02/09/1943 - Minutes FIJ?TY SEVENTH REGUL2iR MEETING February 9th 1943 1400. The regi .lar monthly meeting of t e Board of Commissioners of the Tigard Dater District, ',Washington County, Oregon. was held at the office of the ::secret ,ry at Ti-;ard Oregon 8: 00 PM February 9th 194-.$. PRESENT Chairman Johnson and Commissioners Leslie, Lewis and Schubring. MINUTES of meeting January 12th 1943 read and approved. BILLS ORDSEED 561 Neptune Meter Comnany 166. 25 562 Kilham Stationery & Printing Co 1. 75 563 Consolidated Supply Co 138.99 564 Tigard Truck Service 1. 66 565 J S Barber 101. 60 566 Metzger ',`Fater District 268.94 567 G M Leslie 20.00 568 State Industrial aced Comm 2.31 569 R Brower 7. 50 570 h Schubring 14!63 723. 63 Cash in bank December 18 1942 4 1 , 271. 68 Cash in Supts office December 31 1942 175.00 :Water collections January 1943 416. 26 Meter collections January 1943 92.00 ':later deposit Frank Myers 53.00 'Terre P Bishop 53.00 6.00 Dividend from Alsh Fed ,_;vg Loan hssn 75.00 1 , 995.94' Cash in bank January 23 1943 :15 1,429.02 Cash in Supt;. office January 31 1943 155.75 Bills naid January 12 1943 416. 32 :? 2,001.09 `'110'" Check 554 not cashed ( deduct) 5.15 . 1,995.94'1 Ci1�S i ixcoUNT Cash in bank January `:3 1947 1,429.02 Cash in Supts office January 71 1947 150. 75 Savings . ccount Jash D'ed Sav :Loan 5,000.00 avings account First :yank Tigard 1,017. 61 ar Defense Bonds ( Par 7alue :5,005) 2, 700.00 11, 702. 38 Less check- 1:o 654 not ca hed 5.15 11, 297. 23 Q (7,4144 / t Chairman 14111e tY s2,./3 C hD J O l RN ED