09/04/1991 - Minutes NPO #7 Minutes
September 4, 1991
Call to Order: 7:00 pm
Roll Call -- Present: Woolery, Gross, Blanchard, Howden, Dorsett
Absent: Cunningham, McGlinchy
1. Update on Morning Hill property by Mark Rockwell. Members discuss
improvements to Walnut.
2. Presentation regarding request for zone change by Albertsons. Questions:
1. How will traffic be alleviated?
2. Who needs this store?
3. There are two full service grocery stores already in this area. How can you
make a profit with two stores within one to two miles of each other and
more grocery stores within only four miles?
4. Why do you have to come in our backyard with commercial? Why not stay
on Old Scholls Ferry?
5. Mr. Smithy Baker decision - zoning has to be consistent with
comprehensive plan - this neighborhood commercial being seven acres is
not consistent with the comprehensive plan.
6. Do we have the opportunity to express our views?
7. Are you saying there is no way we can change the size back to two acres
neighborhood commercial?
Meeting closed on Albertsons and will be continued in discussion at the October
meeting of NPO #7.
Motion by Bill Gross to continue our hearing on this proposal at our next meeting
and to cite specific reasons for opposing Albertsons proposal. A working draft will
be presented at our next meeting. Guests will have an opportunity for further input
at our next meeting.
Seconded by: Ed Howden. In favor: 5 Against: 0
3. Minutes of last meeting stand as submitted.
4. Discussion of Summer Creek Basin as a Metro Green Space.
Motion by Bill Gross: To send a letter to Metro on behalf of our NPO #7
nominating the Summer Creek Basin as a Metro Green Space.
Seconded by: Ed Howden. In favor: 4 Against: 0 Abstain: 1
5. Discussion of truck traffic on (new) Scholls Ferry.
Motion by Bill Gross: To submit a letter on behalf of NPO #7 to request a no
through truck signing and designation on (new) Scholls Ferry, in accordance with
the Washington County Transportation Plan.
Seconded by: Cal Woolery. In favor: 5 Against: 0
6. Discussion on Don Morissette proposal, file no: VAR 91-0015. After review of this
application, NPO #7 has no comment and refers this matter to staff.
7. Meeting adjourned: 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Katy Dorsett