01/09/1990 - Minutes .,1
P.O. BOX 230000
TIGARD,OREGON 97223-9917
January 9, 1990
Board of Commissioners:
Denis Borman, Chairman
Audrey Castile, Secretary
Jon Kvistad, Treasurer
Robert Bledsoe
Walter Stronach
John P. Miller, Administrator
Randy Volk, Superintendent
Yvonne Turner, Secretary
Clarence Nicoll
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman Denis Borman at 7:30 p.m.
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the last meeting, as written.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Chairman welcomed the visitor, Clarence Nicoll.
Tigard Water District
1-90 Regular Meeting
January 9, 1990
Motion was made to approve the payment of vouchers. Audrey Castile asked about the
overpayment refund to CBH. John Miller explained that it was for an overpayment on a water
Jon Kvistad questioned the payment to Wittco Systems. Mr. Miller said it was for copy
machine repair.
Vote to approve payment of vouchers was unanimous.
The next item was the Resolution (1-90) for initiating annexation of territory to
the Tigard Water District. Mr. Bledsoe made the motion to approve and Jon Kvistad seconded.
In discussion Mr. Bledsoe asked the location and Mr. Miller explained it was on 131st and
Fischer Rd. Vote was taken and passed unanimously.
The next subject was the Lake Oswego work session meeting. The administrator had not
heard from them. The Chairman stated that "the meeting is up in the air."
The meeting between the Board representative and employee representative for wage and
fringe benefits was the next item. Audrey Castile requested an executive session after the
regular meeting for discussion. The Chairman granted the meeting.
The next item on the agenda was the Oliphant and Bates Insurance proposal. The
Administrator advised that it should be changed to the 2 million dollar limit costing
$23,067.98. Discussion followed. Resolution (2-90) was made by Mr. Bledsoe to approve
the expenditure of $23,067.98 for the Insurance package with the 2 million dollar limit .
Mr. Stronach seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Moving to Other Business, the Chairman asked about the Christmas lights. Discussion
ensued. The Board expressed a sincere desire that Tigard Water District do some lighting
at Christmastime, as per their resolution of December 12, 1989.
The Chairman asked for further new business. Mr. Miller then handed out the 3rd draft
of the Employee Handbook for the Commissioners to review.
Mr. Stronach asked about Washington County Water Authority. Discussion followed.
Walt Stronach volunteered to attend the meetings.
Mr. Bledsoe asked about the letter from Jim Corliss, Landmark Ford, regarding the 12"
water line. John Miller advised that to replace that line would cost about $57,600.00. He then
suggested that Tigard Water District could replace about 800' of that line sometime within the
next fiscal year and the remainder in the following three years. Discussion followed.
Tigard Water District
1-90 Regular meeting
January 9, 1990
Walter Stronach moved (Resolution 3-90) to allocate monies for moving the first 800' of
the waterline on the Landmark property, the money to be budgeted this spring and made
available after July 1, 1990; and to authorize John Miller to convey to Mr. Corliss that after
we move the line, Landmark Ford agree to take care of all above ground amenities, fences,
curbs, sidewalks and etc. Vote was taken. Audrey Castile, Walter Stronach, Denis Borman and
Robert Bledsoe voted yes and Jon Kvistad voted no. Resolution passed.
Further new business regarding the Special District's Association of Oregon meeting at
Lincoln City was the next item. Mr. Bledsoe encouraged members to attend because of the
timeliness of the subjects. The Administrator asked that anyone desiring to go, please let him
know as soon as possible. John Miller stated that he will be going. Audrey Castile and Bob
Bledsoe said they would notify the administrator.
The Chairman called for the Executive Session.
The visitor, Clarence Nicoli departed along with staff, Randy Volk and Yvonne Turner.
According to the-Administrator , John Miller, the Executive Session ended and-the
regular meeting was reconvened at 9:42 p.m.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 9:43 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.