04/01/1992 - Minutes APR 02 '92 16:59 HOUSING IND. TEAM220-1081 NPO #3 MINUTES April 1, 1992 1. Meeting called to order at 7:09 p.m. 2. Present: Bishop, Froude, Garner, Helm, Mortensen, Porter. Absent: Hansen. 3. Minutes from March 41 1992 were discussed and approved. 4. ZOA 92-0002 - Korean Baptist Church request to allow religious assembly as a condtional use in the Professional Commercial zoning districts. a. In today's code, churches are only allowed in residential zones. b. If this request is granted, each conditional requested will be heard. c. MOTION - It was moved and seconded to approve the request for conditional use of Professional Commercial zoned sites for religious assembly on a case by case basis. Passed unanimously. 5. ZOA 92-0003 - Planning Department, City of Tigard amendment to the Tigard Community Development Code to revise handicapped dzcaPPParlang standards and to allow gravel parking areas in certain situations. a. MOTION - It was moved and seconded that NPO 3 take no position on this request, because the information presented was confusing and unclear. Only on e member of the group received double sided copies of the memorandum from Jerry Offer, others were e e e missing pages 2 & 4. Passed unanimously. 6. Proposed Amendments to the Temporary Sign Requirements. a. MOTION - It was moved and seconded to approve the request for changes in the commercial area, but not to approve the changes in the residential area due to confusing information and the limit of a 10 day use seems unduly restrictive. We are also unaware of problems in the residential areas. Passed unanimously. 7. Other business - a. Discussed memo from Randy Wooley regarding our request for information on the status of the Gaarde St. extension. b. Anderson property proposal and Traffic Anaylsis. 1. MOTION - It was moved and seconded that NPO 3 is opposed to increasing any residential density unless there are overriding reasons. Traffic is already congested on Bull Mtn. Rd. and Pacific Hy., so increasing the residential density will only exacerbate the problem. Passed unanimously. 8. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lila Garner