08/14/1945 - Minutes AUGUST 14 1945 EIGHTY FIFTH REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners of The Tigard Water District, Washington County, Oregon. was held at the High School at Tigard, Oregon at 8 PM Atgust 14 1945. PRESENT ,„,. Chairman Johnson and Commissioners Barber, Dietrich and Schubring. MINUTES of meeting July 10 1445 read and approved. BILLS ORDERED PAID # 106 Metzger Water District $ 348.57 "' 107 P E Lewis 76.50M 108 Bert Frewing 8.00m 109 Tigard Lumber Co 1.55 110 Neptune Meter Co .38- 111 Wm Aries 3.50- w- 112 G M Leslie 96.80" 113 Postmaster 15.00• 114 State Industrial Aced Comm 1.97- 115 Schubring 8o Biederman 22.76- 575.03 ORDERED That proprietors of apartments, auto courts etc supplying water to tennants thru one meter are to be given a commercial rate for water. This order to become effective as of June 1 1945. RESIGNATION of P E Lewis as Superintednent accepted as of August 31 1945. Mr. A. G. Carpenter was appointed Commissioner to fill mat the vacancy tom of G M Leslie until next regular election. He was duly sworn in. BALANCE SHEET Cash in bank June 30 1945 $ 1, 659.41 Water collections July 1945 705.90 �.. Meter collections July 1945 100.00 Water deposits 6.00 Divident WFS&L Assn 62.50 2,533.81 Cash in bank July 30 1945 1,733. 24 Bills paid July 10 1945 800.57 2,533.81 CASH ACCOUNT Cash in bank July 30 1945 $ 1,733.24 WFS & LAssn Bert 5,000.00 War Bonds 7,998.00 14.761.24 �rw a. Q4-44004., e airman 1 r i. .�i ADJOURNED ._:- - _ - Secy-Treas