10/01/1938 - Special Meeting Minutes THIRD SPECIAL 1 :7T=
SPECIAL FETING, October 1, 1938:
At the Call of Chairman Johnson, a special meeting of the Board of
Commissioners of Tigard dater District, riashington County, Oregon, was
held at the office of Johnson Lumber Company, Tigard, Oregon, at 8 P.M.,
October 1, 1933.
Present and consenting: Chairman Johnson, and Oomrnissionera
Leslie, Vincent, Johnston, and Lewis.
Superintendent : Moved by Commissioner Lewis, and seconded by Com-
missioner Johnston, that George Hoskins is hereby appointed as Superin-
tendent of the District, at a salary of X40.00 per month.
---- Carried.
C27\""N.: 42"--e*E-1-
/ Secretary
SPECIAL MEETING, October 20, 1938:
At the Call of Chairman Johnson, a special meeting of the Board of
Commissioners of Tigard dater District, ;lashington County, Oregon, was
held at the office of Johnson Lumber Company, Tigard, Oregon, at 8 P.M.,
October 20, 1939 .
Present and consenting: Chairman Johnson, and Commissioners
Vincent, Leslie, and Johnston.
Superintendent: WHEREAS, George Hoskins, heretofore appointed
Superintendent of Tigard dater District, has died, and it now becomes
necessary to appoint his successor, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that J. S. Barber be, and he hereby is, appointed
Superintendent of Tigard ~Water District, Washington County, 0regony at
a salary of forty dollars per :month.
Adoption of the foregoing resolution was moved by Commissioner
Vincent, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, and thereupon vote was
taken, resulting as follows: Commissioners voting "Aye": Johnson,
Johnston, Vincent, and Leslie; Commissioners voting "Nay": none;
Comrni ssiohers absent : Lewis.
Whereupon the Chairman declared the resolution adopted, this
20th day of October, 1938.
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