8100 SW Hunziker Road - Pacific Yard Service _, w '-,- YDRANT INSALLATION RtCORT7 tt , - - 1 1 or Disotrict. '' Lova Lion-a-114 1 0 WE,,s-k,c [ ' Pizs-1- , ,,, -....... ..„.24, _I__ opening°.je../r......,wirant ic-ikt fr-/ (4t.e3. an S:i.Al-e; 2...... iengtof to in„, Mai n on .... _,Y.. tzi , -evatioli:.„__________ 1' 1 , P.,.,4iI 1-1...,:v Protection District, .P.,,e', Bor400, Tuaiatin, Ottqon 9706,!. --A ' Irl 1 1 A .. .... ,„ HYDRANT INSTALTATTM ii,;-;.c..ORL .—____, • \ \, -• WATER DT.) _ . _ . .... '4ocat ion A, .A p3 V.) \,1ticAux..1., I ilk i Data Set6.7,-,i-aLpt.LL.AL SW-4sputiets <--/i Size of: Barei_L if Valve orettning Hub 0p4ning lie: Bydrasst opens_471- aranchs S ites,iLLessigth ' 4 A#i• Conneo ta to in, Main on 4,/,14. 2taustith....ze.L.. ... -_ Dew& iv AW Branch valves Make . zs\c-it.,‘ ,....,,,, , Opt-rai . tus:ritp, located j.kft. Lot hydrant. LE++ Blevat ions Remarkas Mail to: Tualatin Rural Fire Protetion Dtstrict, P.,0,,Boa –91136., %Tualatin* Oregan 97062 Val 1 1 4 4 0/ ITYDROTT INSTALIATION MORI> MIER DISTRICT 110 • ' . , • Location • r ' -., 0 S.,,) .,,a(-- littl,i-SakEifiL,Si 144' i RSICD.11,42',tad- , 0 - ( , Date Sot,, ,..-attlakeg eat A Chit iete II 21/E ,,,..±, 4-1,-.., Dpi of 1 .......,11 Size cf Darrel Vi V' tve opening ,4,. .. Pub (;paning I' liydrant opens – — Fk .:1 ie Mt L.k,tunt:thn Connects to t iPlain n, on guoratzeith -7......rfrlw.. .119i4)..... ittetg Opens turne.... toaatecuicr_ft.„a_of hydrant. Eicliw 'Rol-larks,g : . • Mail to: Tualatin Rural Fa Pt:ot tic ti o.;i Dia tx ic I., P-,0.BOY •laitkff r Tualatin Dragon 9700 \--CA tilDRMT INSTALLATION WON) t , Wifit_TE11. DISTRICT • ..._1_202,„ Depth of bun./ Size oft Barrel 6 / Valve oponinct Hina ppm-ling Ljydrartt opal. . C Ly °ems /*,Q Co et,a in. Main $ F.. , �� p� qq q�p� k g I B.r, �r 3', va 1ve t x a tiL { ail to: Tualatin Rut Flra Protection District,, :P5:0,B0x , Tualatin Oregon t r- (5" WA:Me- �,0PP'1..-( 1✓ o t©" tit fkt IJ �tJ Oa titZ1 IC-0P- , , 1/211 WtrTe-t- N4te.r2 '1 I g.. 16 Azr10 . W! Sl-sur- ©FF VAt_Vtr. 1249T 1 l�'D1 .PTO - ,r e,II To ALITo M I'•r �'Q&I 044 -�- 2 k1 Do NI r= 'Tle, WAT"E. R I F'4P L 1 i&,.61 R A A Ng• Keith Kruchek Consulting Engineers, Inc. kik3312 S.W. KELLY AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 Phone 15031 222