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12155 SW Grant Street - Seeber-Balzer Wharehouse
HYDRANT ISIN41'.40NTIC,•• C MEI/. D/STRICT Co --C-\44-)('-'\•""-A ' Tt " nate S''".c1ill„....1`ktoia„cLI:c. ..„,._,,,,:\EAputlets 4%. Depth of 1 ri _.-ii Size of: Barrel L2 Valve opening ;..1 Hub Openingri // Hydr1,,t opens f-k-- *ArarsPi).: II s tZe; te"' Lietrigth L—,,,,ablvconmet, to___Lp____ in, Main ,,.. ,—............... ,.... .13rai,-I,c.n v,...ivet Make .4.4bay,.., Opens turtle f.t.r.p,74t.tNillja_tt. ( ...,of hydrant. LA.* Elervat ion: Remarks t. Mail, tu2.: Tualatin Ru -a . F 11:et Protection District, PO.Bax 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 '....,•-.,-;:„'„iitititee. b„..,....— .,-,,,--1&,.,• 1„,,,,,,4. ---iig•:-Ir.t .•:2.. -----e.:ii.-:,--..... ,• .-.,-----------,-.L•,..„..:.....„_.:•...,,,,...r..„„L.).„:,.L4