09/22/1938 - Special Meeting Minutes •
Special Meeting, September 22, 1988,:
At the call of the Chairman, a special meeting of the Board
tames of Commissioners of Tigard dater 1Jisl.rict, dashington Countys.
Oregon, met at the office of Johnson Lumber Company, TYnerd, at
eight PM, Thursday, September 22, 1938.
Present and consenting: Commissioners Emil A. Johnson,
G. M. Leslie, Arthur Vincent, and Phil h. Lewis. Absent, Com-
missioner Ed
om-missionerd J. Johnston.
Purchase of water system of Tigard rater Company for 43500,
under the terms of the letter of august 22, 1938, authorized by
this Board august 12, 1938, which letter is hereto appended,
marked "OFFER FOR dATER SYSTEM", approved, change of ownership to
be calculated as of October 1, 1938. Carried.
Truck: Purchase of Dodge Coupe, with box, for dFA truck,
model 1927, Motor Fo. B746033, Factory P!o., A761000, License E1378,
covered by a ,,unlit liability and property damage policy expiring
March 24, 1939, for the sum of w25.00, Approved.
Truck policy transferred to Tigard dater District; and,
Registration card; and,
Certificate of Ownership, rrD 241335, 8-31-38;
all received, approved, and filed. (Registration card to C. L. Carter)
Treasurer's Bond: Bond of A. H. Vincent, as Treasurer of Tigard
dater District, from August 4, 1938, in the penal sum of 41000.00,
=approved and Filed .
Bills audited and ordered paid: N.P.A. District
# 12 Consolidated Sup ly Company, Materials, ,PA, -- 4320.67 4
13 Collins dater District, Truck and rolicy, 25.00
14 Ed J. Johnston, 4 truck tires, 36.80
15 Ariss service Station, Therosine, 3.96
16 Bert C. Hagen, Treasurer's Bond, 10.00
roe 17 F. Stedman, Rent, 8-18 to 9-18, 5.00
August fit, 1938.
Tigard Water Company,
Tigard, Oregon.
The Board of Commissioners of Tigard Water District has now completed
the preliminaries necessary to building a water system adequate to take care of
the water needs of the people of this entire community and its growth. We have
received a government grant of 471,000. The electors have voted the bonds to
raise the funds necessary to meet the government grant, and these bonds have been
sold on a very favorable basis. The materials have been purchased on favorable
bids. And the work will start 'akin the next few days.
We have had the earnest and able co-operation of many stockholders of
of the Company in planning and carrying out the community project, for which
a/Wiotwf w1 WAS to mom al* app resiation.
It is the understanding of our citizens that the Company's system will
be taken over, enlarged and improved, and that the District will pay the Company
a price for itsipes that will be fair to both the District and the Company, which
price, with the Wo.pany's treasury balance, may be paid the stockholders. To arrive
at such a prise, engineers representing the Company, the District, and a third
engineer, must examine all parts of the pipes,and consider the length of time they
have been in the ground, their sins, location and usability in that location, and
all mattes. pertaining to their present value to the District. The cost of this
engineering appraisal will be saved to our people, both stockholders and citizens,
if we can agree on a price. For this reason, we tender what we believe to be a
fair compromise price.
Under our prices for materials and the conditions under which our system
will be built, our engineer estimates we can replace the Company's mains with new
pipe at less Mal 03,000. He states that the mains have been in the ground over
ten years, and thea some of the lines are too small for their present locations,
and must be taken up,ssconditioned, and placed further out, or discarded entirely,
as their condition may determine.
Therefore, we tender the Company 43,500 in cash for its system, tools,
equipment, materials on hand, and such uncollected water and service bills as
may be still outstanding at the time of transfer, all to be free from debt. This
to include easements, oontDaets and rights, if any, now used in the operation of
the system.
As a part of the consideration, we will transfer and recondition all
services, including meters and pipes from main to meter, to the new system
without cost to the present user.
Trusting that we may have your answer at an early date, we are,
Board of Commissioners,
Tigard Water District/
Washington County, Oregon.
G. Me Leslie, Secretary.
"r.r ORDERED, that 0, 4 , No o E ,
. i;Gc r�( F/Ir s
�r Cs) , l L V , efli?< H, �b AF/�E/ , and /�,/34
electors and freeholders of the District, are hereby appointed to .act with'the
members of this Board as a Tax Budget Committee, for the purpose of examining
the financial status of the District, and its probable needs for the ensuing
fiscal year, and recommending to the Board a Tax Budget for such year: and,
that this Board now recess to await the report of said Tax Budget Committee.
The Board of Commissioners re-convened, and said Tax Budget Committee
presented its report, as follows:
" To the Board of Commissioners: Your Tax Budget Committee has examined the
" financial status of the District and its probable needs for the ensuing
" fiscal year, and we hereby find and certify that the attached budget is a
" full and true statement thereof, all as shown for the respective periods
" and items therein.
" Based thereon, your Tax Budget Committee recommends that said budget be
adopted, and that a tax be levied against all property taxable for District
purposes, upon the assessment and tax rolls of this county for the year 194.,
" as follows:
" Debt Levy; dollars ($1 .5-0,0c?)
" General Levy: ` ..,yc,.d ° dollars ( �'SO, o o )
" Special Voted Levy:T � 1� / / dollars ($ )
" Total Levy: dollars ( •f? 3 0 0, oo )
" Respectfully submitted, September � , 19,7 .
r(/, `2 Tili �i2t�
'w' Member Tax Bu4et Committee. Chairman T Budget Committee.
^% /'
\Lig .lir Y L �. !� /�/\ t-Q 1,.4
M-neer Tax,,Budget itte . Setre'tary TalkBudget Committee.
Member Tax Budget Committee. Member Tax Budget Committee.
,t 1 _ tt
Member Tax Budget Committee Member Tax Budget Committee.
Member Tax Budget Committee. Member Tax Budget Commit
ORDERED, that the above report of the Tax Budget Committee is hereby
adopted and filed; and, that a public meeting for he scussion thereof is
hereby called, to be held within the District at( t -ia
, at 8' P.M., October : 1938; and, the
Seee 6 ar� er By directed to give legal notice of such meeting.
,re' PASSED, September ,7 -2. , 193
O"""' Washington County, Oregon
1938 1939
Now First Last
6 mo. 6 mo. Budget
Cash on hand, 0 ---- -- ---- -- _---
• Water Revenues ---- -- 180 00 1440 00
Installations ---- -- 400 00 400 00
Miscellaneous 100 00 (a) 40382 44 ----
Taxes ---- -- ---- -- 2300 00
TOTALS 100 00 40962 44 4140 00
Water Cost ---- -- 320 00 1100 00
Operation ---- -- 150 00 600 00
Office, Elections, etc. 100 00 50 00 200 00
Maintenance ---- 100 00 200 00
Miscellaneous ---- -- 80 00 ----
TOTALS 100 00 700 00 2100 00
Installations ---- -- 400 00 400 00
Construction ---- -- 39000 00 ---- --
Debt Payments, Int. ---- -- ---- -- 1450 00
Emergency Fund ---- -- 862 44 190 00
Balance, 12/31 -•-- -- ---- -- ----
TOTALS 100 00 40962 44 4140 00
(a) BOND PROCEEDS: Principal, $40,028.00, Accrued Interest, $354.44,
Total, $40,382.44
BONDS OUTSTANDING: $20,000 at 3-3/4%, $20,000 at 3-102%, Total $40,000.
TIGARD - 1939 //�
Washington County, Oregon
1938 1939
:4'"' First Last
s 6 mo. 6 mo. Budget
1 Cash on hand, 1/1 ---- -- ---- --
Water Revenues ---- -- 180 00 1440 00
Installations ---- -- 400 00 400 00
Miscellaneous 100 00 (a) 40382 44 ---- --
Taxes ---- -- ---- -- 2300 00
TOTALS 100 00 40962 44 4140 00
tatter Cost 1 ---- -- 320 00 1100 00
*b., Operation ---- -- 150 00 600 00
Office, Elections, etc. 100 00 50 00 200 00
Maintenance ---- -- 100 00 200 00
Miscellaneous ---- -- 80 00 ---- --
TOTALS 100 00 700 bo 2100 00
Installations ---- -- 400 00 400 00
Construction ---- -- 39000 00 ---- --
Debt Payments, Int. ---- -- ---- -_ 1450 00
Emergency Fund ---- -- 862 44 190 00
, Balance, 12/31 ---- -- -,.-.. -_ ---_ --
TOTALS 100 00 40962 44 4140 00
(a) BOND PROCEEDS: Principal, $40,028.00, Accrued Interest, $354.44,
Total, $40,382.44
BONDS OUTSTANDING: $20,000 at 3-3/4%, $20,000 at 3-102%, Total $40,000.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the tax budget committee of Tigard Water
V.r District, Washington County, Oregon, has certified and abpted the above
tax budget for the year 1939, providing for a tax levy of twenty-three
hundred dollars, and that the Board of Commissioners of said District
will hold a special meeting for the public discussion thereof, at the
Old Auditorium of the High School, Tigard, within the District, at
8 o'olook PM, October 27, 1938.
, a Emil A. Johnson, Chairman,
G. M. Leslie, Secretary„
1 A. H. Vincent, Treasurer,
Ed J. Johnston, Commissioner,
. P. E. Lewis, Commissioner.
ADJOURNED, a. I , Chairman
0n/\/N IL-e-- 2-8 , Secretary
TIGARD - 1939