05/19/1982 - Minutes • •
Minutes from NPO 3, 5-19-82
1. Call to order
2. Roll call; members decided not to take formal roll
call until theNPO is approved.
3. Bob Bledsoe gave a report on Planning Commission meetings.
4. The city council decided to hold over discussion of annexations
to city zoning until June 14.
5. NPO 3 members discussed how the city map and NPO 3 map do
not correspond for our area. Specifically, there is
no suburban density on the city map. According to
Liz Newton, the NPO map is superseded by the city map.
The following motion was passed unanimously by NPO 3:
The city staff shall research and provide copies
of any ordinances that may have changed NPO 3
planned density and corresponding zoning.
A second motion was passed unanimously:
The city council should withold decisions on
Bechtold zoning until NPO 3 planned density
and corresponding zoning has been resdved.
6. NPO 3 members discussed the City and County meeting
about Walnut St. improvements. It was reported that the
city of Tigard will get County money and fix Walnut St.
according to city specifications . It was stated that
the city is planning to widen Walnut from 106 to 128 St.
in time for the opening of school. NPO 3 unanimously passed
the following motion:
NPO 3 supports the city's involvement in the overlay
of Walnut St. and its attempt to meet the deadline
before school begins.
7 . NVO 3 discussed the Housing Plan Draft. Members questioned
whether the city should have a policy recognizing the
Assisted Housing Program. Members also questioned the
methodology used to project housing needs. Because there
were questions concerning other policies in the plan,
members decided to rewrite policies and implementation
measures and discuss their ideas at a special meeting held
in early June.