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6960 SW Varns Street - Bloodworth, Hawes & Peterson
4 i . . Iii/DRANT IRSTALTATION, Rwrtm Co (c_C) uram DISTRICT • . , 4_%* 21 411. Depth of bury Size o Darrel /„0" Valve opening 51.......pub Opening V Hydrant opens FA/24.t.00 I / ,/ . 14419'th pipoc Lc> Connects towk... in„ Main on a hyot,mt, Branch valve: Ma1 ,,..C.) Opens . turns,sz2i lovaterl 1 f t.tt.) " ' : ' ' '• '' 114±..._. Elevat ion: Vma6,:gt foi Mail to: Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, P.O.Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 . .