08/10/1971 - Minutes Tigard Water District
301st Regular Meeting
August 10, 1971
Clarence F. Nicoli, Chairman
Roger W. Cowell, Treasurer
John M. Wied, Secretary
R. Verne Wheelwright, Commissioner
Robert E. Santee, Administrator
John P. Miller, Foreman
Kenneth W. Baines, Attorney
Chairman Nicoli called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.
MINUTES Motion made by Mr. Wheelwright, seconded by Mr. Cowell, to adopt
the minutes of July 13, 1971 as written. Motion carried.
2. VISITORS Mr. Red Miller (Knauss Chevrolet) and Mr. Jerry Jones (Carr
3. Motion made by Mr. Wheelwright, seconded by Mr. Cowell, that the attached
resolution regarding a special election for the purpose of obtaining
the authorization of the electors of the district to issue and sell
$980,000 in general obligation bonds be adopted. Motion carried. Fur-
ther,it was the hope of the board that $180,000 of the total bond issue will
be made available for the development of an alternate source of water.
4. Motion made by Mr. Cowell, seconded by Mr. Wied, to purchase a 1972 3/4-
ton pickup truck from apparent low bidder. Motion carried. Administrator
was directed to review the bids as submitted and ensure that the specifi-
cations were fully included therein. Bids as submitted: Carr Chevrolet --
$2,849.33; Knauss Chevrolet -- $2,929.63; both bids included trade-in
of 1966 Chevrolet pickup truck.
5. Motion made by Mr. Wheelwright, seconded by Mr. Wied, to absorb difference
in cost between 6" or 8" and 12" pipe installations on S.W. 98th Avenue
(Mormon Church) and S. W. Hunziker Road (Partex Corporation). Motion
6. Motion made by Mr. Wheelwright, seconded by Mr. Cowell, to transfer
$26,901 from Capital Outlay to Material S. Services in the General Fund
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1970. (See attached document for
complete resolution). Motion carried.
7. Motion made by Mr. Cowell, seconded by Mr. Wheelwright, that the dis-
bursements as listed be approved for payment. Motion carried.
Motion made by Mr. Wheelwright, seconded by Mr. Cowell, to adjourn the meet-
ing at 8:36 p.m. Motion carried.
John M. Wied, Secretary