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110th Avenue & Gaarde Street - Garden Park Place
HYDRANT INSTWLLATION RECCPR ) DISTRICT . ,..:,, c-4-• c---, ii,G1 110— 'A- rAtaaauki\Alitt, .'--, Date .,.„ of3., Bartel b's ,ialv;- - ,eaairt.g ill Hub Oplataing ‘e.r....ltydtent opona (4/71-- - .,,,,... —.....4..s....a.r.......,,,, /r,`/ ,',1 - J il3T'arke, : S i': L,I( 0-U-100i7/ Ainect a to jp In* Main on ,,,....d.. ...2,,,..Ith___ , ....';',. t.., . uc# turrt. e_cal locaterifirto di jot' hyclYart, Elevation Re'llae , Mail 'isTol Tualatin Tna'a) sri.r , 12r4tection District, P.O,Dos -286, l'alalatine Oregon 97'062 V2.-1 ,. . ,‘ --------, _ . ' Ltcat ionc%, - Date S,vrbzkalMak4t,' ' 34), tle. ,ag ,,, 2. 4:4S ,,, _A, Depth D, boi.,, . , Size oft Sarral_6 Valve opartin9 ...6 Hub Opuning..h.s.....11yciralt. opeP 4 if-,At i , it qt4ci2y) GAte0 en ( 4.4 ./__ .rF/xi nqEda 41anuts t E i re 4 ltali .,.,‘ ,)runee, to_ Remaertait :,,t,t.I. . Ilizlz,tirt Puscal kike Protection District* P..0,>Box 286„ Tualatin, Cion 97 .. ., • .., ' ., „ ,-- LocationW LOC VA . '/ LAI :L-- -tc-- 0A,6cul. P1-5,...—40-kflE0....DiiriA2L-Li)-Q0,A 1'0,10,110 .. . , . „ Date Setka-151,:as::, a r- ' S- A- P1 tlets': 241 _-1-- 411” 16III °I. , :1 , z tti., 0,1:',„ -tlarrat ,)lve opening ,,,,,,,,15- Huh OpealinsIirrs.nt. oon, / J/Ve4 ii,. 6,4 cozil a FAnc,...0 6.-- / / 6 onnects to i is Mai n or. tit. ',. • /1.14 Etransoh valvet 14:i' z,„nc.r,4 Otal* LIO4 Al/tell-1 t 2,..ht hydrant. ,s, Elevationt -------- ,.. • y Reaters a i 1 t,o: Tualatin inti Vire Proteetion Discriet, P.O.Box 446, Tualatin,. Oregon 91O )-ZI -,=, Ni............ WYDPAM14 INSTRIZATTOW P,',.rnP,fi, w\" C-tj\- WATER DISTRICT fr.a Data r3t„,.10.-L3 -1S' fIL: ' Sila 0 ZAltletet 1 la Sire oft B,, cp ,alve A:V.r-.;' ...,.. -- 11 Sub Opezuinn_.(4_14ydtart opens .„. .., . — --1- -1, VItanght SiseLY:e___Lengthre_ ,7---- totonnects to____Le_ in. Main on - Zraneb valves Ma.- i--nry 1pens tuvn* c›),/ locatediitijt462,of hydra : Cr-- -...- '.' Elevatiou gail ?704.: Tualatin Rural Fire Prciteotion District, PO-T --- Tualatini Oregcn 91061 \Z•1 \C._ scx..),,,. .., MISR DISTRICT 54 0 Wt0,PaAl OCILL cti41--eJ-1.-5A-11.7.--1- .g....,s.,,c4. 0 _ . , 1 , jt) 3-..-u - I ' St-44L_ .,..,,,.,1 -----" 44. Depth ef )..v. / ...' - Site of t ‘..:..,.._/ alve opening_g___anb opetnizio,., " ,Rydrarat n. .-, .-:,:, *r°1-atil Biziet_6„,,tongtieGo coviiN-e-ts v.v._w_o, _ in. main on p1,.,1(-E.... tts --n- ..-. BrazIch velvet Makt,.. .1 ,, ...,2240 . Op kyli* til LTIS.Q2/...",10eat4 7°r t• 10 Of hydrant •:', , i, Elevat long .( ., 4.,.' ,. . :12 Mail to: TuaIatia Rural Fue Protection Distrket, P.Obex -- nor, 12:1 .,' i . i