06/11/1974 - Minutes *4110,
Tigard Water District
336th Regular Meeting
June 11, 1974
PRESENT: R. Verne Wheelwright, Acting Chairman
Don W. Thomas, Secretary
John M. Wied, Treasurer
Robert E. Santee, Administrator
John P. Miller, Foreman
Kenneth W. Baines, Attorney (7:40 p.m.)
VISITORS: Joe Schaeffer, Tigard Times
The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Acting Chairman
'taw Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the last
meeting, as written. Motion carried unanimously.
Visitors: No comment.
Motion was made and seconded to pay the vouchers. Motion carried
Motion was made and seconded to temporarily adjourn the meeting
and hold the public hearing on the proposed FY1974-75 budget. Meeting
was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
The public hearing was called to order by Acting Chairman Wheel-
wright at 7:36 p.m.
Visitors: No comment.
Motion was made to adjourn at 7:37 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
The regular meeting was re-called to order at 7:38 p.m. by Chairman
41, Wheelwright.
Motion was made and seconded to adopt the FY1974-75 budget,
levying taxes, and appropriating expenditures as approved by the
budget committee. (Complete motion attached). Motion carried
Administrator was instructed to obtain bids for the construction
of the shop building addition and present same at the next meeting.
Administrator was directed to send to each commissioner a copy
of the resolution recommending that a wholesale water county service
district be formed as proposed by the Citizens Advisory Committee
for water master plan, Washington County. (Copy enclosed).
Motion was made to adjourn at 9:03 p.m. Motion carried
Slow -2-
flinutess, C['tizi?t ; Al)V l;>U1O' 1'uNr11ll'['1'; l'1)P WI)TER MASTER PIAN
MAY b, 1074, Room 1,-•1 Comity Administration Building
7: 31) PM
Meet i ng was called to order at '7:3.3 PM, Monday, May 6, 1971 de
DEML'l P ; ['PEeEN'[.': }lt nc.c' Ni ehol
l;lherL Hawkins
George Kurtz
Clarence Micoli
Bill Braun
John Anicker
Ivan McKinney
Stan Kinne
Harold Kammer
Rill 111mr:at.
STAFF MEMBERS: Ken Mang, Director of Public Works
John (`roeketL, Deputy Director of Public We• ie
John Robison, Chief Engineering Services
OTHERS PRESENT: Gil Meigs, Stevens, Thompson & Runyan
Minutes of the April 15, 1974 meeting were approved as distributed.,
'['lle Chairman announced that Carl Sc:hmac•eke had submitted his :'esicinut..i.on Loin the
I•oltlm.i t l I'e.
'['i,e I'iaa i twain di striliuted I.he proposed resolution of the committee to the Washington
County board of Commissioners as amended by the April 15, 1974 meeting. '['he Chairmen
pointed out that. the motion from the April 15, 1974 meeting to adopt the resolution
wasst_il.l before the committee. The Chairman distributed page 2 revised of the pro-
posed resolution. Page 2 revised was substituted for page 2 of the proposed resolat.ior
1ly general consent.
Committee discussed the letter from Gil. Meigs, Stevens, Thompson & Runyan, to Ken MCnc1,
dated April 18, 1974. A motion was made by Elbert Hawkins and seconded by George Kurtz
that amendment distributed 1,y the Chairman be inserted as second paragraph to .stole 4
of the proposed sed resolution. Second sentence was reworded by general. consent . Motion
on am1'lidnic'n1 I'd 1.rigid.
I'cnnity Counsel ':; letter dated April 24, 1974, was discussed. As a result. of this letter
the last two sentences of step 6 of the proposed resolution were deleted by general
The words "in" and "the WW('SD" were deleted from first paragraph of step 4 of the pro-
posed 1osoll]tion by general consent. The word "proposed" was inserted between "the"
and "boundaries" of step 2 of the proposed resolution by general consent .
Th,• lullI1I1't• Ill a'Ilr:.' I'll Ilir w111iiiIlg III I lit' fll :if I)aliillr,tllh "I .11.11 4 III IIi DIoI"1•.1'11
1111 11111 "ie i1 ,1,1111 I'I.iii •1'. ,1 guide. A 11111t Ien wee, IllatI ' by Ili I I I'llll,'Illl .11111
Store :;I.11,1i1f1•II sty ll.ltnlct Punun l 11, st.l iko the words: "01 flan 2" Irr)nl the first. patagrailh of
step 4 of the proposed resolution. The motion failed by a vote of 7 to 3.
Discussion was closed on the motion to adopt the resolution reading as follows:
Minute,, page 2
May 6, L974
Citizens Advisory Committee for Water Master Plan
The Washington County Citizen's Water Advisory Committee recommends to the
Washington County Board of Commissioners that it take immediate steps to form a
Wholesale Water County Service District (WWCSD) .
It is our opinion that a WWCSD will be necepsary to assure the financing nec-
essary to obtain an adequate, interconnected, reliable, multi-source wholesale water
supply for Washington County for the future at tie least possible cost.
The WWC:;D:
1. Shall have as its primary purpose the assurance of adequate supplies of
water to Washington County water districts and cities for resale by them to water con-
2. Shall use its funds solely for the purpose of providing ade ;uat , w.iter supplies
and not fur general County purposes.
3. Shalt not sell water directly to any water consumer ether tt n .t .-Iovetilin; ,ital
The following steps should be taken by the Board of Lo•- n t- r
1 . L't for to taking formal steps to establish the WWC;:u, coasult_ with the yon_rn -
ing bodies of Washington County cities and water, water control, and irrigation dis-
tricts to obtain their opinions upon the boundaries, format'on, financing and operation
of the WWCSD.
2. Establishment of the proposed boundaries of. the WWCSD, after taking into con-
sideration the views of the cities and districts. It is the present opinion of this
Advisory Committee that the WWCSD should have as its boundaries the present boundaries
of the Unified Sewerage Agency.
3. incorporation of the opinions obtained from the ciLies an(l districts into a
plan for Formation of the WWCSD, and the obtaining of as broad a concensus as possible
among the cities and districts on such a plan.
4. Negotiation with the various agencies involved in purchasing, supplying, and
regulating water for the purpose of obtaining water rights and contracts for purchase
and sale of wholesale water. These negotiations should be guided by the recommendations
of Plan 2 of the Tualatin Basin Water Master Plan, 1973 Revision, by Stevens, Thompson,
and Runyan, and of the related Financing Plan, February 1974, by Bartle Wells, except
as otherwise recommended herein and except as later developments may make it desirable
to modify such recommendations. Such developments might include:
a. The City of Hillsboro's recently announced plans for pumping, treatment,
and transmission facilities.
I, I “u t 11II 1r. Wnl r.� y nil r'r. dr,“,114 lmir111 anal r:ll I I�Ilri
t'1 �� I 111'W hr.f 11.j
4i'M I rr111.- or I' 11 I land,
c . McKay Project developments resulting from the engineering design pre-
sently underway by Stevens, Thompson, and Runyan and Vie bond issue election to be
held by Wolf Creek Highway Water District.
• l
Minutes, page 3
May 6, 1974
Citizens Advisory Committee for Water Master Plan
Resolution continued:
d. Gaston Project developments resulting from the paidinq final report
on the Tualatin Valley Project Phase II.
Total potential water needs within Washingtoi County nave been projected as
422,000 acre feet per year in the year 2,000, in::luding 78,000 acre feet for
municipal and industrial water, 94,000 acre feet for stream flow augmentation,
and 250,000 acre feet for ittigation. To meet this need [here is only 287,00f, acir,
feet of storage in sites that have been selected by Federal and State agencies as
listed on pages 48 & 49 of the 1969 S.T.R. Water Master Plan plus 20,000 acre feet
on the Trask project. Under these circumstances, full development of the Trask ,
McKay, Gaston, and all other Washington County projects, as well as majol sourc.n
outside the County, will be necessary.
5. Appointment of a WWCSD Advisory Committee broadly rero <~;eot:ati ve of t_he
cities, districts, and citizens of Washington County, to advio the leo:d f c +fray
Commissioners on all matters pertaining to the WWCSD.
6. Formal steps to form a WWCSD.
7. Holding a WWCSD election for the prupose of financing whol, c lu water f`j(.-
ilities. In accordance with the Bartle Wells February, 1974 Financing Plan, it is
contempleted that such financing would be accomplished without a property tax levy.
8. Full operation of the WWCSD.
The motion carried by 9 - 1 (Bill Duncan opposing) . The Chairman stated that a
letter wi 11 be drafted from the committee to the Board of County Commissioners.
The committee will present the resolution to the Board on May 21, 1974.
The date and time of the next meeting will be announced at a later time.
The meeting adjourned at 0:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
John Robison
for: John P. C'rnukc;t t
(>// Recording Seci:etary