Upper Boones Ferry Road/Durham Ext Road - Oregon Business Park II HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD Fora r'3Oir-19 Water District LOCATION /-11�l l�j ,�r �-tf Ttti�c7 iii \„-) 'hu)Li)rnr(,- IN N5LJ PAA, , tRuSi Y�ob,77oti/ DATE SET I:1?- 1:72. MAKE C//K: STPTFE OUTLETS: 21" 41" ( National Standard Threads? \)T2- / STREET VALVE LOCATION ,, _ m /. /h(F/Liatir o1- . f�// /A/ kk: cd/(1(r Number of feet from & in which /di ection from hydrant) REMARKS: fik(d /)`f So Th 1":77-1( IplJ t L.Nr fr- / 5() nor c� l:->r/l 2 v, R6. Mail to: Tualatin Fire District, P.O. Box 127, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Attn: Fire Prevention 9/8• /PcTKusT HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD Form #300-39 I /(.,_{41&,'\, Water District n LOCATION ,S /-4 yr) FN!) 0-t 1 GI) 'i L �(� 0t/Q _E_A1 ()P/ f Pcxii F7--de 2Y R6. DATE SET /a _ s4 MAKE Rc ttic ST(A-mac 41" ' Threads?/ National Standard' Vie.S OUTLETS: 21 �� STREET VALVE LOCATION11:;L:11. /x-//764 t '!( 1I'r '�f 4,1 L T ( uhtber of feet from & in w ich direction from hydrant) REMARKS: NE-Li 54x_ I'ec.,cSA ( ilei�'. ( Cir-rl`gS CF,�TF,e)C . (),( U���/z 3r��N�q ,e��i �11. Mail to: Tualatin Fire District,' P.O. Box 127, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 9/8. Attn: Fire Prevention • }�r4cr uST HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD Form #300-39 / / c q(L( _Water District LOCATION ° /.1'y 04 uP Af nOrl ._...Ei=&2e_Ril C)N f 1Q14mN'A_ 'EK7 P0Ai) Sc�.7fi DATE SET 42 - '2 - MAKE ar'trCr ,'S7-11y7-7,7c OUTLETS: 21" L 41" / National Standard Threads? ')/(iE7,,s STREET VALVE LOCATION 0,07-,e2,,, 6- tit- /(t/ fI'y A-c ff, 4 (Number of feet from & in which direction from hydrant) REMARKS: NEL) I�i'�C I I?u r t ORt( �r�! l` uCFr/ijM\ Of; Frfek Rh. Mail to: Tualatin Fire District, P.O. Box 127, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Attn: Fire Prevention 9/8: rpi c-7 P„ — HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD Form #300-39 (A-,RR Water District LOCATION I hip) Ott (.IPr 2 Nr.5 17EV2,/ n nl I u e11A-w, o;) �oUTI� DATE SET /„2- / - gz}- MAKE Pl)crri{ . STh Fc OUTLETS : 21" & 41" / National Standard Threads? YES STREET VALVE LOCATION '7 '.fir fAI FK c r - of I ttn 'NP' 4a d (Nufiber of feet from & in which' direction from hydrant) REMARKS: NEV } )Tac T RtA C oQE(1>c)-t r` .( Sr n IF cp-,,i ) I T 074 ()/, @coo►-IFS Fr Pty to: Tualatin Fire District, P.O. Box 127, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Attn: Fire Prevention 9/8: