01/09/1984 - Minutes Minutes
NPO #3 Meeting of January 9, 1984
1. Call to order at 7:36 pm at library of Fowler Jr. High School
2. Roll call--present were Bledsoe., Mortensen, Ramsdell, Porter, and Smith.
3• Minutes of December 12, 1983 were approved.
4. Election of offieers far 1984
Chairperson--Bob Bledsoe
Vice Chairperson--Vitz Ramsdell
g. J.B. Bishop presented a preliminary presentation of his development
proposal for Tigard: West: a 50,000 sq.ft. G.I. JOE'S store or a 409000
sq.ft. Ross Department Store. His p3m calls for a comp. plan amendment
and zone than ee of lots s o n Watkins to general commercial. He will provide
at least 40 feet setback on Park and Watkinsi
w th 20 feet buffer of tall
evergreen trees and a slatted fence behind (at least along Watkins).
There will be no access on Watkins and only an exit on Park Street. A
complete proposal will be heard at the next NPO meeting.
6. UPAA--The NPO endorsed the Teter written earlier by the chairman.
7• Appeal of S8-83PD Park Place by Century 21: The NPO directed the chairmn
to write a letter to council asking them to decide some basic items on
this appeal, regarding the size and placement of Gaarde Street and the
number of units to be allowed..
8. Other business: The NPO agreed to appeal the minor land partition on
Park Street in regard to formation of an L.I.D. if most of the owners
were in opposition.
9. Adjourn at about 9:36 pm.