Intergovernmental Water Board Bylaws - 12.14.1994 r INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD BYLAWS REVISED DECEMBER 14, 1994 ARTICLE I: Name of Organization • Intergovernmental Water Board ARTICLE II: Mission • The Cities withdrew from the original District with intent to take a more active role in planning and operating a domestic water supply system for the Southeast Washington County area in order to provide the residents of that area with the highest quality water service at the lowest possible cost. In keeping with that intention, the Parties to this Intergovernmental Agreement commit to working together to provide all of the residents and undeveloped property in the original District with a clean, economical water supply. The Parties further commit to working together and with other agencies and jurisdictions in a cooperative effort to plan for the future long term water supply needs of the area. ARTICLE III: Members • The Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB) will consist of five members. Members of the Board will be appointed by the respective governing bodies as follows: Tigard - One Member King City - One Member Durham - One Member District/Unincorporated Area - One Member At Large - One Member selected by a majority vote of the Other Members . ARTICLE IV: Officers • The Intergovernmental Water Board shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from its' members. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair shall be held the first meeting in February of each calendar year. In the event of a resignation of the Chair, the standing Vice-Chair shall become Chair on the effective date of the resignation of the Chair. The new Chair shall serve the remainder of the vacating Chair's term. The new Chair's one year term shall commence at the first meeting of the next calendar year. In the event of a resignation by the Vice-Chair, an election to fill the unexpired term shall be held at the next available meeting. Duties of the Chair: • Presides over the deliberations of the Board. • He/She votes on all questions brought before the Board. • Has the authority, with consent of Board Members in attendance, to place time limits on visitor comments. • Is recognized as the spokesperson for Board actions and activities. • Reviews and approves meeting agendas set by Board prior to the meeting. Duties of the Vice-Chair: • Presides over the Board in the absence of the Chair. • Performs other duties assigned to the Chair in the absence of the Chair. ARTICLE V: Meetings: • Meetings of the Intergovernmental Water Board shall be held at a regular time and place set by the members. Meetings of the Intergovernmental Water Board are subject to the open meetings law and are open to the public. Only issues covered under ORS 192.660 may be discussed in Executive Session. Quorums: • A majority of 3 members shall be considered a quorum to conduct business. Duly appointed Alternates count as Members for purposes of establishing a quorum. In the event that the elected Chair and Vice-Chair are both absent, the Members in attendance shall elect a Pro-Tem Chair for that meeting. Agendas: • At the end of each Board meeting agenda, sufficient time shall be allocated to set the agenda for the next meeting. Agendas shall be reviewed and approved by the Chair prior to mailing. Agendas and supporting material shall be mailed to Board Members one week prior to meetings. Information for last minute agenda items shall be distributed to Board Members at least 48 hours in advance of meetings. Only true emergencies may be brought before the Board without at least 48 hour notice. Meeting Notice: • Notice of all Board meetings must be posted at least three days prior to the meeting in the following locations: Tigard City Hall King City City Hall Durham City Hall Tigard Water Building Public Comment: • There shall be time set aside on each regular meeting agenda for Visitors to address the Board on any topic related to the Boards duties. Visitors will be asked to limit their comments to five minutes. In addition, the Board may ask for Public comment on specific issues under consideration. The Board reserves the right to place time limits on speakers. Voting and Motions: • Each Board Member shall be allowed one vote. Any members may make and second motions. Motions shall be addressed to the Chair. All seconded motions shall be voted on by the Board. The Chair may ask for unanimous consent if the motion is not debated or discussed. A voice vote shall be the usual method of voting. For adoption, motions require a majority vote of the Board Members (3 affirmative votes) . in the event of a tie, any member may ask for reconsideration of the motion. The motion fails if the second vote is a tie. Minutes: • Staff shall be assigned to record and transcribe minutes of all Board meetings. Prepared minutes shall be considered "draft" until approved by majority vote of the Board at a regular meeting. The Chair shall sign minutes acknowledging Board approval. ARTICLE VI: Conflict of Interest ARTICLE VII: Amendments These Bylaws of the Intergovernmental Water Board may be amended at any time by majority vote of the members. kathy\iwb\bylaws