08/13/1974 - Packet TIGARDWATER DISTRICT 81341S. W. COMMERCIAL ST. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE (503) 639-1554 ' August 13, 1974 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. OATH OF OFFICE TO NEWLY ELECTED COMMISSIONER 2. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES OF LAST MEETING 3. VISITORS 4. RESOLUTION TO PAY VOUCHERS 5. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH COOPER MOUNTAIN WATER DISTRICT TO GRANT THEM A SMALL PORTION OF TIGA.RI) WATER DISTRICT'S WATER RIGHTS TO PUMP WATER 6. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE INDENTURE IN WHICH SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD GRANTS TO TIGARD WATER DISTRICT ,,,r,,, AN EASEMENT TO INSTALL A 12-INCH MAIN UNDER THE RAILROAD TRACKS NEAR TIEDEMAN AND NORTH DAKOTA 7. OTl at BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT w 1. Oath of office to aewly elected commissioner. Ken Baines will administer the oath of office to John Schwartz, Position #5, as follows: "I, John Schwartz, being duly sworn on oath, depose and states I will, as Commissioner of the Tigard Water District, perform my duties as such Commissioner in conformity with the laws of the United States and State of Oregon, and the ordinances and regulations of the Tigard Water District." 2. Resolution to approve minutes of last meeting,. 3. Visitors. Mr. Keith Phildiuss 16565 S. W. 113th Avenue Mr. Bud Spezzas 14705 S. W. Sunrise Lane Noir' Mr. Phildiuss Mr. Phildius will probably appear before the Board again to reiuest approval of a temporary connection via the King City Royal Mobile Villas. I believe temporary connections should be kept to an absolute minimum because once water service is provided, the customer can see no need to pay for a main extension. (As evidenced by the group from 113th Avenue who appeared before the Board at the last meeting). If one is in dire need of water and a main must be installed prior to receiving water service it does not seem to be such a difficult task to accumulate the necessary funds. We have now "satisfied" the six parties located on the south end of 113th Avenue. A 6" main with a fire hydrant has been installed on a permanent basis. These six residents will be served via a 2-inch temporary meter serving the 6" main from the Mobile Villas. When the 8" main is completed to Durham Road and connected there to an existing main, the 2" meter will be removed. -1- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) The Board will have to decide whether to grant Mr. Phildius a temporary connection or reruire him to extend a main 580 feet to the far side of his property. Estimated costs $3,480. There may be alternatives if others decide to participate. The main could be extended 220 feet further for an additional $1,920, (Totals $5,400), which would include the Steel's who must participate because they now have a legitimate temporary connection. There are only two other property owners along the route; namelys the Moffattss and Benz'. If all four property owners shared the costs e -ually, each would pay $1,320. At this time it appears that the Moffatt's may participate, but the Benz will not. To satisfy the needs of Mr. Phildius and to eliminate all individual temporary connections from the Royal Mobile Villas it is recommended that all efforts be made to extend the main past the Steel's property even if the Tigard Water District must bear some of the cost. Bud Spezzas Mr. Spezza has been invited to appear before the Board to ropiest a temporary connection for a new home hrplans to construct north of Sunrise Lane (Bull Mountain). Copies of correspondence on the matter are enclosed. 4. Resolution to pay vouchers. 5. Resolution to approve •$rent with Cooper Mountain Water District to grant them a small portion of Tigard Water District's water rights to pump water. Ken Baines has prepared a contract which I believe protects the interests of the Tigard Water District and provides Cooper Mountain Water District with the water they need. -2- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) 6. Resolution to a pProvff indenture in which Southern Pacific Railroad grants to Tigard Water District an easement to install aa 12-inch main under the railroad tracks near Tiedeman and North Dakota Streets. This is a routine resolution required by Southern Pacific prior to granting an easement. The district has 10 other identical inden- tures on file. 7. Other business. 8. Summary of Employee's Pension Plan. As refuested by the Chairman at the last meeting enclosed is a one-page summary of the water district's pension plan. Individual booklets will be forthcoming in about a month. 9. A meter for every house. lo.. Section 4 of the Rules and Regulations prescribes that a separate service connection will be rekv iced for each dwelling, apartment or motel, place of business, and institution. No user shall furnish water to any family, business, institution or premises other than those occupied by himself; provided, however, that the Board may permit a user to supply others through his service connection in which event such user will be charged an additional monthly minimum for each additional user so supplied. Such permit may be revoked and separate service connections rewired at any time. It is estimated that there are 20 dual connections of this type in the district. There is no way of knowing whether these connections were made legally or illegally since each occurred, in most cases, many years ago. For example, a home owner located on 103rd Avenue has been serving another home on 100th Avenue for at least 8 years. Upon investigation it was learned that this was approved by a former super- intendent. -3- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) It would be appropriate to eliminate all of these dual con- nections and rewire that a meter be installed at the street at the customers expense. In some cases this may be a hardship because meter costs have increased substantially in the past two years. Since they are al- ready being served water it would appear that the connection fee of $200 should be waived. Cost would then be $150, in addition to changing their own service line to the house. The Board's approval is recommended. 10. Final financial report for fiscal gear 1973-74. The district finished the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1974, in the "black". Final tabulations are shown below (subject to audit): General Fund Income Budget Actual Meter installations $ 60,000 $ 76,659 1161, Water sales 382,800 372,972 Developers - overhead, engineering, e uipment and wage reimbursement 41,400 44,311 Miscellaneous 27,230 25,277 4 $519,219 +,7 7 TotalIncome: $ 511:! 30.,,... .,,,., ... ' 89,.,,.. Expenses Salaries $ 131,020 $130,122 Water costs, incl. electricity 100,000 96,151 Pipe replacements & extensions 72,000 70,438 Bond Sinking Fund 93,960 93,960 Miscellaneous 114,450 116,017 Total Expenses: $ 511,430 $506,688 - $4,742 -4- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) This indicates a net gain for the year of $12,531 from the budgeted amount. However, most of these funds are represented in a higher inventory from last year. In conclusion, I believe we have accomplished the planned goals for the year, and also, were able to remain fiscally responsible. (None of you will go to jail this year). 11. Water Sales and Storage Water sales for July were at an all-time high of 9,648,800 cubic feet or 72.34 million gallons. This is an average of 2.4 million gallons per day. This has been a relatively cool summer (July) so the increased consumption must be due to new connections. It immediately reflects a need to examine the storage capacity of the district. With the need of 3 days average demand in storage, 7.2 million gallons are required. We have 7.4 million gallons on hand. The master plan calls for a 5-million gallon reservoir to be constructed near 125th and Gaarde. The lot has been purchased and permission has been granted from the county to construct a reservoir on the site. I had envisioned that the reservoir should be constructed in 1978 and be operational by 1980. In view of the increased consump- tion I would revise that projected date so that the reservoir is ready by 1978 which means construction must start by 1976. Cost for a pre-stressed concrete (subsurface) 5-million gallon reservoir is estimated at $400,000 or 8c per gallon. 10c per gallon is used as an acceptable guide. In addition, a pipe line of 16-inch will have to be extended a distance of 10,300 feet at a total cost of $200,000. The financing of a new reservoir should be considered. Presently, there are no federal grants available for municipal water systems. Consequently, funds will have to be derived from a bond issue or other means. It has been my goal for some time to construct this reservoir without a bond issue. Funds could be made available from the General Fund if the pipe replacement program were completed at an early date. Enclosed is a complete summary of all pipe lines in the district needing replacing or enlarging, subsequent to July 1, 1975. Upon installation, the entire water distribution system will be made of cast iron, or equivalent, all adequately sized. Total estimated costs $346,500. -5- Now- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) 13. Unmetered water Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Month L Pumped Purchased Total Sold Loss Loss Year x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 July 1974 3,763 7,054* 10,817 9,649 1,168 10.8% Cumulative Totals FY 1974-75: 10,817 9,649 1,168 10.87. * Almost 2/3's (65%) of the water consumed during July was purchased from Lake Oswego. Past summary of water losses: FY1972-73: 18.3% FY1973-74: 11.17E 14. Water pumped from wells, calendar year 1974: Mouth Cubic Feet Acre-feet Allocation/month Remarks 1974 Acre-feet January 3,021,250 69.4 88 #4 off February 2,737,480 62.8 88 #4 off March 2,884,620 66.2 88 #4 off April 2,794,280 64.1 88 #4 off May 3,861,800 88.7 88 #4 on June 3,734,470 85.7 88 #4 on July 3,763,490 86.4 88 #4 on Sub-total: 22,797,390 523.3 616 August 88 September 88 October 88 November (TWD + Cooper Mountain) 90 December (TWD + Cooper Mountain) 90 Total Appropriations 1,060 -7- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) 440- 15. Work accomplished during July 1974. a. TWD installed 40 feet of 8" C.I. and 300 feet of 6" C.I. + 1 fire hydrant at the terminus of S. W. 113th Avenue and on an easement road, south of Durham Road. (Developer's) b. TWD installed 800 feet of 12" D.I. + 1 fire hydrant along Sattler Road, between 94th and 98th Avenues, to replace 4" O.D. (Pipe replacement) c. TWD installed 1400 feet of 12" D.I. + 3 fire hydrants along Bull Mountain Road from 90° bend to 150th Avenue and 280 feet of 12" D.I. along 150th, south of Bull Mountain Road, to replace 6" O.D. steel pipe., (Pipe replacement) d. Private contractor installed 1900 feet of 8" C.I. + 5 fire hydrants along 85th Avenue, south of Durham Road, for United Sewerage Agency. (Developers) e. TWD installed 21 meters. (4241 - 4221). District also serves 120 meters in Metzger Water District. 16. Work to be accomplished durinf remainder of 1974. vow August a. TWD install 300 feet of 12" D.I., 1960 feet of 8" C.I., and 500 feet of 6" C.I. + 5 fire hydrants along 108th Avenue, south of Durham Road, for Mrs. Ogle, et al. (Developer's) b. TWD install 900 feet of 8" C.Y. + 1 fire hydrant along 133rd Avenue, south of Bull Mountain Road, to replace 4" 0.0. steel pipe. (Pipe replacement) c. Private contractor install 1750 feet of 6" C.I. + 5 fire hydrants off Burnham Street for Tigard Mini-Warehouse. d. Private contractor reroute 12" D.I. under Fenno Creek on Main Street for TWD. (Pipe replacement) e. Private contractor reroute 12" G.I. under Fanno Creek on Ash Street for TWD. (To be paid for by USA) -8- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) Nilow September a. TWD install 1300 feet of 6" C.I. + 1 fire hydrant along Derry Dell, Park to Watkins, to replace 4" O.D. steel pipe. (Pipe replacement) b. TWD install 400 feet of 6" C.I. and plastic main in 36" steel casing under two sets of railroad tracks along Bonita Road, between 74th and General Chain Bar Company. (Pipe extension) c. TWD install, along with Cornell Manufacturing Company, a pump station with 3-25hp pumps at new Hi Tor reservoir site to provide adequate pressure in area. (General Fund) October a. TWD install 1450 feet of 8" C.I. + 3 fire hydrants along Commercial Street, between Hall and Main, to replace 6" 0.D. steel pipe. (Pipe replacement) b. TWD install 300 feet of 12" D.I. and 300 feet of 6" G.I. + 1 fire hydrant along Fern Street, west of 135th Avenue, to replace 4" 0.D. steel pipe. (Pipe replacement) err c. TWD install 500 feet of 6" C.I. + 2 fire hydrants along 114th Avenue, north of Bull Mountain Road, to replace 4" Q.D. steel pipe. (Pipe replacement) November a. TWD install 500 feet of 12" D.I. along Pacific Highway, between Johnson and MacKenzie Streets. (Pipe extension) b. TWD install 50 feet of 6" C.I. near Hiranport, Inc., on Hunziker to complete circulation loop between 12" and 6" mains. (Pipe extension) c. TWD install 12" x 6" tee and connect 12" C.I. and 6" C.I. at terminus of 12" C.I. line on 72nd Avenue, south of Bonita Road. (General Fund) d. TWD abandon 4" galvanized on Hunziker Road, between Hall and Irvington-Moore Comapny by connecting services to 12" main on south side of Hunziker. (General Fund) -9- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) December a. TWD install 4" fire hydrants at following locations: (1) James Street at Howard Drive (S. W. corner) (2) 119th and North Dakota (6" f.h. ; N. E. corner) (3) Buricrest, between Burlheights & Suwmercrest (cul de sac) (4) 121st and Sumer (S. W. corner) (5) 121st and Katherine (S.E. corner) (6) 116th and Lynn (S. W. corner) (7) Lynn, between 118th and 119th (So. side between TL 135 & 136) (8) Karol Court and Katherine (S. W. corner) (9) Ash Drive and Frewing Court (S. W. corner) (10) Hill View and 103rd (S. B. corner of cul de sac) (11) 88th and Pinebrook (N. B. corner) (12) Monterey Lane and King Richard (N. E. corner) (13) 132nd and Bull Mt. Road (North of Knauss' house) (14) Terminus of 133rd, near Beef Bend Road -10- lemiesommommem (503) 639-4778 BUD SPEZZA President OlgteeIA/awe Earefifrizeded 14675 S. W. SUNRISE LANE BULL MOUNTAIN TIGARD, OREGON 97223 July 23, 197 ; Tigard Water District Tigard, Ore on 97223 Gentlemen: I intend to build a new home for my married daughter adjacent to my residence on Bull Mountain (see attached map). When I mace, application for water service to my home two years ago, I was told that we could not connect to any neighbors who might be in dire need of water service. You have since allowed Ellington to nook up to cur service as a con- venience to yourself so I am wondering what rationale you will use in deciding why we cannot hook up to the proposed new home from the present servic, even if I find it necessary to discontinue service to Mington. Awaiting : our reply. TTcarr truly, - ;( iIrry Bud Spezza cc: Ken Baines TIGARD WATER DISTRICT 8841 S. W. COMMERCIAL BT. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 • PHONE (503) 639-1554 July 24, 1974 Bud Spezza 14675 S. W. Sunrise Lane Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Spezza: Your letter of July 23, 1974 is acknowledged. A review of past commitments and agreements is in order prior to responding to your specific question on water service for a new home near S. W. Sunrise Lane. On June 19, 1972 you were granted permission to serve an existing home via a temporary connection from a main located on Sunrise Lane. (Enclosure 1). At that time I discussed with you the necessity of extending a main, at your expense, along the thoroughfare to your house if additional homes were built or if others were connected to the water system. You assured me that there were no other homes in the area to be served water nor were any new homes planned to be constructed. Within a week after our agreement was consummated I learned that there were other property owners near your home to the north in dire need of water. I believe now, as I did then, that you deceived me upon applying for the temporary connection. The Ellington's temporary connection on September 4, 1973 was for his immediate convenience as stated in the agreement (Enclosure 2) and not the Tigard Water District. Subsequently, you entered into an agree- ment (Enclosure 3) with Ellington via your attorney, Mr. Lyle W. Banton. It is your prerogative if you care to renege on this agreement. The Tigard Water District was not a party to the agreement as evidenced by Enclosure 4. The Board of Commissioners will have to approve the connection of a new home to the existing service line. Section 4 of the Rules and Regu- lations (copy enclosed) describes the procedure. The Board could approve your request or require that a main be installed along the thoroughfare in front of the new house. It is suggested that you appear before the Board at the next regular meeting on August 13th to make application for another temporary connection. Very truly yours, I 'k Robert E. Santee Enclt 5 Administrator cc: Ken Baines Lyle W. Banton AGREEMENT The parties to this Agreement are TIGARD WATER DISTRICT, a municipal corporation of Washington County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as "Tigard," and COOPER MOUNTAIN WATER DISTRICT, a municipal corporation of Washington County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as "Cooper Mountain. " WHEREAS, by order of the State Engineer of Oregon dated May 17, 1974, the Cooper Mountain - Bull Mountain area has been de- clared a "critical ground water area"; that Tigard has been re- stricted to appropriate from its four (4) wells no more than 1,060 acre-feet of water per year during 1974, 1975, and 1976; and that Cooper Mountain must cease pumping from its only well by November 17, 1974, unless another water right to pump can be obtained; and WHEREAS, Cooper Mountain has requested from Tigard, and Ti- gard has agreed, to grant Cooper Mountain a partial right to pump water from its own well under certain conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: 1. Tigard hereby grants to Cooper Mountain, subject to revo- cation, a partial water right. In consideration of this grant, Cooper Mountain hereby agrees to pay Tigard for all water appro- priated by Cooper Mountain which, if not so appropriated, would have been appropriated by Tigard. The parties shall rely upon Tigard's 1973 well records to determine whether or not the water Page 1 - AGREEMENT ‘416,0, • would have been appropriated by Tigard but for Cooper Mountain. Cooper Mountain agrees to pay Tigard the rate charged to Tigard for surface water purchased in lieu thereof. wAtow 2. Cooper Mountain agrees to report to Tigard by the 5th day of each month the monthly readings of the quantity of water appropriated. 3. All sums due Tigard by virtue of this Agreement shall be payable within thirty (30) days after receipt of Tigard's statement. 4. Cooper Mountain agrees not to make any new connections to its water system without the prior written approval of Tigard. 1 4 5 . This Agreement is executed because of the order of the State Engineer of Oregon dated May 17, 1974, and subsequent orders by the State Engineer or his representatives may require revisions or cancellation of this Agreement. 6. This Agreement and the rights hereby granted are subject p.r to cancellation by either party upon thirty (30) days' writ- ten notice delivered to the other party at the addresses set forth below. Executed and delivered by the parties pursuant to authority previously granted to them by their Boards of Commissioners. Dated , 1974 TIGARD WATER DISTRICT By Chairman Address : 8841 S. W. Commercial Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dated , 1974 COOPER MOUNTAIN WATER DISTRICT By Chairman Address : Aimpw Page 2 - AGREEMENT WILLIAM M. STEBBINS, C.L.U. & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE CONSULTANTS & BROKERS PORTLAND OFFICE-SUITE 976,BOISE CASCADE BUILDING,PORTLAND,OREGON 97201-PHONE 224-7410 TIGARD OFFICE-13273 S.W. BULL MT. RD.,TIGARD,OREGON 97223-PHONE 639-5525 PLANNING FOR: Oq OFFERING: ASSET CONSERVATION INVESTMENT BROKERAGE EXECUTIVE ADVANTAGES INSURANCE BROKERAGE BUSINESS CONTINUATION BUSINESS PLANNING PROFIT RETENTION PENSION&PROFIT SHARING July 31 , 1974 TO: Board of Directors and Participating Employees of Pension Plan FROM: William M. Stebbins, C.L.U. , Underwriting Consultant 8 Broker SUBJECT: Description of current Pension Plan 1. Ellgibllity: All full time employees are eligible to participate with one year of continuous employment with the employer. To be eligible on the anniversary date of the plan, July 1 , of each year. He must have attained the age of 25 years in order to participate. 11. Contributions to the Plan: Each year the Water District will contribute 7% of the employees compensation as to that portion of the annual contribution. For example, $10,000 of earnings will develop a District contribution of $700.00 for that year. That contribution is placed in-a life insurance retirement income contract for the benefit of the employee and at age 30 this would provide approximately $18,000 of life insurance with the pension benefits accumulating under the District's 7% of compensation. These values at retirement age 65 would be guaranteed in cash value in the amount of $30,456 as well as the accumulation of dividends earned from the plan that can only be estimated and currently would provide an additional amount of $16,416 based on current dividend scales. Therefore In this illustration, cash value accumulations total at retirement would be $46,872. 111 . Side Fund: The side fund accumulations on employees contributions at 3% per year of compensation; that accumulation is fully 100% vested and owned by the employee under all circumstances of termination or eventual retirement. Using our illustration of a male age 30 with 10,000 of earnings, he would annually contribute $300 or 3% of his $10,000 of earnings. There would then be an additional accumulation on his side fund of $23,058 with our 6% assumption on earnings . Therefore by this illustration we have a total accumulated in his account $69,930 and applying a pension benefit on the total there would be under present annuity rates $497.00 of lifetime pension, 10 years certain and continuous. IV. Vesting Schedule for Employees: During the first five years of participation in the plan, the employee does not participate in the accumulation of the District's contributions . From the fifth year on, the vesting is increased in the employees account 10% per year over a period of 10 years thereby at the end of 15 years of participation in the plan he is 10i% vasted in the District's contributions along with his own contributions, This is a brief summary and the Trust Document is the basic referral . Booklets are on order for all participating employees and for future new employees. Wm. M. Stebbins, C.L.U. "FINANCIAL PLANNING PRODUCES TAX S NGS" �� • e PIPE REPLACEMENTS (after 1 July 1975) Bull Mountain 41010 1. 133rd, south of Bull Mt. Road (Phase II), (replace 4" 0.D.) 850' of 8" C.I. @ $8/ft $ 6,800 2. Bull Mt. Road, 144th to 150th Avenue. (parallel 8" C.I.) 1600' of 12" D.I. @ $12/ft 19,200 3. Sunrise Lane, Hi Tor to 150th Ave. (replace 4" 0.D. and parallel for pressure) 1800' of 8" C.I. (times 2) @ $8/ft 28,800 4. 150th, Bull Mt. to Sunrise Lane (replace 4" 0.D. and parallel for pressure) 1100' of 12" @ $12/ft $13,200 1100' of 8" C.I. @ $8df t 8,800 22,000 5. 146th, Bull Mt. to Sunrise Lane (replace 4" 0.D.) 1100' of 6" G.I. @ $6/ft 6,600 Totals Bull Mountains $ 83,400 low West of Pacific Highway 1. Fern Street, west of 135th Avenue (parallel 6" C.I. for pressure) 800' of 12" D.I. @ $12/ft $ 9,600 2. #3 reservoir to 132nd and Walnut (parallel 8" C.i.) 2,200' of 12" D.I. @ $12/ft 26,400 3. James, west of 121st Avenue (replace 4" 0.D.) 600' of 6" C.I. @ $6/ft 3,600 4. Marion, west of 121st Avenue (replace 4" 0.D.) 1900' of 8* C.I. @ $8/ft 15,200 5. 117th Avenue, south of Gaarde (replace 4" 0.D.) 640' of 6" C.I. @ $6/ft 3,840 6. Gaarde, Pac Hwy to 121st Avenue (replace 4" and 6" 0.D.) '~ 3800' of 12" D.I. @ $12/ft 45,600 7. Watkins, Derry Dell to Walnut Street (replace 4" 0.8.) 900' of 8" C.I. @ $8/ft 7,200 Totals West of Pac Hwy: 111,440 PIPE REPLACEMENTS (Continued) Little Bull Mountain 1. 96th, Murdock to Sattler Road (replace 4" 0.D.) 1800' of 8" C.I. @ $8/ft $14,400 550' of 6" C.I. @ $6/ft 3,300 $17,700 2. 103rd, Inez to MacDonald Avenue (replace 6" O.D.) 1300' of 6" C.I. @ $6/ft 7,800 Total: Little Bull Mountain: $ 25,500 East of Pacific Hi hwa 1. Hall Blvd., Burnham to Hunaiker Road (replace 6" 0.D.) ($1 000) 1400' of 12" D.I. @ $12/ft + RR crossing ' $17,800 Totals East of Pac Hwys 17,800 Pacific Highway %ww East Side 1. Beef Bend to Canterbury Lane (Extension) 2030' of 12" D.I. @ $12/ft $24,360 2. Garrett to Main Street (replace 6" C.I.) 2300' of 12" D.I. 0 $12/ft 27,600 West Side 1. Canterbury to Walnut Street (replace 40 and 6" 0.D.) 4700' of 12" D.I. @ $12/ft 56,400 Totals Pacific Highways 108,360 TOTAL: PIPE REPLACEMENTS $ 346,500