05/08/1973 - Packet TIGARD WATER DISTRICT 8841 9. W. COMMERCIAL ST. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE (503) 639-1554 Irv' May 8, 1973 AGENDA SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING (FY1972-73) CALL TO ORDER 1. VISITORS ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER 1. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES OF LAST MEETING ow 2. VISITORS 3. RESOLUTION TO ADOPT SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET, FY1972-73, AND APPROPRIATING EXPENDITURES 4. RESOLUTION TO PAY VOUCHERS 5. RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH MONTHLY MINIMUM FOR 8-INCH METER AT $94 FOR 600 CUBIC FEET 6. RESOLUTION TO ABSORB DIFFERENCE IN COST OF 8-INCH AND 12-INCH PIPE INSTALLATION FOR NEW OFFICE BUILDING, UTILITY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, LOCATED ON HUNZIKER STREET, ADJACENT TO OVERMYER WAREHOUSE 7. RESOLUTION TO GRANT SOME RELIEF TO JOHN NAYLOR FOR DOCTOR AND HOSPITAL BILLS INCURRED AS RESULT OF EMERGENCY APPENDECTOMY 8. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE ANNEXATIONS 9. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT TIGARD WATER DISTRICT 9841 S. W. COMMERCIAL ST. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE (503) 639-1554 May 8, 1973 AGENDA (Continued) BUDGET HEARING (FY1973-74 CALL TO ORDER 1. SELECTION OF BUDGET CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY 2. PRESENTATION OF BUDGET MESSAGE BY BUDGET OFFICER 3. VISITORS 4. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BUDGET FOR ALL FUNDS *ay ADJOURNMENT �.r ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 1. Resolution to approve minutes of last meetinc. 2. Visitors. Mr. George Marshall, Tualatin Development Company. Mr. Marshall intends to appear before the Board to request that Tualatin Development Company not be required to pay 1 the cost of installing a 6-inch main along Durham Road, if and when such main is installed. He feels that this action is unfair and unjustified since Tualatin Development Company is paying the entire cost for oversizing the mains throughout the Summerfield project so that adequate water can be delivered south of Durham Road. Further, they are paying all costs for lateral mains to connect on Durham Road and completing the circulation loops to both Durham and Naeve intersections with Pacific Highway. 3. Resolution to adopt supplemental budget, FY1972-73, and appropriating expenditures. a. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners, Tigard Water District, hereby adopts the supplemental budget, FY1972-73, now on file in the office of the Tigard Water District. b. BE IT RESOLVED that the amount for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1972 and for the purposes shown below are hereby appropriated as follows: (in addition to the regular budget adopted June 13, 1972). GENERAL FUND Resources: Water Sales $16,000 Developer's - Overhead d Equipment 12,400 Developer's - Wage Reimbursement 7,200 Total Resources: $ O Requirements: Personal Services $16,200 Materials and Services 19,400 Total Requirements: $35.600 vr., -1- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners, Tigard Water District, on May 8, 1973. Clarence F. Nicoli Chairman 4. Resolution to pay vouchers. 5. Resolution to establish monthly minimum for 8-inch meter at $94 for 600 cubic feet of water. The mobile units to be located south of Fischer Road (Tualatin ,r,, Development Company) are to be served via an 8-inch FM meter. Present rules, rates, and regulations do not prescribe the monthly minimum cost for such a meter. Existing minimums per meter size are as noted below: Meter Size Monthly Minimum 5/8"x3/4" $3.00 1" 5.00 1 " 8.00 2" 15.00 3" 28.00 4" 48.00 6" 67.00 It is recommended that $94 be established as the monthly minimum for an 8-inch meter. -2- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) 6. Resolution to absorb difference in cost of 8-inch and 12-inch pipe installation for new office buildin,s. Utility Equipment Co, located on Hunziker Street, adjacent to Overmyer Warehouse. This pipe installation is identical to the Partex pipe line in which the district absorbed the difference in cost between an 8-inch and 12-inch main. Actually, the needs of Utility Equipment Company could be served adequately with a 6-inch main, but have agreed to pay for an 8-inch main. The master plan indicates that it may be advantages to construct a 2nd 12-inch main to the Baylor reservoirs. This could be accomplished via either Partex or Utility Equipment Company, under the Beaverton - Tigard Freeway, and on to Beveland Road. To provide for this possi- bility, a 12-inch main should be installed. 7. Resolution to grant some relief to John Naylor for doctor and hospital bills incurred as result of emergency appendectomy. John Naylor has been employed by the district on a temporary basis for 10 months. Since he is not a permanent employee the district does not pay for his medical premiums to Blue Cross. ($13.57/month). Naylor is scheduled to become a permanent employee on July 1st, subject to approval of the proposed budget. Two weeks ago while on the job he suffered severe abdominal pains and was rushed to a hospital. An emergency appendectomy was performed. As noted above, he has no medical insurance coverage; in addition he lost 2 weeks salary for lost time as he does not accrue sick leave as a temporary employee. The hospital bill was $454 while the doctor charged $288 or a total of $742. John Naylor has proven to be a loyal, hard working employee of the district. Any financial assistance that the district could provide toward this medical bill would be sincerely appreciated. -3- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) 8. Resolution to approve annexations. Two parcels of land along the district's easterly boundary should be annexed. One parcel contains 47 acres and includes the Utility Equipment Company property as noted in paragraph 6 above. It also includes 2 tax lots adjacent to Georgia Pacific salvage yard on Hunziker Road. This would end the annexations in this area as the district's boundary would then abutt with Metzger Water District. The 2nd parcel contains 60 acres and includes Western Puget Die Casting Company on 74th and Bonita Road. This, too, would establish the district's easterly boundary along the Oregon Electric Railroad tracks, beyond which, on the southerly portion, is a part of the City of Durham. 9. Other business. 10. Unmetered water. Month Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Pur- Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Loss Loss & Year Pumped x 1000 chased x 1000 Total x 1000 Sold x 1000 x 1000 7. April 5,382 785 6,167 4,269 1898 317. Cumulative Totals Jul72 - Apr73 70,909 57,917 12,992 1.5a1 The unmetered water this month can be accounted for, in large measure, to several factors as shown below: a. Flushing new mains. b. Fire District testing and flushing fire hydrants. c. Oregon State Insurance Rating Bureau testing fire hydrants. -4- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) 11. Construction progress on Lake Oswego connection. There has been an unfortunate delay in receiving the pump station from Cornell Manufacturing Company. Some of the machined pump parts did not arrive on time. They are working everyday, including Saturdays, attempting to finish the unit. Delivery is expected during the week of May 14th. In the meantime, we are getting prepared to receive the 5-ton monster. If need be, we will work overtime to get it connected. 12. Construction progress on #3 reservoir. Everett Wiggins has completed the banding of the reservoir with 1-inch steel rods. The gunite process should be finished next week at which time water can be stored in the reservoir. We need not wait for the back-filling or landscaping. 13. Construction progress on 24-inch main from Portland to Bradley Corners. If one drives north of Bradley Corners on Oleson Road he will see a beautiful sight. 24-inch ductile pipe is everywhere and being installed rapidly. The contract calls for that main installation to be completed by July 9th and I am sure they will make it. The master meter vault will be installed for both Metzger and Tigard, with separate meters, on the northwest corner of Bradley Corners. From there we will extend a 16-inch main along Greenburg Road to Tigard and Tiedeman Streets. There is much talk about widening and improving Greenburg Road north of the Beaverton - Tigard interchange. After more investigation it may be wise for us to consider construction of the 16-inch main earlier than planned. 14. Determination of a critical ground water area hearing in the Cooper Mountain - Bull Mountain area. Do not forget that a public hearing will be held by the State Engineer on Monday, May 7th, in the Aloha High School, 185th and Kinnaman Road, Aloha, Oregon, commencing at 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. -5- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) It is very difficult to refute the evidence that the water table is going down. It appears that our position should be as follows: The district would prefer not to close or restrict pumping at any of its 4 wells; however, if restrictions are imposed it is requested that: a. No wells be closed until after September 15th when the critical peak demand period is over. (This has been the driest year in 102 years and everyone will need every drop of water available). b. That wells be phased out over a period of years so that orderly adjustments can be made, both for alternate sources of water and from an economic standpoint. 15. Purchase of property on Little Bull Mountain. A legal description of the 1.65 acres to be purchased on Little Bull Mountain was prepared. An earnest money receipt in the amount of $100 was forwarded to The Presbytery of Portland for their approval. All documents were reviewed and approved by Ken Baines. If approval is obtained the land will be purchased for $11,000. 16. Little Bull Mountain pressurized system. The installation of mains from #1 reservoir to 98th and Sattler has been completed except for pressure testing, sampling, and connecting the services to the new mains. This will have a significant effect upon the district's capability to serve this area. 66 (30%) of the 234 meters on this pressurized system can now be transferred to the gravity system. Those residents will benefit by being on a gravity system and the remaining customers will be provided better service as the pumps will not be over-loaded. No -6- oftmor ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) 17. Work accomplished during April 1973 a. TWD installed concrete vault and 10" by-pass on east side of 1-5 for Clackamas River water. (Bond Construction #1A). 10" Rockwell turbo-meter will be "dropped in" upon arrival. b. TWD installed 2670 feet of 12" D.I., 760' of 10" G.I., 980 feet of 8" C.I., and 1080 feet of 6" C.I. + 3 fire hydrants from 103rd and Murdock to 98th and Sattler. (Bond Construction #1A). c. TWD installed water sprinkler system and will plant grass in parking strip at new Hi Tor reservoir. d. Everette Wiggins completed banding the reservoir at #3 with 1" steel bands. (Bond Construction #lA). Upon completion of the con- crete spraying (gunite) and a waiting period of a few days the reservoir can be put into service. e. TWD installed 31 meters. (3865 - 3835). +W+- 18. Work to be accomplished during next few months. Itsv a. TWD install self-contained pump station on west side of I-5 for Clackamas River water. (Bond Construction #lA). b. TWD install 12"x6" cross and 12" gate valve on pressurized system at new Hi Tor reservoir in preparation for new pump station. (Bond Construction #lA). c. TWD install copper services from reservoir #1 to 98th and Sattler Road. (Bond Construction #IA). d. TWD install 370 feet of 6" C.I. pipe + 1 fire hydrant for 9 home sites off Garrett Street for Mr.Jim Aiken. (Developer's). e. Private contractor install 1300 feet of 12" C.I., 2520 feet of 8" C.I., 560 feet of 6" C.I., and 240feet of 4" C.I. + 7 fire hydrants for Phase I, Summerfield for Tualatin Development Company. (Developer's). f. Private contractor install 1150 feet of 8" C.I. + 3 fire hydrants for multiple units on Murdock, west of 104th Avenue for Cooper Development Company. (Developer's). 4v..r -7- ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT (Continued) Junes a. TWD install 1520 feet of 8" C.I. and 1060 feet of 6" C.I. + 3 fire hydrants along 144th Avenue, south of Bull Mountain Road, for Mr. Sam Gotter and Mr. Larry Jackson, Vantage Crest Homes. (Developer's). b. TWD install 1030 feet of 8" C.I. and 560 feet of 4" C.I. + 3 fire hydrants along 139th Avenue, south of Bull Mountain Road for Mr. Ron Douglas. (Developer's). c. TWD install 500 feet of 12" C.I. + 2 fire hydrants off Hunziker Road for a new office building, Utility Equipment Company. (Developer's). d. TWD install copper services for 86 home sites for Summerfield, Phase I. e. Private contractor install 1250 feet of 6" C.I. + 2 fire hydrants along 127th Avenue and Katherine Street, Bellwood II, for Mr. J. W. Brayson. (Developer's). °* f. TWD complete all of above projects, including installation of copper services and cleanup. Maintain vehicles and equipment. Prepare for inventory. July: a. TWD install 1150 feet of 6" C.I. + 1 fire hydrant along 93rd Avenue and View Terrace for Mr. George Penrose. (Developer's). b. TWD install 790 feet of 6" C.I. + 1 fire hydrant along View Terrace, west of 103rd Avenue, for TWD and Mr. Douglas Johnson, Douglas Heights. (Pipe replacement and developer's). c. TWD install 300 feet of 6" C.I. + 1 fire hydrant into cul de sac off 100th Street, between Murdock and Sattler, for Mr. Upshaw. (Developer's). d. TWD install 3360 feet of 12" C.I. + 5 fire hydrants along Walnut Avenue, between 121st and 132nd. (Bond Construction #LA). Augusts a. TWD install 1600 feet of 6" C.I. + 2 fire hydrants along Errol Street, between Fonner and 113th Avenue; and 500 feet of 8" C.I. + 2 fire hydrants along 113th Avenue, between Walnut and Errol. (Pipe repl.) Noy -8-