02/11/1992 - Minutes •t i
8777 S . BURNHAM ST.
P.O. BOX 230000
TIGARD,OREGON 97223-9917
February 11 , 1992
Minutes of Regular Meeting
PRESENT: Board of Commissioners:
Audrey Castile, Chair Denis Borman, Treasurer
Jon Kvistad, Secretary Sydney Sherwood (arrived at
Clarence Nicoli 7:35 PM)
John Miller, Administrator
Randy Volk, Superintendent
Mike Miller, Engineering Technician Ill
Lorry Christian, Secretary
Rusty Thomas, TWD employee Diane Kuhn, TWD employee
Sam Morrison, TWD employee Bonnie Turner, TWD employee
Ed Wyant, TWD employee Brian Clancy, TWD employee
Trish Toedtemeier, TWD employee John Powell, TWD employee
Mike White, TWD employee Richard Sattler, TWD employee
Lynn Tesky, TWD employee Bob Wyffels, TWD Budget
Hill Hampton, Tigard resident Committee
The meeting was called to order by Chair Castile at 7:33 P.M.
1 . Resolution to approve minutes of the January 14 meeting.
A motion was made by Chair Audrey Castile and seconded by
Commissioner Jon Kvistad to approve the minutes of the January 14
regular Board Meeting. Discussion was called for. There was no
discussion. A voice vote was called for. The resolution passed
2/11/92 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners
2. Visitors
Chair Castile welcomed the visitors and thanked them for coming.
3. Resolution to approve the payment of vouchers.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Kvistad and seconded by
Commissioner Denis Borman to approve the payment of vouchers.
Discussion was called for. Commissioner Kvistad asked about the payment
to American Business Machines. Administrator John Miller said we
purchased a new copy machine. Commissioner Kvistad asked what OMFOA
is. Secretary Lorry Christian said that is the professional finance
organization of which Bookkeeper Nancy Johnson is a member.
Hearing no more discussion, a voice vote was called. The motion
passed unanimously.
4. Discuss Tigard Water System Study prepared for the City of
Chair Castile talked about the discussion meeting she had with TWD
employees on Feb. 6. Chair Castile said she wanted to come back to this
item later in the meeting.
5. Review auditors for annual financial audit.
Chair Castile reviewed the comments and recommendation by
Administrator Miller about the 3 auditing firms he contacted about bids
for the annual financial audit. Administrator Miller said the auditors
would submit bids only if TWD opened a formal bid process--they wouldn't
give informal verbal bids. There was a brief discussion. Chair Castile
suggested TWD continue using Coopers & Lybrand, and in the December
meeting review the idea of opening a formal bid process for the auditing
process. The Commissioners were all in agreement with this.
6. Resolution to approve salary adjustment for FY 1992-93
(Resolution 2-92).
Chair Castile said she wanted to come back to item 6 later in the
2/11/92 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners
7. Chair's Comments:
a. Chair Castile asked Administrator Miller if TWD received
rent payment from Rain & Shine? Administrator Miller said no,
it hadn't arrived.
b. Chair Castile said she would like to call a short
Executive Session after the rest of the items on the agenda are
completed, to discuss the hiring process for the General
Manager position.
c. Regarding the proposed computer system, Chair Castile
said although she doesn't want to waste money, she thinks we
should continue going forward with it. Chair Castile asked
Administrator Miller to have Commissioner Kvistad review the
request for proposal for the new computer system if he does
proceed with it. Administrator Miller said he doesn't plan to
go forward with the RFP until he understands what the City of
Tigard wants from TWD as far as combining sewer billing with
TWD water billing. Administrator Miller said the RFP is
complete except for a couple of items and he will continue
working on it. Commissioner Kvistad said he would work with
Administrator Miller on the RFP for the computer system.
d. Chair Castile thanked Commissioners for responding to
her letter regarding them missing the January 23 meeting with
the City of Tigard. The Commissioners' absences were due to a
variety of reasons--not because of a lack of support for TWD
or the Chair.
8. Commissioners' Comments
Chair Castile asked if there were any comments from
Commissioners. There were no comments.
9. Administrator's Report
a. Administrator Miller distributed copies of a summary of
ORS under which executive sessions can be convened, prepared
by Secretary Lorry Christian.
2/11/92 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners
b. Administrator Miller distributed copies of a letter from the
City of Lake Oswego in reply to his letter.
c. Administrator Miller distributed copies of a letter from
Beverly Froude, CPO #4 Steering Committee Member, asking for
an exception to the 4-week scheduling rule in reserving the
TWD Richard Brown Auditorium. There was a brief discussion.
A motion was made by Chair Castile and seconded by
Commissioner Nicoll to allow reservations to be scheduled for
up to 1 year. A voice vote was called. The vote was
d. Administrator Miller reviewed the plot plan of the property
adjacent to TWD Operations Center (present Rain & Shine
rental property). Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue wants to buy
this excess property from TWD. There was a brief discussion
about the possibility of TWD gaining ownership of the present
site of the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue on SW Commercial
e. Administrator Miller said the FY'92-'93 proposed budget
will include several items he wants Commissioners to be
aware of:
- $75,000 - TWD portion of funding for a study done by the
Regional Water Purveyors to develop a new water source by the
year 2000.
- $30,000 - TWD portion of funding to test Willamette
River water by Tualatin Valley Water District. TVWD wants to
make a presentation to the Board in order to secure the
f. Administrator Miller said he will give specific information
in the Executive Session about a proposed rate increase to TWD
patrons to meet the proposed expenses in FY'92-'93, and
because of increased water rates from the City of Portland.
There was a general discussion.
2/11/92 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners
Chair Castile distributed copies of a resolution to METRO, from the
Regional Governance Committee, stating a brief history and their position.
Associations, cities, and special districts are being asked to sign this as
evidence of being a member, and their support. Chair Castile proposed
that she sign the resolution for the Tigard Water District. The
Commissioners agreed.
Chair Castile distributed copies of an attitude survey from the
Regional Governance Committee, and asked each Commissioner to
complete it and return it.
Chair Castile asked if Attorney C. Aken Blitz had returned our copies
of the job descriptions. Administrator Miller said no,.
4. Discuss Tigard Water System Study prepared for the City of
Chair Castile said the City of Tigard wants feedback from the
Commissioners so that TWD can return with an official opinion at the next
meeting with the City. There was a brief discussion.
Chair Castile summarized 4 options she sees for TWD:
- TWD remain as it is
- TWD combine with the City of Tigard
- form a water authority
- TWD combine with Tualatin Valley Water District
Chair Castile said she has heard, from her discussions with TWD
employees, the City, and from the community, that TWD should work
toward a consolidation with the City of Tigard. The conditions we ask for
- a letter of commitment from the City that Tigard, Cities of
Durham and King City, and the unincorporated areas all be
contracted back to us as a department, with a 20-year agreement.
- TWD assets be put in a protected status.
- TWD become a water department.
Chair Castile suggested that she meet with the mayors and
administrators of the Cities of Durham and King City, and the
unincorporated areas to get their input. A discussion followed. The
2/11/92 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners
Commissioners agreed for there to be a meeting with the representatives
of the affected areas.
Chair Castile said the Board of Commissioners would go into
executive session, with Administrator Miller and Superintendent Randy
Volk, to discuss the following issues:
a. The hiring process for the general manager position
b. Wage negotiations
The Board adjourned the general session and went into executive
session at 8:21 p.m.
The Board came out of executive session at 9:05 p.m., and went back
into general session.
6. Resolution to approve salary adjustment for FY 1992-93
(Resolution 2-92)
Chair Castile said she didn't want to put the increase in the form of
a formal resolution. Commissioner Borman presented a motion that was
seconded by Commissioner Sherwood, that the Board of Commissioners
grant a cost of living salary increase of 4% of base salary, effective July
1, 1992, for FY1992-93. Chair Castile gave an overview of the Board's
prospective of the wage increase. She said that the consensus of the
Board of Commissioners is that TWD employees are good people who work
well for the District, and are supportive. When looking at wage
negotiation, however, the Board needs to look at the economics of the
A voice vote was called: .
Commissioners Aye No Abstain
Denis Borman X
Audrey Castile X
Jon Kvistad X
Clarence Nicoli X
Sydney Sherwood X
The motion passed by a 4 to 1 vote.
2/11/92 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners
Chair Castile thanked everyone for the negotiations.
a. The hiring process for the general manager position.
Chair Castile proposed that the Board freeze the selection
process for the General Manager position at this time. All of the
Commissioners agreed.
10. Other Business
Chair Castile presented a letter of resignation from Commissioner
Sherwood, who bought a residence 1 block outside the Water District.
Chair Castile suggested that the letter of resignation not be accepted, and
that Commissioner Sherwood remain as an advisor, without voting
privileges, until a replacement is found. Chair Castile asked the
Commissioners to be thinking of names to be submitted to fill the
Chair Castile asked Administrator Miller to do some research about
the present site of the Fire Department.
Commissioner Borman thanked Diane Kuhn and Ed Wyant for being the
Employee Negotiating Team for TWD.
Chair Castile adjourned the regular meeting at 9:15 p.m.