Resource Cities Exchange with Samarinda Resource Cities
Exchange with Samarinda
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on Main Street
by S. Carolyn Long,
Executive Director
Boy! The Tigard Chamber"Good Morning Tigard"on
February 6th was very well attended. We met at Pacific Pointe Executive Director, S. Carolyn Long,greets the
Retirement Center in King City. What happened was that Samarinda visitors.
there was a whole lot of great energy floating around and
everyone was feeling happy and ready to make the most of "Since February, 2002,the City of Tigard and Washington
their Chamber of Commerce. That is what the Chamber is all County have been involved in a Resource Cities exchange
about...opportunities, connections,referrals,relationships, and with the City of Samarinda, Indonesia and Kutai County,
doing business in Tigard. If you want to do business in Tigard, Indonesia. This federally funded program is focused on
join the Tigard Chamber of Commerce. assisting the Indonesian local governments to strengthen
To all of the new members,here is a tip that will help you municipal management, improve public service delivery,
get acquainted with other Chamber member businesses. and encourage democratic participation by their citizens.
Attend the Lunch Forums that we hold on the third Tuesday of This exciting program will be finishing around September
the month at the Best Western Greenwood Inn. The lunch is of this year.
tasty, the programs are relevant,members and guests are eager
to network,we do self introductions, there are door prizes and Once the federally funded program concludes, the City of
it takes just an hour and thirty minutes of your time. If you Tigard hopes to develop a sister city type program with
have time limits,try"Good Morning Tigard!"one week and Samarinda. The focus will be on trade, commerce,
the Lunch Forum another week. Make sure you get around to government, and goodwill. Tigard is looking for
the different opportunities to make contacts that will pay off. interested businesses and individuals in Tigard who would
You can also be a Lunch Forum Sponsor. There are many
benefits to being a sponsor. For a S300 sponsorship you will like to get involved in exploring whether there is sufficient
receive: interest to pursue a long term relationship. Samarinda
already has benefited from Tigard products as Coe
♦ A table for your brochures at the event Manufacturing produced a large piece of machinery that
♦ Five minutes microphone time has been in use at a Samarinda log operation for many
♦ Opportunity to put your handouts at each table years. Opportunities for introducing products to Indonesia
exist. In addition, Samarinda based products such as
♦ 2 weeks use of the focus table at the Chamber office intricate beadwork produced by the Dayak people native
♦ Opportunity to bring your signage/banner to hang at the to the area could be imported as well as ironwood carved
Lunch Forum products.
♦ A free flyer in the Chamber"Hotline"newsletter
♦ The Chamber will send out press releases highlighting Members on the Move
your business as sponsor.
The Lunch Forums are a great way to get information Joanie Vaughn of the Joanie P. Vaughn Insurance
about the community,meet people, enjoy a nice lunch break Agency has announced that she will share office with
and find out what your Chamber can do for you. Leev Aamot of Morgan Financial beginning March 1.
One last idea! What would you like to see happen at the Leev's phone number will remain the same (503-805-
Tigard Downtown summer event? Do you like the parade? 1261)but they will share a fax number(503-624-6026).
Does a sidewalk sale for the downtown merchants sound "I am looking forward to this association and
interesting? How about non-profits doing games or a petting believe Leev and 1 will do well together as our businesses
zoo for the children? Food booths? Big people game booths? are complementary--thus making us able to service both
Music? Got This our clients at a higher level"Vaughn said.
event would be held in August and lots of volunteers are They will soon be hosting a Good Morning! Tigard
needed. It could be a"Blast"! and hope to see you all then.