01/09/1973 - Packet TIGARD WATER DISTRICT BB41 S. W. COMMERCIAL ST. .Maw TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE (503) 639-1554 January 9, 1973 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES OF LAST MEETING 2. OATH OF OFFICE TO NEWLY ELECTED COMMISSIONER 3. ELECTION OF OFFICERS 4. VISITORS """' 5. RESOLUTION TO PAY VOUCHERS 6. RESOLUTIONS TO AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURES FROM THE NEW BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND (#1A) AND ADOPTING A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET 7. RESOLUTION TO SERVE COMMONWEALTH AND ROBINSON TRACTS IF CONNECTION IS MADE FOR BULL RUN WATER AT BRADLEY CORNERS 8. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 1. Resolution to approve minutes of last meeting. 2. Oath of office for newly elected commissioner. Ken Baines will administer the oath of office to Don W. Thomas, as follows: "I, Don W. Thomas, being duly sworn on oath, depose and state: I will, as Commissioner of the Tigard Water District, perform my duties as such Commissioner in conformity with the laws of the United States and State of Oregon, and the ordinances and regu- lations of the Tigard Water District." ..r 3. Election of Officers. A Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer must be elected. 4. Visitors. 5. Resolution to pay vouchers. 6. Resolutions to authorize expenditures from the new bond construction, fund (#lA) and adopting a supplemental budget. The Auditor has advised that a resolution and 1972-73 budget must be adopted to account for the proceeds from the recent sale of bonds. The resolution on the next page is proposed. The Auditor noted in the 1972-73 budget that $11,562.50 more should be transferred to the Bond Sinking Fund from the General Fund to pay off the bonded indebtedness on Bond Construction #1. Bond Construction Fund #1 was used erroneously for an interest payment on July 1, 1972. A supplemental budget has been prepared (see attached page) which makes the necessary adjustment by deducting budgeted expenditures for "Operating Contingencies" and "Line Replacements", totalling $11,562.50. -1- RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND #lA, 'r.. ADOPTING BUDGET, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND lA 1. Be it resolved that the Boa •d of Commissioners, Tigard Wain- District, establishes Bond Construe 'ion Fund #1A to account for the expenditure of tie proceeds of bonds old by the district on Oci ,her 3, 1972. 2. Be it further resolved that under the provisions of ORS 294.326(4) the Board of C ,mmissioners, Tigard Water District, adopts the following budget for the Bond Construction Fund #1A for the fiscal yee • 1972-73. Resources: Proceeds from Sale of Bonds $470,400 Interest Earned (Oct 1, 1972 to Tune 30, 1973) 13,600 Tot.:l Resource 3: $4841000 err►' Requirements: Personal Services: $ 5,000 Material and Services: Printing of Bonds: $ 550 Professional Fees: Attorneys 3,050 Equipment Rental: 8,000 Pipe and Fittings, including pump eta' ion and meter(th,ister)230,000 Contractural Services: 50,000 Miscallaneom : 400 292,000 Capital Outlay: Land for teriinal reservoir: 18,400 Miscellaneous: Interest on Bond (Jan 1, 1973) 3,600 Contingency: 15,000 Reserve for Future Projects: 150,000 Total Requirements: $484000 RESOLUTION ADOPTING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET FOR FY 1972-73, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CHANGES NOTED IN SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET Gene al Fund Requirements: (Pag4 7) #553 Operating Cont ngenc es $ 1,000. 00 $4,000.00 decrease #555 Line Replacemeits 38,337.50 ( 7,562.50 decrease #700 Bond Sinking find 81,906.50 (11,562.50 increase) Bond sinking Fund Resources: ( 'age 10) 100 Transfer in fr m General Fund $81,906.50 (11,562.50 increase) Total lesources: $090.00 (11,562.50 increase) Bonded Debt Requirements: (Page 11) Under Bond Interest to be paid during ensuing year: [ssue dated: Oct 1, 1971 • 23,125 00 (11,562.50 increase) Total Requirements: $l2 .9-90400 (11,562. 30 increase) ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) 7. Resolution to serve Commonwealth and Robinson tracts if connection made for Bull Run water at Bradley Corners. The Boundary Review Commission has recommended a plan whereby TWD would serve the Commonwealth and Robinson properties which are located south of Scholls Ferry Road and west of the railroad tracks. This is contingent upon a TWD connection at Bradley's Corner. It appears that several developers and the City of Beaverton have expressed a willingness to participate in the cost of the 24" main installation to Bradley Corners. This would materially lower the amount TWD would have to contribute for this project. It would be of benefit to me if I knew how the Board feels about serving this area. Of course, your first question is "are we capable of serving the Commonwealth property with 400 new connections and the Robinson property which will be industrial?" The answer is yes if the connection is made at Bradley Corners. It should be noted that these tracts will be served from the 24" main whether TWD serves them or not. mow The other alternative is the expanded Metzger Water District. Elden Carter believes strongly that Metzger should serve this area. The Boundary Review Commission is looking at it from a different aspect in that they desire that Beaverton and TWD have a mutual connection soon in case of an emergency. The City Manager has expressed a desire to arrange a mutual agreement with Tigard Water District in which neither party would increase the rate to one another above the price that Port- land charges. A conditional resolution to the effect that TWD would serve these tracts would be of assistance in negotiating with the parties involved. 8. Purchase of surface water the year around. The 4 deep wells cannot now produce enough water for the district, even in the winter time. This is the first year that water purchases from outside sources has been necessary, other than the summer months. Water consumption has increased due primarily to the large number of additional connections. 9. Metzger Water District service to 72nd Avenue industrial area. `®'' Metzger Water District has made a 12" connection on S.W. 72nd, near Hunziker Road, and now serves both fire protection and domestic service to the industrial area. TWD's gate valve has been turned off and our responsibility terminated. -2- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) 10. Construction progress on #3 reservoir. 135th and Fern Street. Everett Wiggins has completed all construction on extending the walls of #3 reservoir by 12 feet and building the new concrete cover. A steel ladder and gage board must be installed yet. The reservoir cannot be utilized to full capacity until stainless steel bands are installed around the circumference of the lower (pre- existing) portion of the tank. This cannot be accomplished prior to March or April when the weather breaks due to the excavation required. 11. Construction progress on Lake Oswego connection. Arndt-Colt Construction Company has started construction near the Waluga Reservoir (City of Lake Oswego). They have completed the 250 feet of 24" main and are now laying the 16" pipe. The City of Lake Oswego has agreed to pay the difference in cost between the 24" and 16" main installation. Arndt-Colt will install all of Phases III and IV (east of I-5) on this project and should be finished by March 1st. The weather has slowed TWD in construction of the 16" main toward I-5 from the west. However, it should be completed by March 1st also. Specifications and drawings will be prepared and bids received by the regular meeting, February 13th, for the installation of the pump station and possibly the master meter. The target date of May 1st for completion of the project is still realistic. 12. Unmetered water. Month Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Unmetered % & Year Pumped x 1000 Purchased x 1000 Total x 1000 Sold x 1000 Water x1000 Loss Jul 72 6,366 4,169 10,535 8,313 2,222 21% Aug 72 6,264 4,909 11,173 8,007 3,166 28% Sep 72 5,342 2,573 7,915 9,419 -1,504 -19% Oct 72 5,719 227 5,946 5,406 540 9% — Nov 72 5,121 --- 5,121 4,876 245 5% Dec 72 5,525 327 5,852 4,083 1,769 30% Cumulative Total: 46,542 40,104 6,438 1111, • -3- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) 13. Work accomplished during December 1972. a. TWD installed 400 feet of 16" D.I. pipe along Bonita Road, from 74th Avenue toward 72nd Avenue, including laying pipe under 2 sets of railroad tracks. (Part of Phase II, Lake Oswego). (Bond Construction #1A). b. Arndt-Colt Construction Co. installed 250 feet of 24" D.I. pipe and 800 feet of 16" D.I. pipe from Waluga Reservoir to inter- section of Parkhill and Waluga Drive. (Part of Phase IV, Lake Oswego) (Bond Construction #lA). c. TWD cleaned #4 reservoir on Beef Bend Road. d. TWD installed 18 meters. ( 3795 - 3778). 14. Work to be accomplished during next 6 months. (1973) Amoy Jan. a. TWD complete installation of 3100 feet of 8" C.I. pipe and 1130 feet of 6" C.I. pipe plus 4 fire hydrants along Park, Cook, Watkins, and 107th Avenue. (Pipe replacement program). b. TWD install 6" Cla-valve (pressure-regulator) on Bull Mountain Road, Near 153rd Avenue. (General Fund). c. Arndt-Colt Construction Company install 4000 feet of 16" P.I. pipe from intersection of Parkhill and Waluga Drive to I-5. (Phases III and IV, Lake Oswego)(Bond Construction #1A). Feb. a. TWD install 1000 feet of 16" D.I. along S.W. Bonita Road, between 72nd Avenue and 1-5. (Phase II, Lake Oswego)(Bond Construction #1A). b. TWD install 1700 feet of 12" C.I., 1300 feet of 10" C.I., and 400 feet of 8" C.I. plus 1 fire hydrant from Reservoir #1 to S.W. 100th Avenue and Murdock Street. (Bond Construction #lA). Mar. a. TWD install 10" meter with vault on east side of I-5 for Lake Oswego water. (Bond Construction #lA). b. TWD complete installation of mains on 100th and Murdock Street. (Bond Construction #lA). low c. Everett Wiggins complete construction at reservoir #3 by instal- ling stainless steel bands around tank. (Bond Construction #1 ). -4- -+rw ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) April a. TWD install self-contained pump station on west side of I-5. (Bond Construction #1A).(for Lake Oswego water). b. TWD install 500 feet of 8" C.I. pipe to replace 2" galvanized on James Street, between 121st and 122nd Avenues. (Pipe replacement program). c. TWD install 1840 feet of 12" C.I., 620 feet of 8" C.I., and 1100 feet of 6" C.I. plus 3 fire hydrants from 100th and Murdock to 98th and Sattler Road. (Bond Construction #lA). M.aY a. TWD install 3360 feet of 12" C.I. plus 5 fire hydrants along Walnut Street, from 121st to 132nd Avenues. (Bond Construction #1A). '""" June a. TWD install 2030 feet of 12" D.I. pipe along Pacific Highway, Beef Bend to Canterbury. (Bond Construction #1A). b. TWD install 1610 feet of 12" D.I. pipe along Hall Blvd., Burnham to Hunziker. (Bond Construction #1A). -5-