work, effective and approved erosion control devices must be installed and maintained meeting the Clean Water Services and DEQ requirements. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective erosion control. PFI_Utilities 04-WORK SITE REPAIRS Applied Notice Disturbed landscaped areas shall be restored or replaced. Existing signs, pavement markings, mailboxes,etc. shall be reinstalled or replaced,with like kind of material. Obtain City approval of restoration work. PFI_Utilities 05-TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS Applied Notice Applicant shall provide traffic control according to the current edition of the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices [MUTCD]for Streets and Highways", U.S. Dept. of Transportation, FHWA, current edition,American Traffic Safety Services Association [ATSSA], and Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook[OTTCH]. PFI_Utilities 06-TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Applied Notice Submit a job specific traffic control plan. A copy of the approved traffic control plan shall be readily available at the work area. Traffic control devices,flag persons, etc., shall be in place prior to initiation of construction work and shall be effectively maintained. PFI_Utilities 07-TRAFFIC CONTROL ROAD CLOSURE Applied Notice Public roadway shall not be closed to traffic, at any time,without obtaining written approval from the City Engineer. The applicant is responsible to provide 48 hour advance notice of traffic flow disruptions to affected businesses, residents and area wide Emergency Services: 503-629-0111 (Tigard Police Dept.,Tualatin Fire& Rescue)and to 503-962-8140(Tri-Met)and 503-431-2345 (Tigard School District)and other service providers impacted by such closure. PFI_Utilities 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL ADVANCE WARNING Applied Notice Advance warning of traffic disruption shall be provided to the public by placement of an approved advance notification sign at each end of the construction area 72 hours (min.) before initiation of construction work. PFI_Utilities 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL PROPERTY ACCESS Applied Notice Access to existing properties shall be maintained at all times, including normal delivery service and mail service. Obtain City approval of any access closures. PFI_Utilities 10-TRAFFIC CONTROL WORK HOURS Applied Notice Work is permitted in daylight between the hours of 7:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. Mon-Fri unless otherwise authorized by the City. PFI_Utilities 11 -TRAFFIC CONTROL LIMITED WORK HOURS Applied Notice Hours of construction work on collector and arterial roads will be limited to 9:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. Work will not be permitted on collector and arterial roads between 3:00 p.m.to 9:00 a.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. PFI_Utilities 12-TRAFFIC CONTROL MODIFICATION Applied Notice The City reserves the right to add to or modify traffic control requirements as necessary to effectively control traffic and to assure public safety. PFI_Utilities 13-DRAINAGE CONTROL Applied Notice Drainage shall be controlled within the work site and shall not adversely affect adjacent private property, public property and the receiving system. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective drainage control. PFI_Utilities 14-UTILITY NOTIFICATION Applied Notice Oregon law requires following the rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Said rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0100 through OAR 952-001-0080. Copies of said rules may be obtained from the Center by calling 503-246-1987. If you have any question about the rules,contact the Center. NOTE: Damage to utilities shall be corrected at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 15 -UTILITY LOCATION CONFLICT Applied Notice Applicant must verify all existing utilities for both vertical elevation and horizontal location prior to start of work(pothole before digging if necessary). Should conflicts arise and redesign or relocation of facilities be necessary, it shall be done at the applicant's expense. Changes must be approved by the City in advance of work.Applicant shall coordinate the work with affected utility agencies. PFI_Utilities 16-TEMPORARY PATCH Applied Notice A temporary hard-surface patch shall be placed on trenches within roadways at the end of each work shift. Obtain advance approval of patching method. No trench shall be left at any time in an un-safe condition. Applicant is responsible for and is liable for hazards or damage resulting from the prosecution of the work. PFI_Utilities 17-REPAIR OF EXISTING FACILITIES Applied Notice Work under this permit shall include repair of existing facilities (roads, ditches, etc.)as may be necessary,as determined by the Inspector,to overcome deterioration or damage which occurred in conjunction with the work authorized by the permit. Corrective work shall be done at the applicant's expense. PFI_Utilities 19-PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Applied Notice Before initiating any construction activity,the applicant shall coordinate with the City's inspector, <Insert Name>at <Insert Phone#>,to establish a preconstruction meeting. PFI_Utilities 20-NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK Applied Notice The applicant shall notify the City's Inspector twenty-four(24) hours prior to commencing work, prior to any staged inspection, and after completing work covered by the permit. Contact Ken Fisher at 503 816 6146 or kenny@tigard-or.gov PFI_Utilities 21 -PERMIT/PLAN ON SITE Applied Notice A copy of the permit including a Certificate of Insurance, and all attachments, and a copy of the approved construction plan and all amendments shall be readily available at the work area. All work shall conform to the permit terms, conditions and provisions and to the City approved permit plans, and approved plan amendments and to the City's standards and specifications and to these General Conditions. Changes to any of these must be approved by the City, in advance of work performance. PFI_Utilities 22-DAILY INSPECTION REPORTS Applied Notice Applicant shall submit daily inspection reports, on a weekly basis,to the City's Inspector. PFI_Utilities 23-MONUMENT PROTECTION Applied Notice Existing monuments, property corners, and survey markers shall be protected. Replacement shall be at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 24-VALIDATION OF MATERIAL/CONSTRUCTION Applied Notice The City's Inspector may, at his discretion, require tests and or reports from the applicant to validate claims of material or construction adequacy/compliance. Such tests/reports shall be provided at the applicant's expense. PFI_Utilities 25- EMERGENCY CONTACTS Applied Notice Provide to the City inspector, in writing,the names and 24 hour emergency telephone number of two(2)persons who have authority to resolve problems,take corrective action and, in general,will be responsible in case of any emergency. The applicant shall notify the City Inspector, in writing, of any/all assignment changes. PFI_Utilities 26- RIGHT OF ENTRY/EASEMENTS Applied Notice Applicant to obtain proper right-of-entry and/or easements prior to starting work. Proof of right-of-entry or properly executed easements,shall be provided to the City. The City shall in no way be construed to be liable for the applicant's failure to obtain or provide for proof of right-of-entry or easements. PFI_Utilities 27- PRIVATE PROPERTY AGREEMENTS Applied Notice Provide the City a copy of an executed agreement[s]from the owner for each private property disturbed by construction activity. PFI Utilities 28 -AS-BUILT DRAWING Applied Notice 1,2,3,4,5 28-AS-BUILT DRAWING One as-built drawing showing all new public improvements, including any revision made to the previously approved construction plans and,also,any improvement which may impact an existing public system or facility, shall be provided to the City by a registered civil engineer along with an engineer's certification of installation compliance(Certificate of Compliance). 1,2,3,4,5 28-AS-BUILT DRAWING One as-built drawing showing all new public improvements, including any revision made to the previously approved construction plans and,also, any improvement which may impact an existing public system or facility, shall be provided to the City by a registered civil engineer along with an engineer's certification of installation compliance (Certificate of Compliance). One as-built drawing showing all new public improvements, including any revision made to the previously approved construction plans and,also,any improvement which may impact an existing public system or facility,shall be provided to the City by a registered civil engineer along with an engineer's certification of installation compliance(Certificate of Compliance). PFI—Utilities 31 -OTHER Applied Notice Other „ City of Tigard PFI#: 2022-00034 ENGINEERING DF.P.ARTMENT Public Facilities Improvement (PFI) Permit PROJECT INFORMATION TYPE OF WORK Project mune: 51351-5511935 ❑ TYPE 1—Franchise Utiliw Work petinmedbt v�4�,PGL and/or Brief description of project: 7LPL v CLQEER onL EE REEL nreTLnnl cttilltyagence WESTON OAKS SUBDIVISION ❑ TYPE2_RONN• Sidewalk/Driveway/Sewer «'ork perforated for the purpnse of • Sidewalk inst:dlatiotr or repair. SITE INFORMATION Dmetcay approach installation and mpalr Location (address if available): 119nn sw 95TH AVE • Sanitirysewer larcralinstallation and main fate t_•tp ❑ TYPE 3—Full scalcEkieloptnent Wail perfomtcd with Lind use APPLICANT INFORMATION approval which includes am•of die foll Nam • Subdivisions ZIPLY FIBER visio sorPartitions '\Iailingaddress: 4155 SW CEDAR 1-111 I C RI VIS ' Stmettaidtadng • Mainline installation for Sanitary City/State: RFA\/FRT(')N,nR Zip: 97005 sceuer,StormsmeSTigardwaterand Tigatti Water Service Area Phone: Sn3-31 9-733n ❑ TYPC 4—Srnall Cell Teclutology Email: rtll;%Pll wellc@7iplV c�.om Phone: 5n3-312-7330 ❑ TYPEs-TtgardTriangle Contact name: Russell C Wells Phone: 503-312-7330 Email: r sell wells4ziply cpm CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ❑ Same as applicant Name: Northaky CCB Number. 208747 [ailing address: 16701 SE McGillivary Blvd Cith/State: Vancouver ,WA Zip: 986R3 Phone: '160-95e1-6920 Email: N/A ENGINEER INFORMATION Name: 4114A._ Mailing address: Cit}•/State: Zip: Phone: En-rail: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Estimated ralue of work is required (if over$5,000):$ NSA (within the public right-of-way) Is work related to a L:1.ND USE DECISION? ❑Yes [A No Case number. City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • vm-wtiprd-orgov 503-718-2421 • Page 1 of 4 APPLICANTS NOTE: Peron specified as"applicant"shall be designated"Permittee"and shall provide financial assurance for \vork,if required by the city pursuant to T9iC 1 .04.140. - A Ith die exception of a utility operating pursuant to a valid franchise or license with h the City of Tigard,when the owner and the applicant are different people,the applicant must be the purchaser of record or a lesser in possession with written authorization fmm the owner or an agent of the mt= The owner must sign this application in the space provided or submit a written authorization with tlus application. Prancldsed or Ucentsed E'alitie s are not required to obtain the owner's signature on the application. I,the applicant, certify that • To the best of my knowledge, all dhe information provided within this application package is complete and accurate. • The above request does not violate any recorded deed restrictions that mai'be attached to or imposed upon the subject property. • If the application is granted,I will exercise the rights,granted in accordance with the terms and subject to all the conditions and limitations of the approval. F44SCM C NPIUS Russell C Wells 1/31/2022 Applicanes or authorized agent's signature Print name Date Property owner's signature (if required) Print name Date .Case No.PF12022-00034 Permit fee Received by Sfl1f Dater 21312�22 Approved by K 46 5 M�'✓ Date L ZZ . Notched by R'1:: Date Z City of Tigard 13125 WHO Blvd. Tigard,Oregon 97223 Nww.eard-orgov • 503-718-2421 Page 2 of 4 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING FEES Public Facility Improvement(PFI)Permit: INITIAL PFI PERMIT FEE Part 1: Required submittal fee is 10°'o of the Net PFl Permit Fee.See below for calculations.Minimwn of$300. NET PFT PERMIT FEE Part 2: All non-,,t-ater system improvements engineer's es61 ate 17"'o/less the initial PF1 Pennit Fee). WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION FEE Part 3: Ail public%nater sysrem unprovements enguieer's estimate X 12%. )'OR STAFF I ISE,ONLY FOR STAFFUSE ONLY TYPE 1-3:DETAILED SUBMITTAL `IYPE 4: SMALL WIRELESS FACIJ,ITY REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST Does applicant have a right-of way license? O Yea :❑No TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2-Must include a sketch showing: llnderthe wireless fadlides standards.*is the ptopo�l ❑ Dimensions musidema? check all that ❑Small Cell ❑Mean .. ( . ePP� : . . `StreetName How maty install sites are proposed as part of this permit ❑ Site Address application? TYPE 3,Must ptovide 4 sets of feized 24 x 36 vbi 22 x 34) and an electronic version of all snbtnittal Thep%posed egutpmentis located on which of the 5ollowmg items The plans must that include ❑Public Bight of Xray ❑Pinata Property , 7. ❑ :Covet ,site, ranttp Abbretnahop,].egeud if egwpmentis to be located on private Property,describe the Geueral.l\otes(City;'\Tv'ater,Sewec,.etc) tYPe g rise. L3.Street(Plan Profile) {_I,\grater,Storm and Sanitary(Platy Profile) l] l��aecr Qisaiity Fatxlitiiis `Q Uraduig `,, laridscaping/TreePlan ❑ Composite Utility Plan;(Electrical,Phone,Gas,Stotin, . Sawtar%,%C'ater,Siguaee,Street I tSht�,etc) ❑ Details ,❑ T6ffic Sight D Distance ❑ $gatng and Striping ❑ Street Irgltt Plaft and Photonietac ❑ 13ngzneers seal/signature ❑ Sheet label(project land use name,revision and plan log block dates aad sheet tu,niben) ❑M. .EngincClBCAnsdUGtionFStmtatc.,;:.., �1fjllidtt)AdY$t/(7t7sitdt[Ya,' (per land use eondttions;if applicable) 1'raffc Report Q storm water Drainage Calculations D Geotechnical Report,' ❑..Preliminary Aceess Report(Sight Drstance) `Proposgd Plat !� Padtwar llesrgn 0:WaterNovxkr Approval City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 'ligard,Oregon 97' 3 tvww:tigard-or.gov 503-718-2421 Page 3 of 4 SEE ATTACHED 51351-5511935.PERMIT Edge of FOL ement I t 44 Ditch —} Streetlight I . .............rte — , I 1 � I ' T�'Pio'p'os d'Seliw'etTitie" 1 � I I It Existing House I Existing 1 FI ti Driveway di 1 QI� " 1 1 O) I � Exrhng:hop 1 J Po%mr\le I I = 1 1 o I O FopertpUne—'-""' 1 ( Firo H}M rant(FH) 4 1 I i �dlfJ� I I Scale. V=30' ] I i TYPE I 1 1 I 1 I � � E 1 T17PE 2: pp X Nottli arrow Property lines&dimensions Existing utilities locations X (sever,storm,water)Street&street names All existing structures X Proposed work Existing curb or edge of pavement Utility&street light poles Existing S/W or D/W apron Slope of property Trees City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • wnvw tignrd-orgov • 503-718-2421 • Page 4 of 4 JOINT POLE NOTE �Rtl SWG 1-PGE/COMCAST TO TRANSFER TO /eenbGT9 Rd NEW POLE-VZ TAG#32092 nburg Bitches Apartments qry TOTAL ALLOTTED HOURS A Z13ACT CAP.T"X-TIME MAINE. PEW D D D m SPLCIxm 1 Do N e 1 TBSo CONSTRUCTION NOTE Sly LwieLn n ❑FIGEHTN n BR08. p FCVERLiY MqP{ ®FIBEl.S R 1-THIS WO IS CIAC DRIVEN-CRANDALL ❑`°"°°IT°"" GROUP usrRUCITON soar IN SERVICE DALE SW p CCN811GICTIO"CMPLEIE d� 2-OITYrrIGARDPERMIT REOD WPINNTaLP 0°'5REQ°1RE° CONSTRUCTION ❑YEs allo asW Tenaela Cl JOINT TRENCH ❑DIu.A DIG 3-FLAGGING NECESSARY ON THIS JOB s PrestigeMobile [3 YES ANO QFLANGING FOLLOW ALL CITY OF TIGARD TRAFFIC SAFET Y < Auto Repair scan FED'D 0 CONTRACTING PLANS INCLUDED BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN " ❑YES NNO REp'D SAFETY ESCORT g •11900 SW 95th AVE, PERMITS Tigard,OR 97223 MUNICIPALITY CITYrnQARD 29mma,,,� ore Greenburg Oaks MUNICIPALITY CONSTRUCTION CONTACTS DPve cl ,s-„ Apartments O ELANAET REED JHORT971-343-2450 it o TCP/TRAFFIC JAMES STAATS-503-758-3119 O DETAILED (NOT FLANENT) p NO PERMIT REONIRFD SCHEDULING CONTACTMINT POLE JPA/N.IONB # RYAN ROBERTS-503-643-3713 i"IN,rvAS I SHEET 1 OF 2 0 N°FICA RZOVIRED FACILITIES CONTACT areEDR TO [ROM ROBYN RUSSELL NORTH ❑ ❑ ❑ POAAR CAW 503-260-9525 0 0 0 FRo TIER INSPECTION CONTACT POINT OF CONTACTRUSSw LS TROYULLRICH-503-765-4900 "CIAC WORK ORDER" 5113-6111001 SCHEDULING RYAN ROBERTS ENGINEERING CONTACT 51351-5511935 NICNZO, 33713 ENGIg Russ WELLS RUSSWELLS 503312-7330 LABOR HOURS 44'BILLING INFO"-" PNONENO.503a. 1001 TECs CRANDALL GROUP FIELDED BY R ICC IWF R MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS SPLICE-C-O/M-O/X-0 14787 SW MILLIKAN WAY ZIPLYFIBERTO CREW-C-4/M-1/)(-2 BEAVERTON ,OR97003 Ziplyfiber SONICOM-FLAGGING-8 HOURS MATT WELLNER RELOCATE 1-30'-5 POLE` 2411.001- 503-970-5699 TGRDORXA/CIAC-POLE RELOCATE 3411 004 11900 SW 95TH AVE PROJECT0 0.AREA 3421.104 NUMBER'. EXCH.GODS 51351-5511935 DRNMNDATE. PHONE. RUSSWELL Nw WASH INEC�SCALE - TAX DISTRICT: jDm I OF TWNSHP: JRNG. I SEC: NEW SUBDIVISION-WESTON OAKS-51351-WO910331 CIAC POLE MOVE-SIDEWALK-51351-5511935 PLACE T ARM PGE/COMCAST TO TRANSFER (30'5 BT VZ 32092 1966 01 J�12' U '�I i I I � ----------- I J Q SW EUNICE LN = SHEET 2 OF 2 iNORTH I f ziplyfiber 51351-5511935 TGRDORXA/CIAC-POLE RELOCATE 11900 SW 95TH AVE PROJECTGO.MER NUMBER E%CH.CODE: d+AWN DnTE. ENGR. gllss WELL TY:WASN PHONE: T SC&E: TA DISTRICT IDWG 2 OF N SHP'. RNG. SEC: O ° //� NOTE-TRAFFIC CONTROL ORANGE CONES TO BE O FLAGGER AHEAD SIGgI '/ B n SPACED PER TRAFFIC SAFETY GUIDELINES �/ DEPENDING ON POSTED SPEED LIMIT AND TAPERED E B O PER POSTED SPEED LIMIT OBE PREPARED TO Op A Jr` 11850 SW 95TH SIGN SPACING AND BUFFER LENGTHS STOP SIGN 100'MAX POSTED SPACING BETWEEN SIGNS BUFFER u SPEED A B C SPACE F ONE LANE ROAD n 20 50 AHEAD SIGN 25 100 100 100 75 ❑1 30 100 p35 125 40 350 350 350 150 G ROAD WORK m AHEAD SIGN n ZIPLY FIBER WORK ZONE 45 180 50 500 500 500 210 ZIPLY FIBER POLE#VZ 32092 p 55 250 TO BE RELOCATED 2'TO WEST z STATIONARY LANE CLOSURE WITH FLAGGING PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE SAFETY ESCORT REQUIRED A AT WORK SITE WHILE CONSTRUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS ODOT DIAGRAM 320 REFERENCE WESTON OAKS SUBDIVISION o UNDER DEVELOPMENT C B 6I A I I n ❑ G E O z0 100'MAX SW EUNICE LN(NEW STREET) F m F A O 11900 SW 95TH Bw DOVE CT SHEET 1 EOF I NORTH B O PEDESTRIAN FLAGGER rn BICYCLE TRAFFIC 3 TRAFFIC DIRECTION C O y SAFETY SAFETY SIGN ESCORT ORANGE SAFETY CONE �'���fi be A TAPER VEHICLE TRAFFIC TO CENTRAL il- LANE TGRDORXA/CIAC-POLE RELOCATE 11900 SW 95TH AVE PROJECT CO.ARE& NUMBER. EJtGM.CODE' 51351.5511935 °RAv.N°aTE. PHONE. RUSSwILL ae WASR PERMIT SCALE: - Tax rlGTRiCT. owc oR TYNBNP, RNG. SEC.