01/14/1992 - Minutes r • TIGARD WATER DISTRICT 8777 S .BURNHAM ST. P.O.BOX 230000 TIGARD,OREGON 97223-9917 TIGARD WATER DISTRICT PHONE(503)639-1554 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS January 14, 1992 Minutes of Regular Meeting PRESENT: Board of Commissioners: Audrey Castile, Chair Denis Borman, Treasurer Jon Kvistad, Secretary Sydney Sherwood Clarence Nicoll Staff: John Miller, Administrator Randy Volk, Superintendent Mike Miller, Engineering Technician ID Lorry Christian, Secretary Visitors: Diane Kuhn, TWD employee Richard Sattler, TWD employee Ed Wyant, TWD employee The meeting was called to order by Chair Castile at 7:30 P.M. 1 . Resolution to approve minutes of the December 10 meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Denis Borman and seconded by Commissioner Sydney Sherwood to approve the minutes of the December 10 regular Board Meeting. Discussion was called for. There was no discussion. A voice vote was called for. The resolution passed unanimously. 2. Visitors Chair Castile welcomed the visitors and thanked them for coming. a f 12/10/91 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners 3. Resolution to approve the payment of vouchers. Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Kvistad and seconded by Commissioner Borman to approve the payment of vouchers. Discussion was called for. Commissioner Borman asked about the payment of $117.80 to The Pool House. Administrator John Miller said we purchase chlorine from them. Hearing no more discussion, a voice vote was called. The motion passed unanimously. 4. Resolution to waive the System Development Charge for the City of King City (Resolution 1-92) Chair Castile asked Administrator John Miller to explain. Administrator Miller said Tigard Water District was approached last spring to furnish a water meter for the City Hall building, because the present meter is connected to a real estate office as well as the sprinkler system located on 2 landscaped islands on Royalty Parkway. The City of Ing City asked that the full cost of the water meter be waived. Administrator Miller denied their request because he didn't have the authority to do that. The present request is to waive the System Development Charge, and charges for complete installation are not to exceed $500 . Administrator Miller recommends the resolution be approved. Commissioner Borman said when he was City Administrator for King City, he became aware of the possibility of an underground leak. Commissioner Nicoli asked what the cost is that they are asking be waived. Administrator Miller said the full charge would be $1095. A motion was made by Commissioner Borman and seconded by Commissioner Clarence Nicoli to waive the System Development Charge adding "providing Tigard Water District doesn't have to repair any leaks to the system." A voice vote was called. Resolution 1-92 passed unanimously. 2 12110/91 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners 5. Chair's Comments: a. Chair Castile asked Administrator Miller to comment on the Special Districts Association of Oregon conference. Administrator Miller said the SDAO conference will be held February 6 - 9 at the Red Lion, Lloyd Center. The conference gives Board members an opportunity to learn more about duties, responsibilities, and liabilities, and he strongly recommends that the Commissioners attend if they have the time. He will see that Commissioners wishing to attend are registered. Chair Castile and Commissioner Kvistad said they will be available and will attend. The remaining Commissioners have scheduling conflicts and won't attend. b. Chair Castile reported about the Regional Governance Committee. At the last meeting she attended, it was apparent they had made a lot of progress--bringing together cities, counties, and special districts. They have made an impact through the RGC, and Metro is listening. A draft of what will be presented to Metro has been prepared and will be available within the next month. The brochure included in the Agenda packet explains the RGC very well. Chair Castile said the Committee presented the water industry in a very positive way, and she was glad Tigard Water District had participated, that the money was well spent. Another bill from RGC has been received. Chair Castile said she and Administrator Miller discussed the second bill and decided to not ask the Board for more money unless there was a real money crunch at the end. RGC still has money to carry them through until May. c. Chair Castile talked about the monthly stipend of $50 that Commissioners have the option of taking. Commissioners received requests for information for completing 1099 forms, because the stipend is $50 and totals $600 for a 12 month period. IRS requirements are that 1099 forms be sent to individuals earning $600 or more and that these earnings be declared. Chair Castile suggested the stipend be changed to $45 per month. 3 r 12/10/91 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners A motion was made by Commissioner Kvistad, and seconded by Commissioner Borman to change the stipend to $45 per month. A voice vote was called. The motion passed unanimously. d. Chair Castile asked about the TWD Newsletter, referring everyone to the Metro Planning News, "Who Does What" section. She said she would like to see the following things in the TWD Newsletter: - Who Does What in Water Management (state or local) (where our water comes from; what happens to it; why we have reservoirs, but buy water from Lake Oswego; what does Bull Run have to do with us; etc.) - Water conservation - Water sampling information - Information about the good things TWD is doing Administrator Miller said the next TWD Newsletter is due at the end of February. e. Chair Castile asked the Commissioners if they would agree to send copies of the job descriptions for General Manager, Water Systems Manager, and Superintendent to Attorney C. Akin Blitz. Chair Castile also suggested, and Administrator Miller previously agreed with her, to table approving the job descriptions (Resolution 23-91) for now (item 76). Chair Castile said that she thought the job descriptions didn't need to be formalized with a resolution. She wants the Board to see and approve the job descriptions, but not in the form of a resolution, because the formal resolution process could prevent necessary changes. Commissioner Borman clarified that a legal alternative would be to bring job descriptions before the Board as a motion, without needing a formal resolution. A motion was made by Commissioner Kvistad and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to table approving the job 4 12/10/91 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners descriptions for now. A voice vote was called. The motion was approved unanimously. f. Chair Castile asked Administrator Miller about the computer system. Administrator Miller said information is needed about three issues in order to complete the Request for Proposal: word processing and associated networking; data base program for TWD backflow program; and valve program. He is continuing to seek the information. 6. Commissioners' Comments Commissioner Kvistad said he approved of the letter sent by Administrator Miller outlining TWD's position in response to the Draft Executive Summary prepared by James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc. for the City of Tigard. Commissioner Sherwood and Chair Castile said they were also impressed by the letter. 7. Administrator's Report a. Review of professional services: i. Audit of Financial Statements Administrator Miller recommended continuing using Coopers & Lybrand, CPA. Commissioner Nicoll and Commissioner Borman agreed with Administrator Miller's recommendation. Commissioner Kvistad said he would like to have the auditing put out for competitive bid, because Coopers & Lybrand has done the audit for over 30 years, and it's an item over $10,000. There was a brief discussion. Commissioner Kvistad said he thought Coopers & Lybrand would be our first choice, but he would like to see 2 to 3 other bids. i i. Leaal Services Administrator Miller recommended continuing using: Derryck Dittman - contracts, documents, routine issues C. Aiken Blitz - personnel services Commissioner Kvistad said he would like to not define or restrict either attorney to specific issues, but rather 5 12/10191 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners have both attorneys listed as "general legal counsel", because he would feel very comfortable with Lane Powell being one of the first contacts regarding water issues--there are some specific things coming up, and Lane Powell has some experts in that field. Chair Castile agreed, saying Lane Powell has some of the best "water" lawyers in the State, although accessibility is a problem. A motion was made by Commissioner Borman and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to approve and include both Derryck Dittman and C. Aiken Blitz of Lane, Powell, Spears, Lubersky as general purpose legal counsel. A voice vote was called. The motion was approved unanimously. iii. Enaineerina Services Administrator Miller recommended continuing to use Gil Meigs, P.E. of Economic and Engineering Services, Inc., who has done the majority of engineering work for TWD, except for Bob Santee, former TWD Administrator. There was a general discussion. A motion was made by Chair Castile and seconded by Commissioner Borman to continue using Gil Meigs, P.E. A voice vote was called. Commissioners Aye No Abstain Denis Borman X Audrey Castile X Jon Kvistad X Clarence Nicoli X Sydney Sherwood X The motion passed by a 4 to 1 vote. 7. C. City of Tigard Workshop, 8:00 P.M., Thursday, January 23 Administrator Miller said he thinks it's important for all Commissioners to be present at the special Council Meeting. There will be a discussion about the Executive 6 12/10/91 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners Summary of the Tigard Water System Study prepared by James M. Montgomery for the City of Tigard. Chair Castile said the Board of Commissioners will go into a closed executive session, with Administrator Miller, to discuss the following issues: a. The hiring process for the general manager position b. Progress with the City of Lake Oswego c. Wage negotiations Administrator Miller introduced TWD employees Diane Kuhn and Ed Wyant, the negotiating team members, who met with Commissioner Denis Borman. Commissioner Borman said they were excellent representatives. He also said that he doubted there would be anything concluded tonight--it will be the initial discussion (in the executive session). The Board adjourned the general session and went into executive session at 8:00 p.m. The Board came out of executive session at 8:48 p.m., and went back into general session. Chair Castile reported: b. Progress with the City of Lake Oswego. A motion was made by Chair Castile and seconded by Commissioner Borman to authorize Coopers & Lybrand to do a cost study about Tigard Water District participating with the City of Lake Oswego and report back to the Board soon. A voice vote was called. The motion passed unanimously. c. Wage negotiations: Commissioner Borman reported on the meeting with the negotiating representatives. Commissioners will think about the issues and get back to him, and he will be in contact with the negotiating team. a. The hiring process for the general manager position. The Board has decided to begin the hiring process. There will be a March 1 cut off date for accepting applications. 12/10/91 Regular Meeting, Board of Commissioners Adjournment A motion was made by Commissioner Borman and seconded by Commissioner Nicoll to adjourn. A voice vote was called. The motion passed unanimously. Chair Castile adjourned the regular meeting at 8:50 p.m. 8