07/01/1992 - Minutes JUL-06-1992 13=55 F* ERC PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TO 96647297 P.01
NPO #3 .M7 WTF.S
JULY 11 1992
1. Meeting called to order at 7.01 p_m_
2. Present: Porter, Bishop, Froude, Garner, Hansen, Helm, Mortensen
3. Minutes of June 3, 1992 meeting were reviewed and approved.
4. Liz Newton and Councilor Judy Fessier came to the meeting to discuss the need to
make changes in the boards and committees of the city to encourage more
citizen involvement and create more awareness of issues Lr-furs Lb*
a. In the 5-21 goel setting session it was determined that there is a need for
more community involvement.
b. Liz and Judy are visiting the various groups to learn of interests and
c. The new structure of committees and interest groups will take a year of
planning and training.
d. Beverly and Herman both reiterated that the present committees are too
fragmented and the new structure should be all encompassing.
e. Other ideas brought forth were, temporary task forces for certain issues,
town meetings, agendas printed in Cityscape, opportunities for community to
initiate ideas, a need for short term committee opportunities, a way of
welcoming residents of new areas and newly annexed areas to inform them of
volunteer opportunities
f. Liz and Judy said that we will be kept informed as the new process evolves.
5. ORS 198.705 was reviewed to understand the difference between consolidation
and; "merger". ORS 190.003 was also briefly roviewW.
6. Review notices:
a. MatrWQuaestor development heard before Planning Commission.
b. Paved pathway to be built from 118 Ct to an area behind Terrace Trails_
7. Other business:
a. Anderson property hearing to be put off until August Council meeting_
NPO 3 requests that time for discussion of this development be put on our
August agenda.
8. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lila Garner