05/01/2000 - Minutes Meeting Date: May 1, 2000
Issue Date: May 18, 2000
Project: Summer Lake Water Quality
Purpose: Task Force Meeting
Location: Tigard Town Hall
Attendees: Task Force Members
Brian Wegener, Chair- Tualatin Riverkeepers
John Cook, Vice Chair-Resident
Howard Banta- Friends of the Lake
Ed Halberg- Summer Lake Homeowners
Gene McAdams- Resident
Tom Rogers-Resident
Kendra Smith- Unified Sewerage Agency
Gus Duenas- City Engineer
Jim Hendryx- Community Development Director
Ed Wegner- Public Works Director
Advisory Committee Members
Duane Roberts- City Planning Department
Sue Beilke- Resident
Greg Berry- City Engineering Department
Mr. Cook opened the meeting at 6:37 PM
Approval of Minutes-Mr. Banta submitted the following proposed correction to the
March 27, 2000 minutes:
On page 2,first line of the Minutes of March 27, there is reference to my
having suggested that the "..central goals of the Request for Proposals be
reconsidered. " My memo stands for itself. In it, I suggested that Goal S's
aim, of"improved water quality"were unattainable in the heat of the
summer, which is the time when salmonid rearing habitat would be in
greatest jeopardy. I ask for this correction to be made in the final
minutes. (Sic)
Ms. Smith noted that the scope of work for the Phase 1 consultant report, requested at the
March 27, 2000 meeting, reflects this correction as well as other memos between her and
Mr. Banta. A motion to accept the correction was unanimously approved.
Presentation and Discussion of Requested Consultant Report-Ms. Smith distributed
the report and reviewed key points:
Minutes for Summer Lake Task Force 5-1-00 Meeting PAGE 1
• The current quality of the lake water, particularly temperature and pH, is a
concern and is expected to worsen through the summer. There are upstream
warming and fish passage problems although some improvements are expect
over the next few years.
• Restoring water quality will likely require a combination of a wide variety of
measures including flow augmentation. Removing the lake is likely the most
expensive alternative and should continue to be considered and studied for
later use. While this alternative will likely provide downstream benefits, it
will be of little value unless the upstream temperature standards are met.
• Flow augmentation and infiltration appear to be the most effective means of
temperature reduction.
• Regulatory approval to remove the dam will require 5 —7 years.
Mr. McAdams asked if staff would outline the consequence of the report. Mr. Duenas
replied that it meant that planned upstream improvements should proceed while
improvements to the lake continue to be considered.
Mr. Banta expressed concern that the report failed to describe the effectiveness of shade
trees to reduce temperature. Ms. Smith replied that was beyond the scope of the report.
6:55 PM-Mr. Wegener arrives.
Mr. Hendryx suggested that the members determine if the report adequately addressed
the presented questions. Motion by Mr. McAdams, seconded by Mr. Halberg, to adopt
the April 27, 2000 report prepared by Fishman Environmental Services. Motion carried.
Mr. Wegener, Mr. Cook, Mr. Halberg, Mr. McAdams,Mr. Rogers, Ms. Smith, Mr.
Duenas, Mr. Hendryx voting yes. Mr. Banta voting no.
Public Comments/Questions-Comments were received from five members of the
audience. Mr.Art Lutz, stated that he was the developer of the surrounding subdivision
and was required to construct the lake as part of subdivision. The City installed the dam.
Other people commented on the need for additional factual information and further study.
Responses to the Request for Proposals for the Summer Lake Water Quality
Project-The two consultants submitting proposals will be invited to an interview on May
24, 2000. This will be a closed meeting. Proposed interview questions may be submitted
to Mr. Duenas. He would appreciate a prompt response.
Next Meeting: May 24, 2000, 6:30 PM. Location to be announced.
Adjourn: 8:27 PM
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