06/02/2021 - Minutes CITY OF TIGARD TIGARD TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes June 2, 2021 Members Present: Carine Arendes, George Brandt,David Burke,Alan Eckert, Carl Fisher,Ruth Harshfield (Chair),Michael Hendrickson (alternate), Richard Keast (Vice Chair), Serge Killingsworth, Holly Koontz, and Lindsey Wise. Members Absent: Lonnie Martinez. Staff Present: Sr.Transportation Planner Dave Roth, and Sr. Administrative Specialist Joe Patton. Others Present: TTAC Council Liaison John Goodhouse. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Harshfield called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.The meeting was held remotely using MS Teams with a call-in number provided for the public. 2. INTRODUCTIONS 3. CONSIDER MINUTES The May 5, 2021 meeting Minutes were unanimously approved. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT / TTAC MEMBER ITEMS Alan had one item and Ruth had two. 5. TTAC MEMBER ITEMS / UPDATES A. Alan shared a link regarding Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) updates: https://www.marketplace.org/2021/05/25/why-you-should-care-about-traffic-control-manual- u date . B. Ruth asked about meeting on July 7 since the June meeting had to be shortened. Topics could include the Transportation Impact Analysis, Procedures an updates,Parks Master Plan update, and the TSP update and at some point,potentially a transportation project tour by bike. A Doodle poll will be sent. C. Ruth noted that Serge was appointed as a voting member by Council at their last meeting. D. Members discussed the Streets For People project they volunteered to help with. Most of the feedback received is positive,including online engagement survey. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Joe Patton,TTAC Meeting Secretary Ruth Harshfield, Chair Page 1 of 1