09/02/1992 - Minutes SEP-04-1992 09:05 FRIO ERC PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TO , 96847297 P.02
September 2, 1992
1. An informal session with NPO #7 began at 7:02 p.m.-with Chief Ron Goodpaster as
guest. He discussed traffic concerns and how streets are chosen for Operation
Slowdown. He often meets with concerned neighborhood groups to talk about what
options are available to resolve their concerns about traffic in their areas. Chief
Goodpaster told us about a traffic study done in the Watkins/Fairhaven vicinity and
will report back, at our requemt, the results of his feedback to the neighborhood group
as soon as they are available. A radar gun will be available in October to check out to
Other discussion revolved around what is community policing and changes that are
being made by the police department to provide this service.
Both NPO's submitted a request that speed/volume studies be made in Walnut just
curt of 135 Ave. and Gaarde between 115 Ave. and Highway 99. Chief Coodpaster
will schedule those studies and report back to us.
2. Paul Hunt, a candidate for City Council Position #1, introduced himself, answered
questions, and give out an informational flyer.
3. The joint meeting with NPO #7 adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
4. Roll Call for NPO #3: present, Porter, Bishop, Froude, Garner, Hansen, Helm, and
5_ Minutes from August 5, 1992 approved.
6. Garrett Annexation: Bev reported that the Garretts request for annexation is due to
their desire to connect to the sewer when it becomes available through the new
Robinson development. The group is not opposed to their request, but did not feel a
motion was necessary.
7. Bull Mvuruain road improvements: Discussion centered around what this very small
amount money could do for the area. The group decided that we would like to wait
to hear what comes from the September 24, 1992 open meeting at City Hall. We x
request that this subject be put on our October agenda.
8. Notices of Decision: Herman reported that the City Council in a 4-1 vote will require
that the developer of the proposed subdivision at 121 Ave. and Gaarde St. be required
to extende the new street beyond their property for future connection to 132 Ave.
They will appeal.
SEP-04-1992 09:05 FROERC PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TO 96847297 P.03
9. Other Business: The tree ordinance was discussed..{NPO#3 requests that a city staff
member familiar withthe gree ordinance come to our." so "o
that copies of the free"ordinance be in`our pacl�t,so that we can prepare.for a.: :.
..d 3ion. t
10. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lila Garner