05/21/2020 - Summary City of Tigard Budget Committee Summary Thursday, May 21, 2020, 6:30 PM Virtual Meeting,Tigard, Oregon 97223 MEMBERS PRESENT (11): Siobhan Chandler, Clifford Rone,Tim Cadman, Leah Voit, Chris Bence,Liz Newton, Jason Snider,John Goodhouse,Tom Anderson, Heidi Lueb MEMBERS ABSENT (0): STAFF MAKING PRESENTIONS: Marty Wine- City Manager, Kathy Nyland -Assistant City Manager,Toby LaFrance- Finance and Information Services Director, Kathy McAlpine- Police Chief, Kenny Asher-Community Development Director,Dana Bennett-Human Resources Director,Brian Rager-Public Works; Nadine Robinson-Central Services Director, Halsted Bernard-Library,Lori Faha-Public Works, Sean Farrelly-Community Development;Joe Barrett, Business Manager-Public Works; Lisa Shaw-Business Manager-Police; Steve Kang-Senior Management Analyst-Finance 1. Reconvene Budget Committee-Clifford Rone, Chair 2. Approve minutes from the 5/16/20 meeting-It was moved and 2"to approve the summary minutes with two corrections. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Public Comment/Public Testimony-none was presented 4. Follow-up/discussion regarding the 2020-2021 Proposed Budget • Levy results: Police Chief McAlpine/Marty Wine-City Manager The Chief thanked council, staff and community for helping pass the levy. Lisa Shaw reviewed the levy impacts: 8 patrol officers, 1 school resource officer and 2 non-sworn police support staff. Crisis intervention and de-escalation training, as well equipment and support services will be funded. Outcomes include additional patrol, reduced response times and training for all sworn officers on advanced crisis intervention and de-escalation to address increased mental health crises. • Parks Maintenance Discussion: Brian Rager-Public Works Director/Joe Barrett-Business Manager Public Works (PW) Director, Brian Rager, discussed how PW brought 2 budget packages to the budget committee last year; one was to increase staffing to maintain the parks that the city has to maintain-2 FTE and this was approved. The second package forecasted all staffing needed for what the city has and will be needing(River Terrace) as the new parks require a high level of maintenance, City of Tigard Budget Committee Page 1 due to amenities that other parks don't have. It necessitates a level 1 effort. He discussed a potential phased in approach as parks come on board. Now they are bringing on the seasonal employees as parks are opening after COVID-19. Part of the effort would be to phase in a supervisor, but this is not preferred. Staff recommends Parks & Rec split between PARF and general fund. For the upcoming year, pay the additional FTE out of fund balance, which the fund could handle for one year, then raise the PARF fee, effective July 1, 2021. DISCUSSION: Tim Cadman-believes the revenue forecast is too optimistic and they will be down more than forecasted-need to be careful about adding funding. He also asked why River Terrace was annexed. They have 7 parks that are very nice,but it's not fair that Metzger neighborhood pays for level l care for those parks without the same care for other parks in the city. Mayor Snider-decision to annex River Terrace was made before most of the current council and budget committee were serving. It was a planned community at the county level. Siobhan Chandler-asked for greater clarification on River Terrace. Community Development Director Kenny Asher responded-River Terrace covers 500 acres west of the city. It's the fastest growing part of the city. It came into the urban growth boundary with the idea of mostly higher end housing,nice parks and a school.Those parks have been funded by the developer and maintained by the community for 3-5 years,but now it's the city's responsibility. Siobhan Chandler expressed concern for the nicer parks in River Terrace vs. not as nice parks in other areas of the city and the inequitably of that. Chris Bence also expressed concern for the equitability issue, and said that the city needs a clear funding stream for parks. He doesn't feel like the recommended PARF increase is a huge hit. Councilor Anderson clarified that River Terrace is more of a family neighborhood,not `rich'. Park design was important due to the density of the area. Councilor Lueb-we should work more closely with developers so we know what we will be maintaining with parks are turned over to the city to manager. She expressed hesitancy to get into the reserves and raise the fee next year, as it's `pigeon-holing' and putting it off to the budget committee next year.Would like to explore other revenue avenues. Mayor Snider-struggles with the idea of having assets that are decline as that has happened around the city. He is sympathetic to concerns raised. Councilor Newton-inquired about the need for an additional supervisor, as proposed. Is bringing back the retired Parks Manager going to help with span of control? She also expressed concern about finding a long-term funding source for Parks Maintenance. Brian Rager explained that other parks need attention as well-Dirksen and others. Cook and Summerlake parks also require level 1 care. He also said the former Parks Manager will work on Parks SDC work and recruiting for a new Parks Manager.He will not be supervising staff.The new computer software system will also help determine staffing needs for parks maintenance. Councilor Goodhouse-could the residents of River Terrace pay a separate fee for their parks maintenance? Response was that the parks within the city are open to all citizens. He also would like to revisit the idea of a PARF increase in 6 months,rather than wait one year. Leah Voit clarified that all parks need to be maintained and now staffing increase will affect all parks and staff. Brian Rager indicated that this is true and all parks will have maintenance issues if not able to maintain them properly. The level 1 & 2 parks will get more maintenance and levels 3 & 4 will be reduced (rights-of-way, etc.). Clifford Rone asked if the cost per acre was based on gross acreage or developed? Brian Rager answered that it's based on gross so as to be able to compare with other agencies nationally. Clifford Rone motioned to accept the staff recommendation to fund an increase to staff maintenance by using fund balance for one year; and raise the PARF in July, 2021. Councilor Goodhouse 2" the motion. City of Tigard Budget Committee Page 2 DISCUSSION: Tim Cadman-brought up his concern for additional supervisory staffing-indicated that supervision in the private sector has a larger supervisor to line work ratio. Brian Rager indicated that they would be supervising seasonal and full-time staff. Mayor Snider asked about lead workers-Brian indicated that the city utilizes lead workers but not in a supervisory capacity. Councilor Newton-amended the original motion to approve the budget package as proposed and use fund balance for FY 21 and the budget committee recommends that the council review permanent funding source for parks maintenance,including an increase to the PARF.Councilor Lueb 2nd the motion.The vote for the original motion with amendment by Councilor Newton- Vote: Siobhan Chandler-Yes; Councilor Anderson-Yes; Chris Bence-Yes; Councilor Lueb-Yes;Leah Voit-Yes; Mayor Snider-No; Clifford Rone-Yes; Liz Newton-Yes; Tim Cadman-No; Councilor Goodhouse-Yes. Motion passed. • WIFI Hotspot-Halsted Bernard, Library Director The library circulates Mobile Beacon hotspots to patrons, which are purchased though TechSoup. The costs for this program as follows: $15 one-time administrative fee; $70 for each hotspot device; and $120 per year per hotspot for service. An increase in budget of$5,000 would enable the library to purchase 24 units. Funding would come through the general fund. It was moved by Councilor Anderson to approve the purchase of 24 hotspots for FY 21. Chris Bence 2nd the motion. Motion passed unanimously. • MLG Tri-Met Memo-Toby LaFrance, Finance and Information Services Director Metropolitan Land Group-developers that pay for staff to do urban growth project work for the city; Tri-Met-pays for staff working on SW Corridor project. This is for staff time reimbursement in FY 21. In terms of MLG, it was discovered that this item was underbudgeted and will be part of the technical adjustments brought to council during budget adoption. • Community Events-Toby LaFrance At the May 16' meeting, it was asked what happens to the Community Events money that was allocated to an event that is not taking place due to COVID. Staff recommends that reaching out to each organization and determine if their event is cancelled or changed; do they still need to money allocated to them by the city, and if yes, how do they intend to spend it. Staff will have this updated information available before the budget adoption meeting on June 16'. • Information Services Staffing Tim Cadman asked about a request to add 2 FTE in Information Services to support a new enterprise resource system (Tyler). He asked how many FTE do we have now? Toby LaFrance indicated that our systems have been supported by the software company themselves not by staff, and the performance audit pointed out that we have holes in services we can provide to the city departments in terms of extracting, analyzing and presenting data to decision makers and the community. In part, this staff will help implement and run the systems from a client standpoint for the city.Also we have several staff that have regular full-time jobs who try to do this maintenance.These staff members will provide the support that is now done on a piecemeal basis. Mike Nolop, Information Services Manager added that we have 0 staff currently dedicated to support enterprise systems. When the project is done,we may have cost savings for not needing outside vendors any longer. City of Tigard Budget Committee Page 3 5. Technical Adjustments-Steve Kang, Senior Management Analyst-Finance Operations Adjustments-$257,000 Capital Improvement Adjustments-$1,341,000-bulk are carry forwards Transfers-$1,343,902-bulk are CIP driven transfers Levy related-$2,517,579-increase due to Local Option Levy FTE-319.25 to 332.95-due to levy Adjustments made tonight are not included in these numbers. 6. Public Hearing on State Revenue Sharing: Director LaFrance Toby explained that in order to receive state revenue sharing-liquor taxes revenues, the committee needs to pass a motion to accept these revenue dollars. (approximately $623,462). It was moved by Tim Cadman and 2" by Chris Bence to accept revenue source. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Debt Service and Levy Property Tax Rate-Director LaFrance Toby explained that it is required that the budget committee levy property tax rate at $2.5131 per $1,000 AV, local option levy rate of$.29/$1000 AV and to levy debt service for general obligation funds in the amount of$2,440,000. Motion by Tim Cadman was made and 2"by Leah Voit. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Approve the FY 21 Proposed Budget It was moved by Tim Cadman and 2nd by Councilor Goodhouse to approve the proposed budget with technical adjustments,police services adjustments and$5,000 to Community Services program. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was recessed at 9:05 pm. Liz Lutz, Finance Department ATTEST: Chris Bence,Secretary City of Tigard Budget Committee Page 4