06/17/1992 - Minutes ' r s
P.O. BOX 230000
TIGARD,OREGON 97223-9917
June 17, 1992
Minutes of Special Meeting
PRESENT: Board of Commissioners:
Denis Borman, Treasurer
Audrey Castile, Chair
Clarence Nicoli
Jon Kvistad, Secretary
Bob Wyffels
Jeri Chenelle, Acting Administrative Director
Randy Volk, Superintendent
Mike Miller, Engineering Technician Ill
Lorry Christian, Administrative Assistant
Gary Wells, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
David Feinhauer, Right of Way Associates
Nancy Johnson, TWD Bookkeeper
Call to Order at 4:38 P.M.
1. Approve Resolution to empower Jeri L. Chenelle, Acting Administrative Director
with authority (Resolution 8-92)
A motion was made by Commissioner Robert Wyffels and seconded by Chair Castile
to drop the word "Acting" from the title for Jeri Chenelle. A voice vote was called. The
motion was approved unanimously.
A motion made by Commissioner Jon Kvistad and seconded by Commissioner
Clarence Nicoll, to approve Resolution 8-92, as amended, with the title of
Administrative Director. A voice vote was called. The resolution was approved
2. Approve Resolution to sell the property at 8905 SW Burnham Street to the Tualatin
Valley Fire & Rescue (Resolution 7-92).
A motion was made by Commissioner Denis Borman and seconded by Commissioner
Robert Wyffels to approve Resolution 7-92, as amended. Discussion was called for.
Commissioner Nicoli asked if the $4.08 per square foot was based on an appraisal.
6/17/92 Special Meeting, Board of Commissioners
Gary Wells, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue said the $4.08 is based on an appraisal
which was done by Right of Way Associates, and is the same as the appraisal for the
adjoining property. There was a brief discussion. Commissioner Kvistad said he
wanted to make certain that the discussion included the recommendation by TWD that
the TVF&R make the building and property at 8845 SW Commercial Street available
for community use.
A voice vote was called. The resolution was approved unanimously.
Superintendent Randy Volk said he wanted to clarify several items from previous
negotiating conversations:
• TWD wants a catch basin included in the construction of the new Fire District
building. TWD has purchased the catch basin, and the understanding is that
TVF&R's contractor will install it. Mr. Wells said the contractor is aware of that and
will install it.
• The Rain or Shine lessee currently has gates which TWD will remove.
• There is a small area of lawn between the two gates--TWD will work with TVF&R to
redo the area so the two entrances are compatible.
3. Approve resolution to encourage the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue to make the
building and property at 8845 SW Commercial Street available for community use
(Resolution 9-92).
Chair Castile said this has been an ongoing discussion, and TWD has tried several
ways to help make the situation happen, but at this point TWD isn't able to do much
more than strongly encourage TVF&R to help make the property available for
community use, and the Board will be very disappointed if it doesn't work out. Mr.
Wells said the TVF&R Board is very aware of the situation and has asked for an
appraisal of the SW Commercial Street property, and is still trying to come up with a
solution that works for everyone, within the limits of the law. The appraisal will be
done on the entire piece of property. Commissioner Kvistad reminded everyone that
originally there were donated labor and materials from the community involved in the
building and property.
A motion made by Commissioner Jon Kvistad and seconded by Commissioner Robert
Wyffels, to approve Resolution 9-92. A voice vote was called. The resolution was
approved unanimously.
Ms. Chenelle said she wanted to acknowledge the work of Lorry Christian,
Administrative Assistant, for coordinating and pulling together the information
regarding the sale of the property. Chair Castile thanked Lorry for her work. Chair
Castile said she appreciated the help of everyone--Nancy Johnson, Lorry Christian,
Mike Miller and Randy Volk--everyone has been available and helpful during this time
of transition.
6/17/92 Special Meeting, Board of Commissioners
4. Other Business
A. Chair Castile said Commissioner Kvistad may be unopposed in the November
general election for a seat on the Metro Council, so he possibly will be needing to
resign from the TWD Board in January 1993. Chair Castile will be needing to
resign also in January 1993, so that she can take her place on the Metro Council.
B. Chair Castile read a letter of resignation from Commissioner Denis Borman
(copy attached). The letter specified the resignation is because of family business
out of the country, to which he must attend, and not because of any current issues
before the Board.
C. Ms. Chenelle said that members of the Management Team have been available
and very helpful getting information.
5. Executive Session
At 5:05 p.m., Chair Castile adjourned the regular meeting and the Board went into
executive session under the provisions of ORS 192.660 (1)(b), and (e), to discuss
dismissal of public officers and employees, and real property transactions.
At 5:39 p.m. Chair Castile reconvened the regular meeting.
A. Chair Castile said there was only one item of business for action, that being the
Agreement between Jeri L. Chenelle and the Board.
A motion was made by Commissioner Robert Wyffels and seconded by
Commissioner Denis Borman to accept the Letter of agreement, striking the word
"Acting" from the title, between Jeri L. Chenelle and the Board. A voice vote was
called. The resolution was approved unanimously.
B. Commissioner Wyffels asked if there would be a TWD picnic planned for this
summer. Ms. Christian said yes, committees are already formed for the planning.
The date and location are yet to be selected. Chair Castile said that if the
employees feel comfortable, the Commissioners would like to be invited.
Chair Castile adjourned the regular meeting at 5:42 p.m.