10/08/1991 - Minutes 4
P.O. BOX 230000
TIGARD,OREGON 97223-9917
October 8, 1991 PHONE (503)639-1554
Minutes of Regular Meeting
PRESENT: Board of Commissioners: ABSENT:
Audrey Castile, Chair Denis Borman, Treasurer
Jon Kvistad, Secretary Sydney Sherwood
Clarence Nicoli
John Miller, Administrator
Randy Volk, Superintendent
Lorry Christian, Administrative Assistant
Rusty Thomas, TWD employee
Rich Sattler, TWD employee
Bob Wyffels, TWD Budget Committee
Jim Savage, Coopers & Lybrand
John Bradley, IDAK Group Inc.
The meeting was called to order by Chair Castile at 7:32 P.M.
1 . Resolution to approve minutes of the September 10 regular
Board Meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jon Kvistad and seconded by
Commissioner Clarence Nicoli to approve the minutes of the September 10
regular Board Meeting.
Discussion was called for. There was no discussion. A voice vote
was called for. The resolution passed unanimously.
2. Resolution to approve the payment of vouchers.
Motion was made by Commissioner Clarence Nicoli and seconded by
Commissioner John Kvistad to approve the payment of vouchers.
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Discussion was called for. Hearing none, a vote was called. The motion
passed unanimously.
3. Visitors
Chair Castile welcomed the visitors to the meeting, and asked them
to introduce themselves. TWD employee Rusty Thomas said he had
something he wanted to say. Chair Castile said they would hear his
comments later during the Comments portion.
4. Presentation by John Bradley, President of IDAK Group, Inc.
Chair Castile introduced John Bradley, saying he is the
representative and consultant from IDAK hired by the Board.
John Bradley briefly reviewed the circumstances which led to IDAK being
hired by the Board. There has been an exceptional amount of growth in
the Tigard Water District community over the past 2 years. These changes
brought about quite a few differences of opinion by employees and Board
members, and a variety of opinions about what should be done about these
changes. The Board hired IDAK to do an audit of the management team
which they completed in mid-September. The audit included a series of
aptitude assessment exercises and interview assessment testing with
each member of the management team. The results of the assessments
were shared with each individual, and a summary CAP report of each given
to Administrator John Miller, and a sub committee of the Board. There
were three goals of the process: (a) help each person affirm their
strengths; (b) give an outside opinion in allowing supervisor and
subordinate to talk about growth and change; and (c) give the Board
information to determine if recommended changes were warranted.
John Bradley concluded his report, saying he wasn't aware of
specific recommendations or changes being considered.
Chair Castile asked if there were any questions of John
Bradley. Hearing none, Chair Castile thanked him. Chair Castile said she
felt resolution has come to some of the turmoil that had been present.
She thanked employees for speaking their minds, and said although there
wasn't a more detailed report, she wanted to assure employees that their
input wasn't overlooked—the Board worked very hard to resolve the
issues, and focus on a positive direction which will be good for everyone.
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5. Resolution to approve flow chart and recommendations.
Administrator John Miller referred Commissioners to copies of a
flow chart showing positions at Tigard Water District, and a list of
recommendations he is asking the Commissioners to approve. The
information is included only in the Commissioners' packets. There was a
brief discussion.
A motion was made by Chair Castile and seconded by Commissioner
Nicoll to approve the flow chart and accept the recommendations made by
the Administrator. Discussion was called for. Chair Castile said she
understood that Administrator Miller wanted to make this organization
work, but this flow chart wasn't "cast in stone", that if it didn't work, the
Commissioners wanted to hear about it. Input was called for from the
floor. Hearing none, a voice vote was called. The resolution was passed
6. Presentation of the 1990-91 Financial Audit, James L. Savage,
Coopers & Lybrand, CPA.
Commissioner Nicoli said he has known Jim Savage for 20-30 years,
and asked Mr. Savage review his association with Tigard Water District.
Mr. Savage briefly reviewed the history of his work with Tigard Water
District, saying this was the first audit job he had.
Mr. Savage reviewed the Report on Audit of Financial Statements and
Supplementary Data, saying that Tigard Water District is in fine financial
shape, having only one bond indebtedness which will be paid off in 1996.
The financial statements look very good. Tigard Water District has done a
good job of operating on a "pay as you go" basis. There was a brief
Chair Castile thanked Mr. Savage for coming to make the
presentation, and said the Board is happy to hear that the Water District
is in such a fine financial condition. She said the Board has reviewed the
District's policies and procedures, and routinely will review the financial
auditor and legal counsel, in order to follow procedure, not as any
reflection on the work of Coopers and Lybrand.
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7. Resolution to approve agreement with Tigard-Tualatin School
District (Resolution 17-91).
Administrator Miller reviewed the circumstances leading to the
request from Tigard-Tualatin School District to rent space at the Water
District's Canterbury site. Commissioner Kvistad clarified that the
agreement was for storage of vehicles inside and outside--not storage in
the upstairs portion. Commissioner Nicoli asked if they intended to use
the shop for repairs. Administrator Miller said no. Chair Castile said that
the $100 monthly rent was low. Commissioner Kvistad suggested that the
resolution be approved with the provision that the School District pay any
increase in the cost of utilities. A brief discussion continued.
A motion was made by Commissioner Kvistad and seconded by Chair
Castile to approve Resolution 17-91.
A voice vote was called. Resolution 17-91 passed unanimously.
8. Chair's Comments
A. Rusty Thomas said the problems over the past year have
created a lot of pressure on the Board as well as the administration and
employees of Tigard Water District. Something has happened, bringing
things together to improve the situation. Rusty said he wanted to give
credit to the Board for their concern, and for their part in working toward
Chair Castile thanked Rusty. She said Board members
appreciated employees who have admitted there were problems, dealt
with whatever the Board and the administration struggled with, and taken
what there was and made the best of it. She said the Board is hearing only
good things about all employees.
B. Chair Castile said she met separately with Alice
Schlenker, Mayor of Lake Oswego, and Dan Anderson, Councilor, and talked
about Tigard Water District joining in partnership with the City of Lake
Oswego in owning water rights. They both listened, and although they
didn't make a commitment, they agreed to take to their City Council our
request for joint ownership. Chair Castile said she asked for them to
consider giving TWD a letter of intent. She expressed her pride in Tigard
Water District.
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9. Commissioners' Comments.
Chair Castile asked if there were any Commissioners'
A. Commissioner Nicoll asked about the Regional
Governance Committee--if they had been given the $1,000 from Tigard
Water District which had been approved at the September meeting.
Commissioner Kvistad said no. Chair Castile said the check had been
processed, but that the payment wouldn't be released to the Committee
until it became clear whether or not Tigard Water District would receive
direct benefit from the Committee's work. Commissioner Kvistad said
that with Chair Castile on the Committee she has a direct vote. Chair
Castile said that at the last meeting, several cities and districts have
paid their monies in full. She said the Regional Governance Committee is
working with the METRO Charter Committee to try to ensure
representation for the local districts and governments when METRO has
the right to tax.
B. Commissioner Kvistad said, with the current water
restriction situation that the City of Portland's Bureau of Water Works is
experiencing, patrons of Tigard Water District don't have to worry--we
have an independent source with an ample supply of clean, filtered water.
10. Administrator's Report.
A. Administrator Miller presented a Safety Manual,
containing a Hazard Communication Program, Confined Space Entry
Policies and Procedures, and Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor
Program. He congratulated Rich Sattler, Safety Officer, who compiled and
developed the information, and Lorry Christian who edited and coordinated
the final production of the manuals. The Commissioners were pleased
with the manuals.
B. Administrator Miller said, in order to communicate how
dry the weather was this year, in August 1990, TWD used 7.6 million
gallons per day (mgd). In August 1991, we used 8.0 mgd. In September
1990, we used 4.68 mgd, and in September 1991, we used 6.5 mgd. The
District isn't having any trouble keeping up. In response to Commissioner
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Kvistad's question, Administrator Miller said we are drawing from our 2
wells--producing just short of 1 million gallons between the two.
11. Other Business
A. Commissioner Kvistad reported that Jack Schwab is the
newly appointed member of the Tigard City Council.
Chair Castile adjourned the regular meeting at 8:32 p.m.