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Greenburg Road/98th Avenue - Gordon Carpenter
wor HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD -ve" t c_1 Water District 1*. Location • e. = 06- - • t)Date set(c)--CI -it, MakeRCi 0ut1etsf-__ ?.......44-11Depth of bury Size of: Barrel if Valve openingHub opening // Hydrant opens Branch: Size Size (4' length_Z— connects to Main on,/2 withrbe_, Branch valve: Make/22 4/71 Opens 7 -* turns_il_ located ft. of hydrant Elevation: Reraarks. Mail to: Tualatin Rural Ire Protection District, P.O. Box 286, Tualatin, Ore. 97062 HYDRANT INSTALLATIO11 RECORD Water District ) 477 / rt Date Set1"- I-C:2424akelt, Outlets 21/2.....L..43/4.Depth of bury /7//Z — / Size of: BarrelkLyalve openingtLHub opening(' ' Hydrant opens,' // Branch: Size lengthiLconnects to Main on with0 Branch valve: Make.40perrs..ZeZ±....turnslocated / ft. Lof hydrant. Elevation Remarks: aminglMilroa/ 411 - 040,4 -A-4 Mail to: Tualatin Rur_d Fire Protection District, P.O. Box 286, Tualatin, Ore. 97062 I 1 _ .7111,14s :WIC 1 A•MenVylp AN 0.041.V , 0 cnig ,.. 7_,.... - °E".4 • )k,I \ r . .... , .1 61 1 N + _ .. \ . 1 1 . . .. A ..1 tefa.414 4,177;010,..fil ,1 , .— ....— ‘ 5 ' *3' '-a=;' ..- ,•,4•*. — . _Ic-1 --4010.-*-• _ , r \ vr 10. 11')C-•••.: 1,. 1 1 ......,,. .., ,(21 n --, __,_. i L.., 12 7_ t _, _ .._____ _ . \‘, 1 1 ._ r, ,1 i'1*....r...-_17.,-.--e-r"."*. ../` I At's' • 1 • .., ‘ ••'• it IEti1+.6-vme"...? t ; P13 " -Pt ."1 • i., ._ I bi ...s ..., 4 ,. o...........h........--„air'•siii 1 , ! , h -......., _,, —--•_.1._.sssitisi 1 .., ...., .1 , . 1 + ., . _. N \ - —4-- •' .1.. --,--- --• ' ( -'r ---- \ ---, --1. 1 \$ , r . , • e 11 i • ,....+9,,hs9 A 1 .-.,„. -..,,, , - --.I. e,,,,..1 - ..1 ?. ,: 1 ssirse‘-s: i ..- . 'I, f ' , , -, 1 i,•2 ritil,-' •• I , '1...,hth••••7,,. fir .1_,......31.1r."-^!•‘.1:-....h.“...""Or •- • . ,.. ;_ i --4 1•,. 1 1 `-.1 . • ' . - ••• 9190', I 1 II. I — I . _ . . . • ,..mrs,i v.--, , I i 1 I — tC1., _—_], ------er . -r ,,,,,,,......--.• aza.v.t....; 1 .i "; '1;. . ., ;.' ; . . . s"'24 '4-1., . • 1 hi (21 ' 1 0-ca • . 1 s \ 1.1. ..0_,L • - . 1 n! \ 111 \ P • . . ..fi ; _ I .— ; . , --a--)N,20 ri.141- 'l ' \ \ I \ '0-- ' '''0 - 0 6 s — • 7.)'1 '‘.7 s'7* scf 1 '' 02. 1 45, S g . .- ,-.7'—0— ^-,is^. _ 1./ (,(7C..--IG OM_ — i N .. 0 " , \I 0 '7. -4-- ' ' * --7--------t—V-- ..• ' I 1