03/09/1943 - Minutes ''I 'TY 9th 1947 The regular monthl;: mcetin- of the "3oarci. of Commi_ _:s.i oners of tie Tigard -.later District, "a:;'_:i.np^ton County , Oregon. 77z.i.s Lehi at the office of' the »ccretar,y _ t Tigard Or€;ron 8: 00 PM March 9th 1943. I'RIT:Si. IIT Chairman Johra on and Cornmi_s .ioners 1e:-lie, Lewis and Schubr i.ng. LMIITUT' S of meetin:^7 February 9th 1943 read and aprroved. BILL;• 0R.D1_:TO P1.1 ID y 571 Lletzger 'eater. Dirtrict !4; 245.81 572 Tigard Truck Service .55 573 is Bergren 4.00 574 J Began 11.25 575 R Brewer 11. 25 576 J S Barber 132.95 577 Consolidated ;.supply Co 13.77 578 G ;,i Leslie 20.00 579 State Industrial r ccident Comm3. 34 580 L. Johnson ( Rental Safe Deposit Box ) 3.91 • 446.83 Bl , "ITC 1,. 1I I Cash in bank January 23 1943 u' 1,429.02 Cash in Supts off ice January 51st. 1943 155. 75 'dater collections February 1943 512.03 Meter collections February 1943 28.50 ".'brater Deposit, Harold I ambach 3.00 Taxes 523. 64 13 2, 351.94'' Cash in bank February 25 1943 ' 1,886.81 Cash in Supts office February "8th 1943 36.35 Bills paid. February 9th 1943 72'3. 63 • 2, 346. 79 Check 554 cashed ( add) 5.15 . 2, 651.94' CASH I1.CCOUIIT Cash in bank February 25th 1943 1,886.81 Cash in Supts office February 28th 1943 36.35 Savings Certificate Wash F S & Loan 5,000.00 Savings account First Bank Tigard. 1,017. 61 '.`gar Defense Bonds (Par value 4>5,000) 3, 700.00 11,"640. 77 L-� a� ("Chairman OVVV\4,4.52?:-t Secy-Treas 1.DJOURNED *Ad