PHONE (503) 639-1554
April 13, 1976
AGENDA 7:30 p.m.
AGENDA 8:00 p.m.
1. Resolution to approve minutes of last meeting{.
2. Visitors.
3. Resolution to pay vouchers.
4. Election of officers for fiscal year 1976-77. commencins
July 1, 1976.
Past officers and year of service are listed as follows:
From To Chairman Secretary Treasurer
Jul, 1975 - Jun, 1976 Don W. Thomas Gene H. Chamberlin C. Nicoli
Jul, 1974 - Jun, 1975 Verne Wheelwright John Schwartz C. Nicoli
Jan, 1973 - Jun, 1974 Clarence Nicoli Don W. Thomas John Wied
Jan, 1972 - Dec, 1972 John Wied Lester Rawls C. Nicoli
Jan, 1971 - Dec, 1971 Clarence Nicoli John Wied Roger Cowell
It is recommended that if Clarence Nicoli is not elected as
the Chairman that he be retained in the position of Treasurer. This
would save considerable administrative time in the preparation of
documents to become bonded. Also, Clarence Nicoli is readily avail-
able to sign checks. Only the three officers can sign checks, and
two signatures must be on every check.
5. Other business.
6. Unmetered water.
Pumped Purchased Total Sold Loss
Month d Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Loss
Year x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 %
Mar 1976 3,213 *3,456 (LO) 6,669 6,392 277 4.2%
None (Port)
FY 1975-76:
28,626 **43,434 72,060 69,769 2,291 3.2%
* 51.8% of water consumed during March 1976 was purchased from Lake
** 60.3% of water consumed during FY 1975-76 was purchased from either
Lake Oswego or Portland.
Summary of past years:
Percentage of Lake Oswego water
purchased in prior years: Water Losses
FY 1972-3: 18.3%
FY 1973-4: 52% FY 1973-4: 11.1%
FY 1974-5: 60% FY 1974-5: 16.2%
7. Water pumped from wells, calendar year 1976.
Month Actual *Actual Allocation/Month
1976 Cubic Feet Acre-feet Acre-feet
Jan 3,131,250 71.9 88
Feb 2,948,530 67.7 88
Mar 3,212,670 73.7 88
Total: 9,292,450 213.3 264
* 1 acre-foot : 43,560 cubic feet
Actually pumped in prior years:
1970: 1,616 acre-feet
1971s 1,418 " "
1972: 1,501 " "
1973: 1,269 " "
19741 924 " "
*t„ 1975: 930 " "
8. Percentage of Bull Run water purchased for computing amount due
for system development charge.
Month d Well Lake Oswego Portland Total %
Year Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Bull Run
Oct 1975 3,165,790 4,140,600 100 7,306,490 0.00136%
Nov 1975 3,081,440 2,949,600 300 6,031,340 0.00497%
Dec 1975 2,820,770 4,365,700 200 7,186,670 0.00278%
Jan 1976 3,131,250 3,581,000 100 6,712,350 0.00148%
Feb 1976 2,948,530 3,258,600 300 6,207,430 0.00483%
Mar 1976 3,212,670 3,455,800 100 6,668,570 0.00150%
Total: 18,360,450 21,751,300 1,100 40,112,850 0,002747,
about of 1%
9. Work accomplished during March 1976.
a. TWD installed 970 feet of 12" D.I. pipe and 285 feet of
8" D.I. pipe + 2 fire hydrants along Pacific Highway, Walnut to
Main Street, to replace 6" 0.D. steel pipe. This included a 12"
bore at MacKenzie Street which completed a circulation loop. 80
feet of 6" D.I. pipe was installed within the 12" steel casing.
(Pipe replacement).
b. TWD installed 13 meters. (4663 - 4651). District also
serves 48 meters in Metzger Water District. Total: 4711.
10. Work to be accomplished during remainder of FY 1975-76.
April 1976:
a. TWD install 1850 feet of 8" D.I. pipe and 640 feet of
6" D.I. pipe + 4 fire hydrants along S. W. James and Marion Streets,
�... between 121st and 124th Avenues, to replace 4" O.D. steel pipe.
(Pipe replacement).
Mav 19761
a. TWD install 1500 feet of 8" D.I. pipe + 3 fire hydrants
along S. W. Watkins, Derry Dell to Walnut Street, to replace 4"
O.D. steel pipe. (Pipe replacement).
June 1976:
a. Paint reservoir #3
b. Sod new Hi Tor reservoir site.
c. Service all equipment.
d. Inventory.
e. Prepare for long, hot summer.
/ �
March 17, 1976
Portland Metropolitan Area Local
,li..( nt: Boundary Commission
• '
P,ntl;.sr1, Oregon 97201
^,!.,. ON icon Carl son
tI to 1Crvic.c to City of Durham Ting, Gate Subdivision
The Following lowing Cl:iscussi.on is developed with respect to recent requests which
;'.vt i nen made regarding water reln.,lcc to r.inv; Gate Subdivision in the
Citv (0 It rbaa„ The development 5s within reach of water supplies of three
scpa ate nater purveyors, the Tigard dater District, the City of Tualatin
err► • tic Lai.-- Grove dater Pie tris t,
I'hc City of Take Oswego becomes involved in this matter because they provide
uv tri ,-etc' of surplus Crater cc*-,-eenx tn, water to 111 three entities. These
a ]-ectl!i ots protide that: the ent'i L c',-,1.1. net expand their beunrlarles Or
• (); service without pH o'' epnreva d, of the Edi t:v of fake Oswe[c0,
fn have rcir'i_c red plans of the overall water facilities in the region and have
a'i ud i; ,. a considerable amount of cn":renpr,ndence from ;-epes,eot.atives of those
171, (,''i i' d in this: matter, cl F_n.ee t}"'' 1 . prescribes that extra territorial
e .-! I1 water utility lines rust he approved by the liet:ropolitan Boundary
C..c;, i ion (err] the extension of he_ r i te_-i al services ray be involved in this
:! o! .,i i.ee a number of entities one involved in this matter and a
I .,r'. li l i ty of a number of fu tore boundary-type charges are possible in this
p.i i cu lar a-i t a, t'('. invited representatives of the entities n'rol.ve'1 to moel:
a1 a'!t; ilii!! t-he Boundary Commission e'f f o.i al n to thoroughly discuss the situation.
rir'.I a ?fleeting iras Meld on Fehrruary 19, 1976 at a luncheon meeting in the
i'()ll'lrlar„ Review Commission offices, Those attending t7ene Ti;,.nv Ta"tor,
Du Councilman; Pave Bryan, Public. Yorks Direr.tee fn-r7 Tualatin; Carl
L,;! ; i nec-a repyesenti,-1g the T a.i'e rove \Ja' cr 11lit, l ;,l ]i:nh Sante ,
;'r or the Tigard Mate : District-.] Marlin Pell.aa;, DirecLer of thil)tic Works
1 '. h 1 e , �r tae, a:.e. Carlson, Ron
((? Oswego; E<^^.�? TTeCl^ of (,,lir A-o�� i i 1 T' �.Z:�.�c .,�./n Don .t. ,
anq Tony ' i - the Bounlarg 8177 a,
ars NC)RTII STATE STREET / POST OFFICE (BOX 31,9 / tAKE OS\^/EGO,OREGON 97034 / (SO) 616-3601
Portland Metropolitan Area Local.
` two Government Boundary Commission -2- March 17, 1976
tiro- all the correspondence, discussions, study of the area, responses at
t`c mc: 'ting of the 10th, etc, , we would like to make the following observations
regarding this subject:
1. The ft:y of Lake Oswego currently provides all the water to the three
entities which are capable of providing water to the Kings Gate Subdivision,
with the exception that Tigard Water. District has a limited well supply
has a connection with the City of Portland should the demand be such
lake O:•u;eg,o could not fully supply their peak load. bake Grove Water
nu! a connection with Palatine Lilt 1•later District which, perhaps,
could he re-activated, but water rates from that source are high
2, The City of Lake Oswego has surplus water agreements wi 11 all three
ent ; i ( s which requires Lake Oswego' s approval should they extend their
.c ry I ne boundaries or service outside their boundaries.
3. Extra territorial extension of water service lines must be approved by
the Metro Boundary Commission.
4. t appears that regional planning reveals that Take Oswego' s sphere
of influence will extend generally westerly to T-5 and will eventually
( scouts::se all of the territory currently occupied by the bake Grove Water
, s t r ! et., S tudies and reports have revealed that this would greatly
1111✓ r :ssee the cost of water service to users in the EnkedGrove Water
i > tr is t, and, therefore, their sorplos users as well,
5, Pct its of service from each of the entities would he generally as
I I (vi:
a„ 1„Hhe Grove later District - Lake Grove Water District presently
ewns it 12-inch line which loops through the City of Durham and
t( imIestee at a pressure reducing valve connected to the Tualatin
The 12--inch line abuts the proposed development. The
Lake f;rove Water District receives water from the City of Lake
:,wego and pressure reduces it to a static elevation of appro:c1-
i lv feet This would provide pressures approximating 120 to 140
psi in the area of development: and would have to be further pressure
r.•duce d to provide proper service,
5'urni shin; water by a series of pressure reductions indicates poor
economy and, therefore, high pricing of water, Eventual combination
or the Lake Grove Water District with the Lake Oswego system would
1-iminate the pressure reductions and place t:he levet of service at
static elevation of approximately 320 feet which would provide
:.e c v i cc in the range of 50 to 70 psi, a normal range.
The supply from Lake Grove Water District is a single line without
looping and a line break or outage would cause complete :interuption
*r„r of service unless emergency water could be obtained through the
connection to the City of Tualatin.
Portland Metropolitan Area Local.
Government Boundary Ccmmisc t_nn -:?m March 17, 1976
b. Ticard Water I1i.,str.i.ct ?.i =•a rd Uater District has no lines which
abut the area, s r. cope• rs a'1 sinjl of an existing 8-inch line
of approximately 600 fret coitlr. reach the westerly boundary of
the proposed sttbdi.vi.r,ica, This ringle line extension would provide
no looping. Another c• ; e ;ion of approximately 1.600 feet of 12-inch
line could be made in o more re::tnries area which would provide
connection to the l,e`:a c 1 v a:: District line and if Tigard Water
Liistlrict could t: 1 over the ^'nn= :.ii g nt':ct::LCn of the. Lake Grove
Water District' s 1. ^in.c"1.1 i: ..^., ev'e'`t.ica I looplix g could he provided,
This appears to involve considerable. expense (which Tigard Cater
it i ,,i.ria is may or rrnv Pot he C 7i.1 .i .i11cc to al)sni:h) ,lid add H tlonall.y
Z..., lint:. en ird Wat.,-c District
1ld the Take Crnv `")'^ I ..' ..' ..long Sri th i a.' . CIsl' •?o :nl)rOVC1
and 1'cninta7'y C(` Il""a : ,• 1 ap c ! all of vh l ci: may y n7',. hr' i 'ai"rl bl e„
'LH ,:trd 11;}t't`.' Il 1.t' eli' ,`Rr, N-1-1( 1y'"0, int ! I, Ia tt'::nn,c :15 from
t' I ox':11.I 'ii ( 1 t, 1'1 i.C'.II �, r1 r'i r'rlr, p-'C',,:,!V'("; ins t C i(
nppro.':inlate I v 00 t:n 1..i.tr psi, . pre;;:'tteen e t e,n high for normal
domo tic use and -7ould roon-ire .. ,o.re ro(Hcing fac.i1 ttlns,, The
route taken by water in i:h .., in':?'dice would "1..; the Tenth Street
level in Lake 'Os':' ,';o, Tigard T.7-,t11d p"-02 C1, eco in Lo their system
and then pressure reduce i I' 1':'e1! Into ith^ Ourbnrn nv stem., an obviously
7 unc'cenrmi_ccal procn(1nra,
c. Tualatin - Lake O cwc'po prnr'1 len Tu c1 et he t:c.ter at the Tenth Street
level , the primary, ber l.c le—e— _ thn e-e.Ci:'e l.r ' e Oswego o system,
Water service could be n::ov. c-i ._:'on Tualatin without: any pressure
reducing o: pumping, pr ir1 :r' cc:`. :cnmcoi. 1'o:tt".?'' LJ1 normal pressures
ranging from 45 to 70 poi,, "}r:`ri `i tors 1"1cr i to be. made, however,
for using or tele i.,rn o'yc C'c' i c r I "1' Prot" i WaterDistrict' s
l.'. inch line, or l'i`t'al.C't' .n C' l t: .. 1 t'o'1• .1 1- t') kill.ld (pn
additional 1 ine°
it is not known to 'whit c':te'ct, if any, the clove1 oper is willing to
share in these tv %en of con-7t"...sini : n i coots or xd'ei''ic r Durham i'Lshes
to consider getting Into tLe vefor I"oni:less, reading meters and
billing on their o`7ii, cLe,
1-n review of the foregoing alt e -nativei, is noted that the elevation service
level which should be pro"ifad for the e'r t"i_yn area under consideration, in-
n••aluding Durham, City of rt lal a tin, on or)r;--1 to the er"::L tl beti'een Durham
and C ::: Lake. Grove Water ills C: iCt C:d'.l^ll Tr'' understand has recently been
annexed to the City of T-iga7:'l J, the a'I' . 'e: portion or the T,el'e Osl.7ego Water
[11: . iet, the adjacent portion of i' Ci. -y of Take fs'70�0 011(1 the remaining
here of influence of the City of Tote (Design extending to the Tualatin
,'t7•e all at: elevations 'which 1rr>'ll(I 1'e c;l1 ali;,,i't_(: i'' ' properly served by
Diheltsl/e,tn1 ., Ten tl1 0rc1 / -n'' C'' 0-1
Portland Metropolitan Area Local
( 3-ernment Boua0flry CemmIosfon -4- March 17, 1976
lnvel of service would be the most economical, not only as a :-hort-
! aHn-,e :Man, but as a long-range coordinated system a ; well ° If this
coordination should occur, Tehe. C n a Yater District' s 3.2.-inch line would
pi-ovidn excellent loopi.ng into the entirc area°
in consideration of all of the information available and ignoring the problems
CL line ownership, the most econsoiral r-1 ! uroper extension of service would
he Ihvit ihn City of la tin.
Service from either Tualatin of 'Labe Crovc: Water Distrin,t would be compatable
vi [h long-range cooyerien to no. 1 "ope-,7 Tenth .ft -ret level with very little
Hnse . ; vice Li tt2. Tigav 'Coto,: District would 730:: provide llItlIre
I 1111(1 ti-701.11d continua ;-(-) 1 Th". C, :1- 17e 0.'170R0 T7coll rl
he wThng to allow servf,.:e frrT,1 c tH, CIA"7ctf Tral0t7n. o- the
II- (no khern- Ilstriet but feel 0-0pOT' unod- pnescnl- pro=ure
would com,; -Cnm i o' the rouifl rec(,mmend that
P,'1,1 Or !'11,' 7H1 ('Ord
eiH1-, 0: L!n two
in rev;Ctwlng the logic of iarvi.con, It appears that a combination of the
cities or Tualatin CCI Purb-vel, along with the appendng-r wIHMil was r-cently
anne:- od to Vi. ard, wruld 1:. :! prone-: georauhical and servic•.eable entity,.
We have reviewed Mr„ Bruce Clr-bl'r 1e'te7-- or. March 9, 1_()76 to the Boundary
Revicw Commission and fool eac,-i bis points need to he del. .c. with on a
Hciti:11 lo is Ly sncit, oq 171f1 hell in tie P-mrdar! CorPmis.-,ion
I Cl on Yob?,vary 19
of the points Mr, have proven to alter any o the comments
' /
rAmTP P,n,
Ti Weec : of Public WorFs
Ooncild 50 rpplev, Citv 1410, J ,7-ke Oswego
( 1 ( v of Durham, u, F. Ci IL ate,
ot TurlloLin, Yvonne f t Ton, t,lministrator
nod Vat-or District, nob Centre,
ely trove Water Dise.ict, Ca- 1
PHONE (503) 639-1554
March 21, 1976
Kenneth W. Baines, Attorney-at-Law
620 Franklin Building
Portland, Oregon 97204
Dear Ken:
A few weeks ago I advised you that Marlin De Haas, Director. of
Public Works, Lake Oswego, continued to make statements to the effect
Lhat Tigard Water. District could not expand its boundaries or areas
of service without prior approval of the City of Lake Oswego. Now,
in the enclosed letter he states more emphatically, in writing, that
such is the case.
In preparing the contract with the City of Lake Oswego, both Deane
Seegar, former City Manager, and I saw no need for such a provision
since Lake Oswego always had the "trump" card of terminating service
%%Iw'' at any time if no surplus water was available. We used the Tualatin -
Lake Oswego contract as a guide in the preparation of our contract,
but that portion pertaining to changes in boundaries was modified.
Tualatin's contract with Lake Oswego states:
"Within 30 days following execution of this Agreement,
Tualatin agrees to furnish to Lake Oswego a map showing the
boundaries of Tualatin, all existing mains in Tualatin's
water distribution system, and the location and capacity of
all water storage tanks. Such a map and descriptions shall
be filed with the Lake Oswego Director of Public Works.
No water shall be sold by Tualatin outside of its
boundaries, as shown on the above-named map, without first
obtaining written permission from Lake Oswego. Tualatin
agrees to inform Lake Oswego of any changes made to its
boundaries by way of annexations and to obtain written per-
mission from Lake Oswego to serve any newly-annexed areas
of Tualatin."
.I .
Our contract with Lake Oswego states:
"It is agreed between Tigard Water District and
City of Lake Oswego that surplus water furnished under
this Agreement shall be for the sole benefit of District
users and shall not be re-sold to users outside of said
District without the express written consent of City."
It has always been my understanding of the contract that Tigard
Water District could annex new areas and subsequently serve those
areas without Lake Oswego's consent. These new customers became
district users upon annexation. However, it was my understanding
that we could not sell water to outside users without Lake Oswego's
Please prepare a written legal opinion on this matter.
If Marlin De Haas' interpretation of the Lake Oswego's contract
with other water purveyors is correct, then there is no need for a
Boundary Review Commission to make a determination on boundaries.
ktssr Lake Oswego could dictate those boundaries by approving or denying
surplus water to any expanded area of other water systems.
Marlin De Haas' rationale justifying the City of Tualatin
serving the City of Durham is poppycock. However, I would not be
opposed to this solution if both cities and the Boundary Review
Commission decided upon this course of action. Establishing politi-
cal service boundaries based upon pressure zones is ridiculous.
The cost to reduce pressure is minimal and practiced frequently by
engineers. All of King City has pressure reducing valves, in addi-
tion to most of Bull Mountain and Summerfield. In summary, all
of our water from Lake Oswego must be pumped while all of the Port-
land's water is served by gravity. I cannot understand the signifi-
cance Marlin De Haas places on this aspect of a water system.
Sincerely yours,
'obert E. Santee
• .
,c SUFI F. 700 Br!.11. FR.AdNaiN 01AZA AREA CODE 503
LI r C;JE. CouimmA -TEuliom )30
Apr*1 , 1976
rnh.- t F Brinton
, 77 j Ft,
Pfl - (-) 7 Lnkn °nuncio Tignrcl Untnr Dintr),(7.t. Cont.ract
1)(71-,nr :11:7 ,, 1972
ir.v:;own(-1 vonr lettor c41,71renccy1 to n1 Ontnr1 Narch 21, 197G ,
rtrl jTh,77th vert vrnlvs*cl of: tl.o cnptinrc-1 2g7on1.7-nnt„
Ti: t7*th vonr Elpnlvnio. Ts co1c provinion rnclareljng tbn
tn untnr rn7(1 h17 ti7-7n i's 0.2 TrO'n ChEy..7cgo ..; r1 tr)n. n=tnnon
'tar on rngn tuo 0:7 vcur Yr„-) tn7-:,7 tknronn , : 7.1 117 opiionn
CT. yOn1(1 nOt WInlAN') tU0,-77c=2t. onyLerc.1 to
1-"%n0011,1en to t'771 o'..x7=ton tkl*n nrIvem=':_-, con-
r.v..-cnr:o.l. fro:71 177n1n
Nwe icd 11-(7„, MC-'1n .11_nttnr nslilrn.!-Inn,q to Portlanel
1-- 'rc-,F,oll.-*A.tnn Aro-1 Vnoal, CovorP7-,n.% r.=--.1nry Cc -s1*sni.o071tn..0,
r7 cyfT:r7ect
c):17 nn C:Ifcv /1-,17-.0
z,r77ovn o7n,,,q1.,c)-71 07. t7,- 7! r.?1(-3711-xl
PC PTsFC 3 ' c-,70= fC CICTCh 1iCi ,71ronn; tO Cnnr= K.7,7V:n7
707 otre:n
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rCHr.,7,,thTf P.nnnn
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