King Arthur/Beef Bend Road/123rd Avenue - King City Terrace II Apartments o V " HYMN? INSIALIATION RECORD Yater DiStriCt .-.) • Looati _c>.E ( -- c .ic ) 7(//2( 12(4-aieAcz-1 5&y.. .6.,,4„-C,)Ac„., - c , i A9-i -76 t,t4i:e:Az ic,-s: &put lets: ...11/2 It n of i ze ol , oar z et if V t 17,a. i.. .n ing„...T//_ Rub open intl. Z., /( ilyt1 tr,,1 r nprtft* - - , /i26 ' 4r2dJet.:, SIVI.: If ) // c•onsteata to 6,... in,.. Mai n on ,... ... ,, : ',. tat valva: M riS.,,c,, , /)/744)62 .___,..., IlVet.ii 'twat* locarettAV ).-ft..0L.of hydrant. ,-, ,•,- . Tualatin Rural. Fil7e Protection DistrIct, P r , Bax 206, Tualatin, Ore4on 9706.a 3 4 1 .0 e a ________ IA HYDPANT INSLIATION RECCOD i \C1CL .,..!Th Water District Location ,, ,v-.--L„, ,...c-1-..„,... .a,-- — .. .., ,s,,,,w -,,, /,,,,_,,,..-441,,,,Depth of -77) i e----7/ i *ire Of 3 BSI'rel, ______ Valve 011011 ing ,.. Hub open:f•.1-1,,,,,6„,.." / /5// /„ . ireb ranCgb: SiZilt: /I //— —C O:41110tti to Bl'anale ,ItIcatnik:122.1t.142of hydtrant -,: ' mi.til tot Tualatin Pura/ Fire Protection District,1 P.,,r, Box 266, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 i 3 A ; 'A 1 1 'it g ,m, —,—,,„„--..__,......_,,t1 . c- .,. ,,,,„...„ .,,�,,m,,.A,Wa er District Lccat3%I ja_--_. ..,. . ,, ,._..,..,„...,,,D, 01,,)11 km it .t.,) e9A----,c 1i-el 1,q4„ ici—s 4 (7- x ,,..,.,/ ,,.. , ,.,,, ,. .,,,., c). ,iTze7 di fi `3.,,".@t r;b..s i x Depth of nury � f 7. R-- 11.0.14 4i _Opens fr :1L'.4.1 Lr' Tualatin auTal Fire Proteztion Distract, P.,r, Box 2,86 Tualatin, Oregon 97C1'6_