DECEMBER 14 1943
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners of
the Tigard Water District, Washington County, Oregon. was held at the
office of the Secretary at Tigard Oregon 8:00 PM December 14 1943.
PRESENT Chairman Johnson and Commissioners Leslie, Lewis and Schubring:010
MINUTES of meeting November 9 1943 read and approved.
Canvas of returns of election held December 6 1943 for one
Commissioner for the term ending January 1 1949 disclosed ninety
four (94) votes were cast and of this total, J S Barber received .1000
seventy one ( 71) , P E Lewis twenty three (23) .
Mr J S Barber was duly elected but requested that he not be
sworn in at this time,
Mt E. A. Dietrich was sworn in as a Commissioner to serve
in place of Mr A H Vincent who was overseas in the forces. Mr
Dietrich to serve until the next regular election.
# 643 J J Parker $ 4,40
644 _ Mrs Mary Parker 4.00
645 - Mrs G M Leslie 4.00
646 , United States National Bank 730.24
647 Metzger Water District 319.14
648 Tigard Truct Service .55
649 G M Leslie 20,00 *rof
650 State Industrial Accident Comm 3 +07
651 Collector U S Internal Revenue 15.50
652 0 H Butler 3.00
653 Wm F Gerlach 3.00
654 J S Barber 126.30
655 A Schubring 16.70
$ 1249.50
ORDERED, that P E Lewis be hired as Superintendent to replace
J S Barber who was elected a Commissioner of Tiagdr
- Water District effective January let 1944. CARRIED.
Secretary was instructed to arrange for the safe keeping of the
Districts records. Suggested they be placeiin the vault at the First
Bank of Tigard.
Chairman was requested to look into the matter of securing insurance
to cover the thieft of funds in the office of Superintendent and in
the store of Schubring & Biederman who act as the Districts Agents in
collecting water bills. ,4.00
OFFICERS, By unanimous vote, the following were elected offieers
of the Board for the year 1944.
CHAIRMAN Emil A Johnson
Cash in bank October 22 1943 $ 1,265.65
Cash in Supts office October 31 1943 119.19
Water collections November 1943 572.87
Meter collections 65.00
Water deposit, E B Nedry 3.00
Cash in bank November 24 1943 1,327.53
Cash in Supts office November 30 1943 115.37
Bills paid November 9 1943 579.81 `-
$ 2,022.71
Check # 629 cashed (add) 3,00,
$ 2,02b.7i
Cash in bank November 24 1943 $ 1,327.53
Cash in Supts office November 30 1943 115.37
Savings cert Wash Fed & Sav & Loan 5,000.00
War defense bonds (par value $8,500) 6.430.00
S.44,=4:e a 1 /
f Al
SES y_ sgs _ .
Be It Resolved, that this Board hereby finds that the annual election
was duly held, in accordance with law, on Monday, December 6#i19 43 ;
that the returns thereof have been duly made to this Board; that the total
vote cast thereat for the office of Commissioner of the District, and the
term of office, was, respectively, as follows:
P E Lewis , term ending January 1, 19 49, 23 votes;
J S $arbex , term ending January 1, 19 A, 71 votes;
, term ending January 1, 19 , votes;
, term ending January 1, 19 , votes;
, term ending January 1, 19 , votes;
, term ending January 1, 19 , votes;
Be It Further Resolved, that this Board finds, and hereby declares,
that the candidates receiving the highest number of votes cast at said
election for said office of Commissioner, for the term respectively indi-
cated, were as follows:
J S Barber , for the regular term;
, for balance of term ending Jan. 1, 19 r.
And the Secretary is hereby directed to issue certificates of election in
accordance herewith.
Passed by the Board, December 14 , 19 43 .