Century Oak Drive & Century Oak Circle - Summerfield Phase I 3 C Wi ,. :�i,. r 3c kll- L Locatice _.a.L.4.-) e.., C\- LIL.A.,ct OCtk C-Ce N , .LI-d...14..z\x,j? Q,.,,,..., _ ,. _ Date Se:�t1-l2 e 1...,_„_r- .. _. '► - C .'Sets: 2 � 44s..Dap1th of bury F+ Size off: Barrel / Val a +.>,� 3iii.xg ,...S.'" ./..,. Hub opening ii Writ-ant opens. Branch: Size: ‘.., 'amt., x�In tsc to in. Main osCs ith q, e � ifCl Branch a v : ? G lxa tu�ss iatxZt. 0 of hydrant Elevation: ation: Fear? ;: Mail tt�, Ttal ti i RL=:".rai Fi... Pr_,`.rs^tir n T<.etr.l.ct. P,-r.� Ziox 286, T.,aiati: 1 Oregon n. 97062 CIT.) 11YDRANT INIMIZATION RECORD - Water District Location F4 rate SeelMake.Li ' ,.S. .Outlets: .......2.......,21's ...1_413.Dapth of bury//--- u.... Size oil Darrel....../L...yalve opunimg....:5 Hub opening...2Z Hydrant opens / f0?-'.? a-C 4te?ranch: SIAM: 7, len sth // F o ecte to Z.....iu. Main on / with c;>?,--- C Art Branch valve: Make .7.2 .4.0 ),,,anto - turns 2 //y localmelkD ft.4) of ydrant Elevat:Lon: Remarks mail to: Tfaalatin R,:T.1.1 Fin-: Pri...ton District, Po(", Ros 2E6, Tualatia, Oregon 97062 ea - 1 0...A.L...._ .;1.11-‘3:027 D1.1:!trict tp.-- Locaticw .... 1.44„..-.1.. c.. c\ S2rat 5 -C.6-1 1 I m�.�_ . .1�+�:€:'.c: <�.. ..� —- ._. �., P D apth •of L�azy____._- i size ofs Darrel - :' G'a.i:�-'e e3revi;.r.;;a /' ',rx:`:= openthg iiyarant opens !ranch; t._ e e _h"(f lens-c. S.s:'../:: F3 f.: � a.11. P main s 1 Ci v� C c� _ ✓ I ` Prarh •s. .t e: Metro -Dos `3ns.:.�x L..:' ,L t n / �..,.locaf: `, ftL of hydrae?: Elettat.:;.ct, Foreark3:_.,,, . ., fik., ',.4.„„L,,,,Lcc---,, ,,,_. .,..\,. ,(4,,,.,,,,.__, --\--)._(---)A-,c) kulz.0.1 to: Thalatin PaL'r. a3. C i , P):f:,t.. :a:'4i1: ��,+ .r:"..t...S.:. .. <<'., T-o:v 2-.ar6, :i., :i.:,:i:1, O`6".-gon. 97062 a- HYMN'? INSTALLATION RECORD _ \ \ c\c"„iv Water District t_.i. Locatiun , )(....k -•\ .., CIP-1._ di Date SkBtl- Ci---1 ) Make..D.,+- , - ,- ..: 1 1,4,..011t:Ati.:$3: ---,,t:) .23Ij L. i . 4h.Depth of bury-.4./4 sire of: Barrelyalve opening_LLI_Eub opersing . Hydrajlt opens 4,1/ . , F-7/ CZ:72(7Z / Branch: SiZe: ......h.Llength ,...1:----- connects to ...if in. Main on (:) ,k, with d d 11.... Branch valve: Make2 1 , '3 turnsLlocatad_ljt.Lof hydrant .42L . pans Elevation: mail to: Tualatin Rural Fire PxotetItion District, Poe'', Bos 296, Thalatin, Orrigan 97062 0) HY.DRIANT IRTEALTATION RECORD • 1 •14t."t..t.,.- District tA.., & L)a.L., (S. .(...$,,A1 CI— • J _ -, Date S4 -1-..12.1.: a...Make - lil_--\---4.4).Outlets: ....,..,.. .,, 2/t .,. / 411.Depth of bury it Size cv.?.:1 Barrel 6, Valiv, operiag • ' --- l'i 114C opening ....h: Hydtant opens B / P-1 c-Fc-e„:-.2 ,--2):- /ranch: Size: ...... cf length / — connects to in. Main on wi ,14. ..e / ....--- r B ranch valve: Makeiaippene,..L turns fl located 1 f t..Lof hydrant E levat:Lca: Rmarks , Mail tot Tualatin Rural Fi.,•i,:,! Pz.'atf.t.:tIon Divitriat, Pcf',> Box 286, T).1.alatin, Ore.sa'xri 97062