04/13/1943 - Minutes PT=.2. T'I.. ,T. T? . .. . 1-7= 2EIL l:' 1947 The reVin, r monthly ! � �in� of? t y -ate the Board of Cor_vissioners of � � the Tigard Water Di strict, ',`atihiriton Cornty, Oregon. -las held at the office of the .secretary at Ti srd Orenon 8: 00! PM i pri.l 17th 1943. PRSSSTTT Chairman Johnson and Co:lmis ioners Leslie, Lewis and Schubring. T ITdUT .25 of meeting March 9th 1945 read and approved. BILLS ORDERED LID 581 G M Leslie ° 20.00 582 Metzger Water District 243.15 583 Consolidated Supply Co 54.46 • 584 Schubring 16.48 585 J S Barber 137.35 586 R Brower 27.00 587 - First Bank of Pinard ( 'War Defense Bonds) 2220.00 2718.44 ORDERED that the amount of $ 1,017. 61 in savings account in the First Bank of Tigard be withdrawn and deposited in the 4061,* checking account and that three ( 3) one thousand dollar demoninat ion ',`Jar Defense Bonds he purchased at the cost of 4 740.00 per bond or a total of 24122Q-00. Bonds to be purchased are of the "F" series. CARRIED. BALANCE 6HEET Cash in bank February 25 1943 3 1,886. 81 Cash in Supts office February 28 1943 36.35 ;dater collections March 1943 427.08 Meter collections March 1943 136.00 Taxes 289. 31 2, 775.55'• Cash in bank March 25 1943 2, 253.08 Cash in Supts office March 31 1943 75.64 Bills paid March 9 1943 446.83 2, 775.554 CASH ACCOUNT Cash in bank March 25 1943 p 2, 253.08 Cash in Supts office March 31 1943 75. 64 Savings account Dash Fed Say & Loan 5,000.00 Savings account First Bank of. Tigard 1,017. 61 ',`Jar Defense Bonds ( Par Value p 5,000) 3. 700.00 X12,046.33 hairman '4461+' ` Secy-Trews ADJOURNED