11/04/1992 - Minutes • 4, 0 i November 12, 1992
Minutes for NPO #3 for general meeting 11-04-92. All members present
except Lila Garner, who was excused.
We had a joint meeting with NPO #7 to which police chief Ron Goodpaster
was invited to continue his report from two months ago meeting. He reported
he had continued to try to set up a neighborhood group meeting with the
people on Watkins. This meeting has not materialized yet, but all parties
will continue to try to set a date to meet. thief Goodpaster passed out two
reports regarding traffic on Gaarde/110th and Walnut/128th. These reports
were discussed at length. The Gaarde/110th report was submitted before the
McDonald-Gaarde-Hwy. 99 intersection upgrade was completed. A more updated
report will be available next meeting on this street.
Before the NPO people separated for their own meetings, NPO #3 and NPO #7
agreed to have a special meeting on November 18, 1992 at 7s00 p.m. at a
location to be decided, to discuss only the Comprehensive Plan Amendment
CPA 92-0007 which relates to the future alighnment of a collector street
connecting SW Walnut Street and SW Gaarde Street.
NPO #3 meeting was called to order. Minutes from previous meeting approved.
Mr. Bill Gilmore, Urban Forester was our speaker. His topic was Tree
Ordinances. He stated a committee needed to be formed toP ersue what the
goals and objectives of the ordinance would be; what the funding sources
could be. Does the ordinance need to be for preservation of historic trees,
street trees, every tree, long term canopy, urban forest, Tree City USA
program, etc. This committee needs to be broad based with all of the various
interests represented including a city forester or a planner who has some
experience with trees and ordinances pertaining to trees. The danger in this
ordinance is that if it is not understood with planned goals and objectives
worked out with input from all interests in the community, it can and will
alienate people and be difficult to get passed. On the other side if it is
worked through from the beginning carefully and slowly it can have a positive
effect in a community. The goals and objectives and the over all plan need to
be user friendly and something the community can and will participate in.
An important part of any tree ordinance is that it be properly planned in
the preservation or planting of trees and the maintenance for the years in
the future should be carefully planned also. This presentation was very
thorough and gave us much to ponder in going ahead to form a committee.
The next item was SDR 92-0018/MIS 92-0016 Harris P.D.G. HOT'N NOW restaurant.
located at Hwy. 99 and Park Ave. in Tigard. Mr. Peter Kappertz from PDG
Planning Design Group, 122 SE 27th, Portland 97214, 236^6000 and a represenative
from the owners of the parcel Taco Bell Corp. (subsidiary of Pepsico) , were
present to talk with the community. There were about 30 people from the
community and the NPO in attendance. The proposal is for a new concept
facility serving burgers, fries and soft drinks in a 963 sq. ft. building
which has two drive through lanes and no interior seating at all. All traffic
will ingress and egress on SW Park St. approximately at the intersection with
SW Grant St. This property is zoned C-G (General Commercial) and this use is
allowed under a staff level review with no public hearing necessary. _ This
facility will take out the Pride fuel station and go west along Park about
200' where the entrance/exit will be located. This 200' stretch of Park will
not be Widened but curbs and sidewalk will be added. A right turn lane will
be added for cars entering from Park to SW 99. It will be in the configuration
of SW Greenburg Rd. and SW Gaarde St. with a triangle area between Hwy. 99
and the new roadway addition.
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NPO #3 minutes from
November 4, 1992
There were many neighborhood concerns from the neighbors who live across
the street on SW Park and west on SW Park and from people on SW Watkins.
The concerns were centered on traffic increase that will present a safety
hazard to the school children walking from their homes to attend school
at Charles F. Tigard and walk on SW Park to SW Grant into the school grounds.
Another concern was the increase in traffic if the cars turn left from the
driveway when they leave the restaurant and travel through the residential
community to either Hwy. 99 at Watkins or go to SW Walnut. The neighbors
feel that there should be an entrance on Hwy. 99 either independently or
in conjunction with Pietros restaurant or the entrance to the Hot IN Now
should be closer to Hwy. 99 so all cars will come and go on Hwy. 99
much more easily.
Another concern was for sidewalks the entire length from Hwy. 99 to SW Watkins
foreo le and children especially, to walk safely. There was discussion
of an LID for a sidewalk on the north side of Park if the developer put the
sidewalk in on thesouth side of park to Watkins. There was discussion of a
foot path on the north and south side of Park, which would be temporary until
the street was improved but would be safe walking from the street.
The following conditions were voted onby those in attendance:
1. Petition to move the driveway entrance/exit closer to Pacific Hwy. '
2. Right turn only from the restaurant indicated by a sign and an
arrow painted on the driveway. The developer concured with this
3. Petition the State of Oregon for access on Hwy. 99 as there are two
existing access driveways now for Pride station.
4. Be sure there is enough stacking area for 10 cars and that the
traffic is not backed up on Hwy. 99 or on SW Park. There should
be a center turn lane for the cars to stack in.
5. There should be a sign on SW Park at or near Grant street that
indicates that children are present walking to school.
6. Work with ODOT to synchronize the traffic light at SW Park and Hwy. 99
to change quicker for left turns onto Hwy 99. This light, is slow to
change now, the neighbors who live there reported.
The vote was unanimous by the NPO #3 and then by those in attendance from
the neighborhood.
NPO #3 voted to request the City mail or directly notify all of those who
would be impacted by any decision on the future alignment of a collector
street connection SW Walnut St. and SW Gaarde St. including residents
on Gaarde, Walnut between SW 130 and SW 135th, residents on SW 132n4,
SW Benchview and SW 135th and SW Fern, and the Gorden Moore family
for the special meeting on November 18, 1992.
Substitute pecretary for Lila Garner is Beverly Froude.