04/15/1986 - Packet AGENDA TIGARD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, April 15, 1986 7:30 A.M. — Pioneer Pies 1. REVIEW MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 18 AND MARCH 18, 1086, 2. UPDATE ON THE STATUS OF THE DOWNTOWN COUNCIL. — Memberships — Loan Program — Washington'-Multnomah PIC Application 3 , VIDEO PRESENTATION FOR THE I45 CORRIDOR ASSOCIATION SEMINAR — September, 1086. 4. COMPARISON OF PERMITS COSTS FOR TIGARD AND SELECTED CITIE8, 5. PACIFIC HIGHWAY DISCUSSION — Transportation Concerns. 6. LETTER FROM JOHN SAVORY 7. DEVELOPER PRESENTATION. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. *w 9. ADJOURN — Next Meeting is Tuesday, May 20, 1986. (WAM:br/2454P) � ^ . TIG8RD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C0MMITTEEXINUTES Tuesday, March 18, 1086 ' 7:30 AM — Pioneer Pies Members Present: John Savory, David Clements, Susan Clark, Amo -- DeBernmrdio, Jim Corlioo, Juanita Caday Others Present: Jeanne Caswell., Deborah Stuart, Brian Hartung, Geraldine Ball' Bill Monahan The meeting began at 7:30 AM. The minutes of February 18, 1086 meeting were reviewed by Bill. Jeanne Caswell introduced a letter from Don Hanson, Downtown Council Chairperson, inviting 319 downtown businesses to join the Council. Over $2,008 has been collected to date. Jeanne also noted that she worked with Liz Newton of the City and Susan Clark to prepare a $10,000 grant application to Washington Multnomah County PIC for furthur assistance. The application is not for staffing, but in support of Council efforts. Also, the Tigard Budget Committee will take testimony in support of the $18,000 maximum City funding which also would go to supporting the Downtown efforts. The possible City grant to the Council would come from enhanced collection of business tax receipts . The Committee discussed the City business tax, the collection efforts underway, and payments presently not received. Plans for upgrading collection efforts were presented by Bill. Jeanne discussed membership recruitment efforts for the Downtown Council. John rioted that some resistance has been heard about the boundaries set by the ' . Council. Some feel that the efforts of the Council will not benefit thom. John stated that we must be careful to include those outside of Main Street i e n the activities and programs of the Council. Amo asked what the next step will be. John mentioned that the Counoil will first he attempting to recruit a manager, once funds permit. Programs and activities then will be developed by the Council members . Jeanne introduced the idea of an I-5 Corridor Association Economic Development Symposium, which was developed by the land committee of the Association. The Committee may wish to help the Chamber and City to develop the information needed for the symposium. We have five months to get organized and develop the data, so that all the information needed is prepared to help pntuntial developers and property owners understand how to do business in each of the nix cities. Developers, bankers, and real estate companies are expected to attend. The City will have one hour to present. John stated that he feels that the Committee should help to put together a good program to promote the City . Amu suggested that there is a perception that the timu required to develop in the community in quite long. We need to identify processing time and clearly show that Tigard processes applications properly and quickly. Discussion was held concerning the preparation of a slide show or video. 'Tigard dries not have funds budgeted for the project so any product must be done with existing staff and volunteers. Susan suggested that our presentation will not be as glossy as other communities due to our limitations, therefore, we should focus on our strong points . Jeanne noted that we should prepare a portfolio of information which we should have on Page 1 ^ ^ hand. The effort w|7� be beneficial to the City ll as the potential developers . She does not anticipate that all cities will be preparing slide � shows or videos. -- Jeanne suggested that the city may benefit more by presenting its information separate rather than in competition with the other, since our presentation could look less "slick" given our finanouu. Jeanne noted that the purpose isn't to be competition, but to provide the information in a Format which is complete and underotandablu. Susan pointed out that the City' s computer display capabilities could be a good addition to our presentation. Bill noted that the Geographical Information System and graphic capabilities should be available in time for preyentation. John asked that members give some thought to how we can best present Tigard, given our low budget. Members were encouraged to taku the lead and volunteer time to assist the staff effort. The City will update the development costs for the next meeting. It will prepare a comparison of tax rates as well as development charges and fees, so that the Committee can be aware of how Tigard compares to surrounding communities. Brian Hartung discussed the property tax ratios identified in the Urban Services Study, which show 'Tigard as competitive. Further comparison of systems development charges is needed. Bill discussed the present surge of building activity both in the residential and commercial. areas . Staff expects the trend through 1.986 to be strong, building up an the 82 single family permits issued in January and February. .�m�. Several commercial developments are underway and planned for the coming months . Brian Hartung' Community Assistant, 6ioounoe6 the City goal of reorganizing the NP0' o to have them work on more neighborhood issues than planning. With limited City resources, volunteer efforts are relied on heavily. The City is reviewing neighborhood organization structures of surrounding cities . Brian' s other role in to work with Board Chairpeoplu to see that committees are working toward completion of their goals and are having ouocuyo working with their staff liaisons . Passage of the tax base in needed for the City to accomplish its goals while still growing in population and responsibility . Brian discussed the Neighborhood Watch program and the emphasis which David Lehr' new police chief, is expected to promote. Brian is available to answer any questions on the Committee structure. Susan asked how businesses would be part of the @P0' o. Brian responded that the new format would have Board of Directors including business representatives. A discussion on the past experiences of NP0' o was held an Bill explained, but the NP0' a were yet up for planning purposes, worked well on issues, then dropped off in memberuhip. Presently, membership is down. A new focus is proposed with a goal of creating self—sustaining NPO` s. John suggested that the City attempt to enlist representatives from the School. District and active business organization so that the NP0' o are represented. Presently the rebirth of the NP0` n is in the early stages, Brian will be ' Page 2 ~ ��� devoting greater effortu to the project and will preu!' S` the City Council with a new draft of reorganiza±ion. John asked that copies of the new set up be distributed to Committee members. ` `.. Mrs. Ball asked if the Neighborhood Committees will be a forum for review of zoning changes and development issues. Brian pointed out that the new format will continue to do this plus take on expanded roles. The City will define neighborhoods initially, then the neighborhoods will have the opportunity to revise the boundaries after they form. The meeting adjourned at 0:00 AM. The next meeting will be held on Tuey6ay, April 15' 1086 at 7:30 AM. 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