03/05/1984 - Minutes NPO #3 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1984 TIGARD CITY HALL 1. Call to order at 7:46 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: Present were Bledsoe, Mortensen, Ramsdell, Smith, and Porter (7:58 p.m.). Excused absent was Moonier. 3. Minutes of February 13, 1984 were approved. 4. Residential Homes: After much discussion, NPO #3 voted unanimously to recommend that Tigard set a numerical limit on the number of employees not related by family relationships to the owner or renter of the residence. This modification should be to 18.142.050 I. of the Community Development Code, page 277. We discussed the range 1-3. Also NPO #3 unanimously supports suggestion of Planning Director Bill Monahan that Residential Homes be explicitly included under the provisions of Home Occupancy. The problem is not one of allowing Residential Homes, but of preventing them from becoming too large for their neighborhoods. The problem is one of scope. 5. Park Place (Century 21 Homes, Inc. ) Prior to this meeting, the chairman had twice polled all members of the NPO concerning an alternate to be proposed jointly by the NPO and developer. The result was the alternate addressed to the Planning Director William Monahan on February 29, 1984. Just prior to this meeting, the NPO received the staff report relative to this proposed alternative. NPO unanimously approved the February 29, 1984 proposal with the condition that the Homeowners Association By-Laws be changed so that only 55% majority is required for special assessments for improvements to the private roads, instead of the present 66 2/3%. (The following day, Century 21's engineer Michael Fair called to confirm that Century 21 was going to reduce this requirement to a simple majority.) The NPO unanimously approved a motion that the project should not be held up by the attainment of the necessary R-O-W from the property to the south. Bill Monahan was present at the last of the meeting and he said he understood that the staff report conditions would not cause any delay to the developer. 6. Other Business: NPO #3 briefly reviewed comp plan amendments to be heard at planning commission. No motion was taken. 7. Adjournment at 9:45 P.M. (pm/0357P)