03/13/1990 - Minutes 41 TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
P.O. BOX 230000
TIGARD,OREGON 97223-9917
March 13, 1990
Board of Commissioners:
Denis Borman, Chairman
Audrey Castile, Secretary
Jon Kvistad, Treasurer
Walt Stronach
Bob Bledsoe
John P. Miller, Administrator
Randy Yolk, Superintendent
• Yvonne Turner. Secretary •
Clarence Nicoll, Tigard Resident
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Denis Borman, at 7:30 p.m.
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Mr. Bledsoe
asked that in the future he be referred to, in the minutes, as Bob, the secretary agreed. Audrey
Castile stated that she would like the minutes from last meeting to read that ' hiring done of
females and minorities was not meant just for summer work". There weren't any comments. A•
vote on the motion to approve the minutes was taken and the motion passed.
Motion was made and to approve payment of the vouchers. Jon Kvistad asked about a
'Leroy S . John explained it is a device used in drafting. Vote to approve payments passed
Tigard Water District
3-90 Regular Meeting
March 13, 1990
Motion was made to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting with Metzger Water
District on March 6. 1990. No comments or alterations were made. Vote was taken, and the
motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Borman welcomed the visitor, Clarence Nicoli. Mr. Borman asked if he
had any comments. Mr. Nicoll asked the Board what their reaction was to the Tualatin Valley
Water Authority proposal between Wolf Creek Hiway and Metzger Water Districts. The
Chairman said the Board had not committed itself to any particular decision, but the general
consensus was one of approval.
The next item on the agenda was the use of the meeting rooms. This was tabled in
November. Bob Bledsoe asked that again it be tabled for 6 months as there seems to be no
problem filling the rooms. Vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
John Miller asked that the Board go into executive session at this time to discuss a land
purchase. Walt Stronach asked the members of the Board if Clarence Nicoli could stay, the
members agreed.
The Board went into Executive Session at 7:39 p.m. The Regular meeting was reconvened
at 7:45 p.m.
A Resolution was presented by Walt Stronach: •
Resolution 3-90
The Tigard Water District agrees to an option to purchase the above described 1.9227
acres for$65,000.00 . The cost to the District for the option to be $500.00. The cost of the
option to be applied in full towards the purchase price provided the District exercises the option
by June 30. 1990 and including any sharing of legal fees.
Watt Stronach moved that the resolution be accepted.
Audrey Castile seconded. There was no further discussion. Vote was taken and the
motion passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was the Employee Handbook. Bob Bledsoe gave the Board a
copy of the "Model Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual", by the law firm of Spears,
t_isky, Bledsoe, Anderson, Young and Hilliard. He stated that he had three changes that he
would like included into the staff handbook. Consensus of the Board was that a special meeting be
held to discuss the Employee handbook Discussion followed.
Audrey Castile made a motion to accept the Employee Handbook in concept as is,with an
agreement that a work session be set, within the next month, to bring an agreement of the Board
on the comments that were written ahead of time. Motion was seconded. Discussion ensued.
Vote was taken. Audrey Castile and Walt Stronach and Denis Borman voted yes. and Bob Bledsoe
and Jon Kvistad voted no. The motion passed 3 to 2.
Tigard Water District
3-90 Regular Meeting
March 13, 1990
The next item on the agenda was Other Business. Jon Kvistad brought up the service
area along 1-5 that Tigard Water District serves, but is within the Metzger Water District.
Discussion followed. Consensus of the Board is that Tigard Water District should be serving the
residences of the City of Tigard.
Next order of business, Walt Stronach noted that the staff is being overwhelmed with
paper work and more people should be hired. Discussion followed.
Walt Stronach made a motion to authorize the Administrator to hire 2 field employees
and 1 office employee. Audrey Castile seconded. General discussion followed. Vote was taken and
Bob Bledsoe voted against the motion. The motion passed 3-1.
Mr. Bledsoe asked about the time frame on the Budget Report and the study by Gil Meigs.
Brief discussion followed. John Miller explained that all the numbers may not be ready until
Walt Stronach made a motion to have a Special Meeting on Monday, April 9, 1990 at 1
p.m.to discuss the budget,Employee Handbook and the Gil Meigs study. Bob Bledsoe seconded.
Discussion followed. Vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Jon Kvistad asked about the letters from Attorney Derryck Dittman, answering the
Boards questions for the February 13, 1990 meeting. John Miller explained , Discussion
followed and there was no further action.
Mr. Stronach brought to the Board's attention the Action Plan for the formation of the
Tualatin Valley Water Authority. Brief discussion ensued. The Board decided against any action
on the study.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.