Alderbrook Dr & Cr/Oakhill Ln/Oakmeadow Ln/Oaktree Ln/Sattler Rd/Summerfield Dr - Summerfield IV C-ft / / ///1177 -/-1'-7C/i 7d HyDRAor Insmt.uvrioN RErcer) _444i4e.a._ VIVKER DISTRICT . - . ,- Date Seti/.V k.lak.s;h% /ice :atlet ss Z 4'ks /.,___4 . Depth of bary.dp/ 7-7L' A A. Size of 2 Bax-rtsl / Valve opening ,..f.--// Hub owttying.....4 if 'Hydrant opens,...27/7-7L /7, F71- i ,-/ 00,477C-SL branch: Sizede:L_Lengthj , — Conn 3,0 ON tO. ').._ in Main on daaiazdw_with q/7-ie ,.....__ atiff ..,..P/ '`' Branch valve: Make Open& Ze.4---/- _tarn iL .,.z.„.,1 or atery,&4 ft. ot ri .i ra t Elevation; iketrearkst 4., ..- :.t4: Tualatin Rural Fire P/otation District, P„O.Bos `41416, 'Thaalatin, °vegan 97062 — • _ ___ 5 rrwi M-7174/ WORNT ItISTALLATTON RN:ORD Zit/94,4) WIER DISTRICT Lc)cati'' '.1 ef.,4-42L.Z2.1Q121-ei/Z,44-69.62-2e-1910 Date S4L Make -/,ILILLputietex c1;2„ 411. Depth of / Size of t Bail:elk& Valve operting opens //1 If Iirnh S ie Lengthz :::Z--Conneotts to Main on with apiegp Brantnh valve turaoCateitthvt hydtAnt, ?1vatlatu Mail to:tot 74ua1atin Rural Fire Protection District, P.0.8ox 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97O6 4.,............. ,,, ,,. I HYDRANT INSTATIATION REMRD ------: k \ t VATER D]SCT L°cati°- - 4_.\L...e.....GaLaLC_Ii\e,L,4 ,:).E0 —.LAL-- f7JL21. LL2L7,2L: L Date Set1 Q ILMakeiCilLSDtlets: 21i0„ Depth o bury...a/Z.1.4 .r4 / P Sire of: Darral_La Valve opening Rub op open* open* .LAL T74 ..41citc.6A.wE 11(Nr\CA ID branch: SizedaLiAngth 12.7-- Connect% to J-- in. Main on Branch valves make..., of\tDt.m... Openscc; ± turns...19._lecatedftr hydrnt. Elevation,: , . RealarXes 7 ;#.. /5" ra:0 CV Mail to: Tualatin Rural PITA ProtetTtiou nitrict:, P,O,Boa 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 3 . DAT INSM.LATI011 RE(T)RD _LLC (- ea %WIER DiSTRIcr , , Date Potil OhL Make Lcic, akAOutlet a 4 A 4AI Depth of burl& -.. 4/ il s i Ivi.,t of: D=1.-ral Valve open5r9 'v Rub OpaLtir,g,ALRydrant opens fr-74 i /f) /52/ct---/ /EZE4 *ranch: SisesiLLength7-- —Connects to g in. Main on 13 r anch velvet Make Opens .....tur no-2 I oc ehyant.at kl f t._of dr2 ' ' Elewitiom Remavkst rtai/ v-,-,:: Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, P.O.Box msf Tualatin, Oregon 97062 ' . nYDRANT VISTALTATTON RECORD WATER Dl TT l'oation_s22 ' / a,_,./910(... AMA. Data Set Make A, Outietas 2h 4 . Depth of bury .."09/110111MMINI... fICANesi....010.0KAPPro........ Size of Barrel Valve opening Bub Opaning Hydrant opens ----.- Vranch: Sise: Lentgt Connects to In, Matn on with Branch valve: Maks Og.ns turns lwated ..fr„ or hydrant. ElevatAon: Reular4: 5---/-*/5- / I 0,0 /5_ ) Mail ,,,.2,; MaIaLin Rural fire Protection District, P.O.Box, 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 ' - - 1 i Vt, i ii 1 'iiS. '' Irrorewr INSTA,LUTON RECORD _ . , — unra DISTRICT Locat ion ,e---ycz2zie., Date Sts.V/ 44aste ;"_.4jij Dep at of n2ry. ...:7-;"--1 S /I Barrel , %.Ta/ye opening &/ Nub one:13i rig li ya rant open /, /7L — -0.....ta I TL l 1.?0 /Wfli eA,00- . F/1-9/Vir) r.1 rkol I Sises _yap;s n "---SConnercts to its. ti a ill on Laijhe......_yitls_=e_ Branch valve: tike_ „4I. ,___Opens J.,4: 2/- turnte_d_located4=i tr ,.. of hydrant Elevat tont Remark Mail cot. Ilualatin Rural FLre Protection District, P.O.Box 2436, Tualatin„ Oregon 97044 , C7) 1 , \:\ca ci c wnERHYD:177:ALLATa ON PsociRD 0 :-..Lmk-YA ._. o utletss __,....._ 22044.,. 41s. Depth of u 4-1 size of: Barrel t0 Valve opertingBni, Opening Lo flydratt openS_i__L-C4- I FA- Noett, rar1(..;‘h: Sleet (0 It L1Length I---1 — Connects to 1n tIain on :ps...."2ze_iwith BircantivalveMakop. LTI turnu locatlx- ll.ft. Lot hyt-dran • Z-4.-::.5-__ Elevations • Pomwesta: Rnval. Fire Protection District, P0, 3xx 236, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 _. . . 0 ,, ,..... -,--,', ...RAN,. LATION Re..a$,R1) rATER DISTRICT "c\ . . .. ,.,., „, . _ , ...,..._, ,, . .,...--,......... L°c- ation„.,-. .SCLM(Y)C.Z., ,,, --1, --770,. .. -7L., ,s,.)_, Data .13q:..S Aa lixpait.e.714,c1,L4-121.0ut letes , )) Awl, /Pt,. Deptin of ttury ,_ F+--1—____ Size of: Barrel...1LValve openin" gb Opaningu. hydrant opens ,.- U Stan -, - ch; Sigel ja___Langth .53 --7-._ Conns,o,te to2 in., Main, oli Branch valveMakft - Crre.n.f.,_14_,,, c.-A trarats 11_1(.440 ate-d]I/ lrat.a i t h d * o y . -. Elevations Remar:441: •i H nail r_a: Tualatin Rural Fire Rrotevtion District,- PO.Bou. 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 :--2, . . , L/0\0 L'A.jA . . 1-1YDRMT INSTALIATION REODRD DISTRICT ...( I c7iSI.A21-- ' C.741:a Data Set ? \": 112Mak . S\, - ?...S.Outletst sa_ 2i __J 4A... Depth of bury kOtl a Fire of* Barrel to " Valve opening II Rub opening le_ 'Hydrant opr4.;,_ / _ F4 StAft,.,-,taLci_1 ck rancib: SisetiLIL_Lenotn k --- connects t." 1;?... in Main on Branch velvet MaktiOi pens slocatedft.l_pf hydrant. at -:,.- . ... levation* * Remarks 1 Rail to Tualatin Rural Fire Protettion District, R.0.8ox 286, Tualatin* Orsoon 97062 '.,,. HYDRANT INSIALTATION PECDRP • (zsig: MTER DISTRICT = °cation F4 Data SastAn4elake;:i.c. CLL SAIN\--.4,Cut lets a _. 22 L 44s„ Cain of bury C2 Size of: Barrel V ff opening ub Opening.112.1_,Rdrant opens 4(114 ranch: sisq21Q LixAqtn--111 Connects to 2 i Main Brallon vOve.t wits _iji,,,c‘oa.„. Opens Les±_turnsaa_located \I.:ft....Lot hydrant. awftWItolypew Realark4 Mail to: Tualatin Rum Fire Protection District, P.,0„Bor 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 0 0 W\0 36S4 [ i-0- OYDRANT INSALLATION fo.;'''"''1","' \ \ait_\ .„, _ Want, DXSTRICT LI ac;tt i°n--I-:: '. Date Seta, 13 Make Sixt_ILV39,140,,t1,?,t..:,„ 4:2_,____2k:,___,,,,L....2401 Der I of bury Lilt ), imAc,z_v;k00,c.., , 4 ... B6ri.anoze rci:fv:a1P;emlakkOtt,ulan, 0967;4,ir:op:111,.....Ht.tb Op11:91:iLale_gi;:orirltteciopealitiLL :ydr at branch: Sine: G 14.1219" - Connects to 5( in, Main on - itrb - ', Elevation: Remarks: Mail :,.:.,,. nalarin Rural Fire Protection District, P.0,80x 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97061 • , . . . -'y ., . !. a y —7-----""'[-- w""". .i ,Ai'.>.,-•"'.i